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THQ Announces New Stuntman

2002's Stuntman for the PS2 opened our eyes to the world of outrageous stunt driving for films, although it wasn't exactly a simulator. In real life, you generally attempt one or two stunts at a time, not fifty, and therefore, the game ended up being one of the most difficult and frustrating titles of the generation.

However, it was still tons of fun, and a sequel is in the works. Unveiled by Atari last year, Stuntman: Ignition has officially been announced by THQ. You see, it really isn't up to Atari anymore, as THQ acquired the licensing rights to the game from Atari – and in so doing, also acquired the developer, Paradigm Entertainment – last May. This sequel is being prepared for the PS2, PS3, and Xbox 360, and should be ready some time this summer.

The same premise will be on display, as you'll have to take control of a variety of stunt vehicles for several feature films. And like the original, Ignition isn't limited to cars; the new installment will feature 25 different types of vehicles, from motorcycles to hovercraft. This sounds somewhat similar, but we are also getting the addition of online multiplayer, which will be stuntman vs. stuntman in all its wild 'n crazy action. We'll even be able to create our own stunts on our own movie sets!

We just have one question- is it going to be as outrageously taxing or are we gonna get a bit of break this time? Perhaps something slightly more realistic…? Professional stuntmen don't fail 90% of the time, regardless of how difficult the stunt, you know. They fail, they die . So let's have a more accessible challenge level this time, m'kay?

Related Game(s): Stuntman Ignition