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Splinter Cell Trilogy For PS3: 3D And 3 Great Titles

PlayStation loyalists may be unfamiliar, but we promise that Splinter Cell is a great stealth/action franchise that deserves a bigger audience.

We knew the series would be coming to the PlayStation 3 and now we have all the relevant details on the Splinter Cell Trilogy . As revealed at the PlayStation Blog , Ubisoft PR coordinator Alex Monney said they want to "provide the players with the best possible content." Therefore, they're porting the PC versions of the three titles in question, as they had "more content and detail compared to the PS2 versions." Featuring brilliant high-definition visuals, stereoscopic 3D, and new Trophies, we'll get the following: the original Splinter Cell , Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow , and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory . In our estimation, all are well worth playing, and remember that SC never really tried to be like Metal Gear Solid ; stealth fans will tell you the two franchises offer very different experiences.

I've played every SC installment and although I think they went seriously awry with the latest – Conviction – these three titles here remain three of my favorite games. Chaos Theory is still the best, I believe. If you missed out last generation, you gotta give this Trilogy a try.

Related Game(s): Splinter Cell Trilogy

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13 years ago

Pretty sweet, maybe after conviction they will go back to stealth and bring the game to the PS3.

13 years ago

Hopefully, Ubisoft's mail bin was loaded with so much convict-hate-mail they'll return to their roots with the series.

Overall, I liked Conviction. It has some good moments and features. The problem was trying to ignore what SC was compared to what it's trying to be. It went from being more of a simulator to being faster action with heavier shooting.
They should;ve just made it a TC: Splinter Cell "Rising" game where it's part of the universe but with a different identity. So fans know that it isn't trying to re-write the series history.

13 years ago

How was Double Agent?

13 years ago

It was ok, not the best out of the series nor terrible, but not the go to Splinter Cell game when you want to play one of em.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

What MadKat said.

13 years ago

Really? It's so cheap now and i want a stealth game as there is little of them.

Checked DA on Youtube and it looked OK.

I was opting for DA as it's this gen. Is it guaranteed that i'll get a better stealth experience with an older title and that the recommendations aren't coming from nostalgia areas??

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

If it falls into an empty slot in my gaming calendar then i'm sold.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I so am getting this!

13 years ago

I would be looking forward to this regardless, but I'm very disappointed in the fact that I'll likely get more enjoyment out of this than I did 'Conviction.' Hopefully the series' next official installment gets back on the right track.

But I'm also quite happy to hear that the PC versions are the ones being ported, since I played 'Splinter Cell' and 'Chaos Theory' on the PS2, and only ever played 'Pandora Tomorrow' on the Xbox.

13 years ago

Never got into Splinter Cell games

13 years ago

im really starting to like these collections they are doing. it really is bad ass to have 3 games on one disc. i have never played any of the splinter cell games but i heard they are good. i think i may have watched my cousin play one of them on the 1st box. hope these collections keep comin

13 years ago

I'll be getting this eventually. I've only played chaos theory which I loved. My only qualms with it was the fact that it had coop missions, but me and my friend beat them in 2 sittings. Don't remember the hours, but it really didn't take long.

Still I look forward to getting it and playing the first 2 and replaying chaos theory.

13 years ago

Getting this day one. This is still my favorite multiplatform series ever, even though Conviction was complete garbage. I really dont even count that turd as part of my beloved Splinter Cell series.

13 years ago

I hated how they removed a lot of the good stealth gameplay, but I liked how Sam changed for the story from basically only stealth to Jack Bauer style, just wish they had kept all of the stealth gameplay to so one could play the old fashioned way if they wanted too.

13 years ago

Exactly. You could go balls-out shooting everyone in the first three, but the game was never about that. In Conviction, you were encouraged shoot every one you see with no consequenses. If I wanted to do that, Id just play Gears of Duty or Call of War or whatever is popular nowadays. It just doesnt belong in Splinter Cell.

Last edited by HighOnFire on 4/7/2011 2:04:27 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Saw Pandora Tomorrow yesterday selling for $16. I was about to pick it up when I remembered this collection. Can't wait for it.

13 years ago

I cant wait to get this! I love Splinter Cell. It would be nice for Conviction to come to the PS3, my replacement 360 died and I don't want to get a new one.

13 years ago

All I want to know now is the release date for this bad boy

13 years ago

Thank goodness. That's great that they're porting them from the PC versions. The Xbox versions were essentially ports of the PC games. I'll be certain to add this to my library at some point.

Man, too many games to play and so little time.

13 years ago

When I saw the picture of Splinter Cell Conviction I thought that the game was coming to PS3. Now I'm kinda mad that its not.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Don't be.

13 years ago

Never played any of the Splinter Cell games but from what I heard these are a Day 1 purchase.

13 years ago

This was my favorite series when I was an xboxer. So glad to see this coming to the PS3 so I can play them again in glorious HD with the bonus of trophies.

13 years ago

meh…..never really liked splinter cell…..always prefered mgs now make a hd mgs remake!

13 years ago

Cool, I heard this was possibly gonna happen. I've only beaten the first Splinter Cell, and it was pretty fun

13 years ago

Only ever played Chaos Theory, but that was a hell of a good time so I'm looking forward to this. Plus, the fact that they're porting the PC versions makes it even better.

13 years ago

Great, I'm looking forward to this one.

But Sony, there's still a little pressing matter that I want to talk to you about…..

…the complete Syphon Filter collection in HD.

"MAKE IT SO"!!!!!!

13 years ago

Word up!

13 years ago

It's the code word!

13 years ago

Cool. But where's the MGS HD collection?

Red 5
Red 5
13 years ago


Well, We NEED a REMAKE of Metal Gear Solid 3 – Subsistence, not an upgrade, don't you think? About Splinter Cel HD, that's good news but, I hope they put the Co-Op missions in "Chaos Theory".
Red 5.

13 years ago

OH F*CK YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that made my week!
thank god, now i wont need to look to my ps2 or ps1 for my entertainment!
now all i need is a DMC and R&C HD collection and im set!
especially R&C, im trying to find R&C up your arsenal but its impossible to find!
by far the best R&C game ever made!!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago

Hd upgrades are good and all but where is conviction for ps3?

Last edited by hadouken on 4/8/2011 10:18:11 AM

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