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Visceral Seeking A Few Good Men For Third Army Of Two

Okay, so the sequel was much better than the original title, so shouldn't a third be just…awesome?

Several readers have pointed us in the direction of a few new job listings for EA Montreal: the studio that gave us the stellar Dead Space series and Dante's Inferno is looking for a senior producer and a lead environment artist . Both will be working on the Army of Two franchise, which EA calls a "multimillion selling hit." There's no doubt that The 40th Day was a more polished experience than the first Army of Two , which had a few glaring issues. We'd expect nothing less than another step in the right direction, so we'll be looking forward to the official announcement for Army of Two …um…3.

Maybe they should just add in another character and call it "Army of Three." It would avoid any problems associated with the title.

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13 years ago

I really liked the 1st one for some reason. Didn't play the 2nd. I'm visceral will deliver.

13 years ago

I played them back to back and the second is leaps and bounds ahead of the first. I would pick it up at some point

13 years ago

I enjoyed the 1st one, & the second one's sitting in my huge backlog of games still to play yet.

But I'm all for a 3rd one!

13 years ago

I haven't played any of them, I kind of prefer to be the only main character on the screen unless it's an RPG. Are the games worth playing if you know you'll never be doing any coop?

13 years ago

speaking of RPGs, I've given up making my RPG for now until get a little more experience, but I will continue to refine the story and learn my programs and maybe a new one. I'll keep you posted.

13 years ago

You could always take the mean time to write up some scenarios and script you want to include.

13 years ago

trust me I'm on it. I don't wanna come off as arrogant,but IMHO I think I already have something that rivals most Final Fantasies, at least story wise. maybe I should just try to sell my ideas and use the money to go to school.

13 years ago

I thought EA Montreal and Visceral (formerly EA Redwood Shores) were to different studios

Last edited by aaronisbla on 4/15/2011 1:06:40 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Yeah… that's what I'm trying to work out. Visceral isn't EA Montreal. You might want to look into that, Ben.

13 years ago

I'm slightly confused on that as well, but I think at the dev site they list ea montreal.

13 years ago

I played the first one and enjoyed parts of it and had some issues with other parts. I never played the second due to the issues with the first, but if it's improved that much I might have to pick it up and try it out.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I was excited about the first one… but it just dropped off for me. Not sure why. I never got interested in the second, and I don't think that the third will draw me in. Although if you've made some sort of error and Visceral IS actually behind the third, I'll have to look into it more. They're a damned good studio.

13 years ago

ahhhhhhhh visceral never did the army of 2 series.
anyway, id love to see a new army of 2 game, army of 2 the 40th day is the best shooter ive played this gen!
so satisfying blowing a enemies head off with a sniper riffle, seeing his head explode, and a small fountain of blood spray out!
the best part was the customization, on the fly you can pause the game and make whatever changes to your weapon you want!
really cool how they have tried to turn it into a more conscious series too, constantly giving the player the choice to kill or not to kill someone.

that is of course as long as visceral are not working on it.
i would much rather them do a dantes inferno 2, if not then dead space 3, but for the love of god, put us back in the tight confined spaces of the original game!
DS was awesome because you were in confined spaces, when enemies appeared you were surrounded you could not move!
that made you claustrophobic, and start to panic.
DS2 though, o a enemy racing towards you?
who cares, just turn around and run!
how am i suppose to get scared if i can just run away?
hard to feel threatened by something if it cant touch you!

13 years ago

Best shooter this gen? i have this game on my 360, its very generic, nothing about it screams 'best shooter this gen'

13 years ago

its a hell of allot more fun then other shooters!
has boss battles, which most dont.
has heaps of various tactics to take out varying enemies, which most dont.
most games like KZ, the way you take out a LMG guy is the same way you take out a SMG guy.
has heaps of weapon customizations, which most dont.
has on the fly weapon customization, which most dont.
has decent story, which most dont.
lets the player choose a few sequences, which most dont.
only thing that needs to be improved apon the 40th day is its length, and polish.

13 years ago

Dont pay him any mind. I'm pretty sure he's just trolling right now. Everyone KNOWS its not the BEST shooter this gen…gtfoh

13 years ago

Army of two sucks and they'll need more then a few "good men" they'll need alot of great men to fix that mess. Hopefully its a reboot and is interesting

13 years ago

the trailers for it were so great, but like Haze, it was over-hyped.

13 years ago

It may have been more so overhyped but the game was still very solid and even better if you played with a friend. The AI for a co-op game like this is just unacceptable. Ao2 40th day still doesnt belong in the same sentence as Haze…ew

13 years ago

would love a third one for one veeery simple reason,
so far with the previous two, when they have come out me and a mate have linked for a weekend and when we werent out we'd just play this non stop til we finished.
And both times were great, so im looking forward to a new oppurtunity to do that agin 😛

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