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EA: Our Bad Company 2 Topped Call Of Duty Last Year

This November, it will very likely be Battlefield 3 vs. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in the FPS heavyweight bout. And while most publishers would be intimidated by going up against Activision's CoD, EA has expressed plenty of confidence in their horse.

Executive Producer Patrick Bach first referenced the review scores for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 last year. It's worth mentioning because if you check with any given community online, many will say BC2 turned out to be a better shooter than Black Ops . Said Bach:

"Asking the community and the reviewers which was the better game (between Bad Company 2 and Black Ops), we had the higher score. So we've already built a better game in theory, but I think it's just based on the trust everyone has in DICE and in us building Battlefield games in general."

Of course, just because Bach and the rest of the gang at EA and DICE are certain of a critical success, they're not about to make any predictions when it comes to the sales contest. But he once again made one very clear statement; after saying he doesn't know if Battlefield 3 will outperform the new CoD, he added, "if you have the better product, why wouldn't you?" Well, that's a darn good question, and one we touch on in our recent editorial .

Whatever happens, it'll be interesting to see the clash of the titans in November. Sorry, we can't exactly count Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception ; it's an exclusive title and therefore disqualified in any discussion concerning overall sales potential.

Related Game(s): Battlefield 3

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13 years ago

I think they had the better game as an overall package. Definitely graphics wise. But I couldn't get into BFBC2. Don't know why. But I did however like MoH better than BlackOps, don't know that that means anything but it's a rough world out their for shooters competing with eachother.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/8/2011 9:49:49 PM

13 years ago

I loved moh! Heard they're working on another one too. Plus the new battlefield is using the same engine that moh used, so can't wait for battlefield 3, and I def think it's gonna beat mw3.

13 years ago

Hey friction,
Battlefield 3 will use updated engine Frostbite 2.0. MOH had two different engine in it. Unreal Engine 3 for singleplayer and Frostbite 1.5 for mutli. DICE only did the multi for MOH. Another EA Studio did the singleplayer.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Battlefield 3 has enough potential to beat Call of Duty in my opinion. Black Ops is a bad presentation on what will happen to CoD down the road. While Call of Duty has been building negative opinions by the individual, due to the fact that Call of Duty is the same exact engine & gameplay since Call of Duty 4; Battlefield has been doing the exact oposite by changing the way we play an online FPS. It has all sorts of vehicles, from Air, to Land, to Sea. Completely destructible enviorments & the awesome HD picture. Lets not forget the right balance of realism & fun. So im my opinion it has potential. While Call of Duty is making its community grow boredom, Battlefield is building a better community with a better game. I even think that down the road, Battlefield will destroy Call of Duty!

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 4/8/2011 10:01:57 PM

13 years ago

I do want to give Bad Company a shot some time. I liked the more open feeling campaign design from the demo.
As for CoD.
I view Treyarch as the secondary Quarterback of CoD games. I wish they just wouldn't make any CoD's and go do something else. Every one of Treyarch's games feel underwhelming and less well designed compared to what IW had accomplished the year before it. Black Ops had more bugs, design issues, and lopsided pacing. But I guess it doesn't really matter to me anymore. The IW that was is no longer the IW that is.
I anticipate the greatness of the CoD series has gone with the majority of the team who left Activision.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

COD has got so many zealots playing that it doesn't matter if BF:BC3 is a better game,COD is like a lifestyle/religion for lots of angry kids who just need a girlfriend but don't know it because they are too busy playing COD and being angry.

Last edited by Lord carlos on 4/8/2011 10:16:37 PM

13 years ago

Hey, man, you're really supposed to be saying this.

Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.

It is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your father, are now mine.


Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

Everthing that has transpired has done so according to my desire.

13 years ago

BF3 has the potential to be a great game don't know yet till you play it, but BO was prolly the worst CoD and it sold the most. What does that tell you? More and more people are buying it because they think its fun. MW3 will easily sell more than BF3. People stick to what they are comfortable with. Because these games are coming out around the same time people who can only afford to buy 1 game and they have enjoyed CoD and thats what their friends play their going to buy that not BF3. It's not saying BF3 is a bad game just people generally stick with what they know best. Little kids especially will only play CoD. You know Activision will have a huge MW3 ad campaign and it will make everyone want it. Activision can say "it's a completely new game" and it will sell. When we all know its the same exact game. EA was dumb to try and challenge CoD.

13 years ago

Dude, the last Battlefield sold over 5 million copies last time I heard, so even if it doesn't beat CoD in sales its not gonna flop. In other words, EA's gonna make it hard for people to decide which game is better and which game they should get, so in the end even if they don't sell as much they're still going to sell more than 5 million (since its a sequel to a popular series, and sequels to popular series usually pull in more people with each new entry).

13 years ago

The Battlefield series has always been more enjoyable, for me at least. Ever since the first game in the series came out 10 or 11 years ago, there hasn't really been a bad entry in the series, except the recent Play4Free title. That abomination is just horrible in it's current state. Call of Duty started out great since it was a fresh take on the WWII shooter genre, but after each one I just couldn't see myself playing them for very long and always went back to Battlefield.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 4/8/2011 10:38:26 PM

13 years ago

If the multiplayer is anything like Bad Company 2, this is going straight to the top of my shooter wishlist.

In fact, apart from Duke Nukem Forever and Resistence 3, it's the only war shooter on my wishlist.

After playing the same CoD game 4 years in a row, I doubt MW3 will bring much new to the table. Plus, with a CoD on each console and on PC, (CoD 4 on PC, MW2 on PS3, BlOps on 360) I really don't need another CoD.

Battlefield has vehicles, destructible environments AND larger squad-based maps, allowing for longer play sessions. I don't have the attention span of a flea, meaning I like to be able to move about and do stuff for a while before dying once again. CoD is simply respawn, fire a few shots, die in 10 seconds, respawn, repeat. I really do NOT get how people can stand those kinds of games?!?! So repetitive!!

I'm just hoping that I can convince any of my CoD loving friends to get Battlefield 3 insead of MW3, but judging from opinions going around, many have already been persuaded and this can only be a good thing.

It's about time popularity and sales numbers go to the quality title with deep gameplay and excellent features, not the faster and dumber title leading the world and making other developers go down the same dumb and fast road for bigger sales.

Thank God for the success of Heavy Rain, right?

13 years ago

I'm not big on the FPS scene, but I've always enjoyed battlefield over Cod. I have never been able to figure out why they are always behind in sales and sadly it'll probably turn out the same way come november.

13 years ago

Battlefield FTW

13 years ago

COD will continue to kill the competition because they have the name recognition, momentum, and fanbase, but Battlefield is the more dynamic shooter. its okay though, they're just games.

13 years ago

"I am teh COD, genuflect before me!"

*fans genuflect*

13 years ago

so if your game has a higher score then your game is better?
ok, in that case GTAIV is better because if memory serves me well, no game this gen has gotten as many 10s as GTAIV did!
what happened to the good old days where publishers and developers were modest?
im really starting to get sick of all this willy waving!
dont let your mouth write checks your game cant cash!

13 years ago

You must be tired from all the complaining you do. I suggest a nap.

13 years ago

You must be tired from all the complaining you do. I suggest a nap.

13 years ago

Technically speaking there's no doubt in my mind that Bad Company 2 was the better game of the two. The destructible environment alone made it better, as well as the AI.
True, COD has the enormous fanbase, but I've said it before: The COD period will not last forever. And Battlefield has a *very* strong legacy from the PC platform. They know how to make good multiplayer experiences, and bc2 proved that.

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/9/2011 4:10:51 AM

13 years ago

plus it looked like a game from this gen and not from ps2.

13 years ago

Don't underestimate Skyrim in November. I think it will sell like hot cakes.

But about these two titles, I think BC2 was a FAR superior game when compared to Black Ops despite being released about 8 months beforehand. We all know that Battlefield 3 deserves the sales but as usual, the sheeple will flock to their GameStop to pick up their annual rehashed Call of Duty fix.

Last edited by Sithis on 4/9/2011 4:46:02 AM

13 years ago

I know a lot of people are saying that they're gonna go with Battlefield 3 this year, but I won't believe in the fall of CoD until I see the poor sales numbers with my own eyes.

Honestly, even if MW3 is a little lacking compared to CoD 4 and MW2, it will still sell more than Battlefield 3 simply on name alone.

Call of Duty is associated with all shooters now. There were 50 year old teachers I'd met who'd heard of it, and they never play video games. Call of Duty has been in the news, on the radio, heck, I bet that nearly every member on PSXextreme has a Call of Duty game of some type, whether it be CoD4, W@W, MW2 or Black Ops.

"Do not underestimate the power of the dark side!"

13 years ago

A lot of the reasoning behind why people don't like BFBC2 was cuz of the squad based gameplay. I thought that was a definite reason to get into it but I guess people would rather show off how good they are by themselves rather than making a good team. Selfish pride?

13 years ago

You're damn right it topped CoD last year. As long as you can advertise the hell out of the game, EA, you'll be a contender.

13 years ago

EA and Dice need to shut the f$%k up about COD, it's getting annoying. We get it, talk more about BF3 and show us some multiplayer gameplay instead of talking about how much COD sucks which I'm not disagreeing with.

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