Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception info. …we don't need a better or more alluring introduction.
Thanks to details gathered from the Official PlayStation Magazine (via SystemLink ), we learn more about the gameplay and environment; in addition to what we already knew (Drake in a dynamic, realistic desert, for instance), there's the following:
— Drake and Sullivan are in the Empty Quarter, looking for the Iram Of The Pillars, a kind of Arabian Atlantis.
— Bike sections are all but confirmed. There's a newspaper cutout in the teaser trailer that mentions motorcycles, and Naughty Dog says "We have a strong tradition of vehicular gameplay, and we try not to repeat ourselves."
— Villain Katherine Marlowe is part of an secret order that dates back to Queen Elizabeth I.
— "Of course, there are recurring characters from previous games." (Elena, Chloe…?)
— A new melee system, with features like Drake picking up a bottle from a table and smashing it over an enemy's head. There are also new stealth moves and mechanics.
Last but certainly not least, we take great solace in knowing that Naughty Dog doesn't intend for Uncharted to be a trilogy. If it were, it would have to end with this game…and we'd be sad. But they say Drake's Deception will "most likely not be his last outing" and Naughty never thought of it as a trilogy.
Sooooo good to know. 🙂
Related Game(s): Uncharted 3
Wow pick up objects during fights awesome just like Yakuza!
WOW! This game just keeps getting better & better! Its always top notch.
Plplayed the 2 uncharted games and I even platinumed it twice ! One for me and one for my buddy
You must be one hell of a friend!
I guess… My next platinum is gonna be re5 we will plat it co op online
Last edited by DirtySkillzHD on 4/8/2011 5:01:06 PM
come on real treasure hunters dont just stop after 3 stories! Drake has to much going for him to stop after 3 games. this game is gonna be fighting infamous 2 for goty. well that new elder scrolls is gonna be a huge contender im sure. anyway the point is i want this game!
I'm real happy it wasn't a trilogy. The story and the gameplay comes different in every package. It's like buying a different game every time the next part comes out.
So the Uncharted series will continue like the Bond franchise. Sounds good to me.
Last edited by FatherSun on 4/8/2011 12:53:00 PM
God of War and Metal Gear Solid haters imitation:
HELL NO! I want to see something new after Uncharted 3.
It's getting old, come on, make something new. Uncharted 3 is not as good as Uncharted 2.
Let Drake move on
-end of imitation
Elena and Chloe is all I need! Seriously though, this game's going to be beautiful. Liking the melee details. I love games that let you pick up objects and make traps, etc. I swear, it's my ninja instincts… or something like that.
As long as the story is fresh, I could stand to see Uncharted 20 (or more)
I feel similarly Highlander!
The #1 reason why Elder Scrolls V has to wait.
i want it now
Can't wait to see this game in 3D. It's going to be something serious. I just know it… Anyways, this will be game of the year. I'm already calling it. I really don't think ND are going to disappoint anyone. Especially with how high expectations are. My expectations… They'll deliver 10 fold.
m waiting for UC3 3D too. I am hoping that it will blow me away. #D has been good for me so far but not mindblowing as of yet.
Yeah. more news please. uncharted is the best series this gen. well to many and to me as well.
can't wait.
Best franchise of the 7th generation so far,by one of the best videogame developers of all time.
D1 purchase.
I so called the motorcycle chase.
I wonder if we will see the bikes and/or jeeps in the multiplayer. That would be interesting.
it'd be awesome! at least some vehicular combat on some maps would def make the MP epic in that regard.They threw jet packs into killzone, why not some motorcycles into Uncharted?
That would be a great addition to the multi-player….
LOL, you beat me to it.
I hope they use either an old military Harley, an old Indian Chief, or even an old Vincent Black Shadow if they need a smaller more light weight bike.
Just my own opinion, but I think any of those three would look authentically awesome in Uncharted.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 4/8/2011 11:21:44 PM
We be sad indeed but tell that to all those naysayers how don't want to see another God of War or Metal Gear Solid. 😉
God of War III and MGS4 ended on such strong notes, though. They wrapped the plot points and gave great conclusions to each series' characters. It all depends on the ending. Uncharted's first two games were done-in-one stories so technically they could go on forever. The point I'm trying to get at is that you shouldn't continue a story past its prime because then you'll just end up losing the fans. A spin-off is a completely different beast, though. If they wanted to make a new GoW starring Kratos' brother or a new MGS with Meryl as the lead, I'd be all over it. As far as Kratos and Solid Snake go, though, I believe that they deserve a break. They'll be back eventually, though… no worries (just imagine a PS4 launch with GoW4 and MGS5 — that'd be epic).
Naysayers begone. If a series maintains its quality I see no reason to end it. If it degrades then it is best to let it rest.
@tridon, I agree. Ending a story is very different than ending a franchise. They can take a break but you can't put Kratos to sleep forever. Or Snake. PS4 releasing with GOW and MGS5 would be monu-mental.
Bring on GOW4. MGS5. UC3, 4, 5,…..
Last edited by FatherSun on 4/8/2011 2:16:42 PM
Still no mention of Elena. 🙁
Elena is with me now. Drake lost his chance. LOL.
She really liked clowns.
Does this game has destructible environment?
In the Making of an Announcement documentary, there's a 5 second clip of Drake destroying a building with an RPG. So I'm hoping there's some destructibility in the game.
"Drake's Deception will "most likely not be his last outing" and Naughty never thought of it as a trilogy."
Best news I've seen all year!! HURRAHH!!
uc is great series that has done a lot to help create a lot of positive buzz for the ps3. i remember the reactions to uc2 from many in the industry coming out of e3. it was just great to hear the ps3 getting so much love. than you nuaghty dog for doing that, and giving us such a great series.
I really hope we get to control the motorcycle in the chases, but even if we don't I'll be happy they included a motorcycle sequence in the first place.
The melee improvements are just sounding crazy. You can get grabbed by a guy and fight another guy off whilst simultaneously getting out of the grip of the guy who's holding you, you can take a guy's gun and smack him in the head with it, and now we learn you can pick up bottles and smash a guy in the head with it. Add in fact that you can drop down on guys and knock them out, and all the new stealth moves and mechanics, and you've got a hell of a lot of additions to the melee system.
And I'm really glad to hear that Drake's not over with his adventures just yet. I remember seeing an article on IGN that ND said they only wanted to make 3 Drake games this gen and that was it (or something like that), but I'm glad that they decided not to do that. As long as they keep making these incredible additions and improvements with each new game, I'll be happy.
Considering the standalone nature of the stories, it'd be silly for ND to look at it as a trilogy. Keep on bringing them I say.
Clearly there will be a focus on blending real history with mythology in this one as well, and I'm glad to hear that.
Something gives me the feeling that the bike sequences won't be all that different to the vehicle sections in the previous games, in that they're on-rails with you only performing perfunctory actions, but I hope that I'm wrong. I'd love to have a bit more control.
And environmental melee, as well as an expansion of the stealth mechanics? Awesome. Unwilling to wait for this game.
Uncharted shouldn't END period. This is one of those games that has such an epic story to it that it could last 2 more console generations 🙂
Trilogies are overrated. People throw that word around like it's going to make the series "more epic" if it's an all powerful trilogy. There hasn't been an epic trilogy since the LotR movies. What ND has with Uncharted is just great characters, great action and great storytelling. You don't chop that kind of talent off at three.
I've decided not to look at any new Uncharted 3 videos until the game comes out. It'll make my experience with the game even better if I don't know what's coming. I can wait 207 days for it to release. Right?
That's awesome, it means I'll have something to look forward to again and again and again. I'm going to go and nag my brother, he still hasn't played these yet.
Yay for stealth, awesome news.
Please don't be a triology, I want to see Uncharted 4 and more!
meh, this games going to suck!
just testing those sarcasm detectors.
hope they add destructible environments into this.
thats one thing i really missed with crysis 2.
DICE should start up a new course, and invite all developers and instruct them on how to do destructibility!
The Uncharted series is one of the series that you have to platinum for sure 🙂
This just makes me want it even more
Naughty Dog with Uncharted represents everything that is good in gaming. They know just how to tickle the ears and push the right buttons when giving the fans a new deeper experience while keeping what we love at the core. You can't say this about too many developers but I completely trust them.