In this industry, great games typically sell well. But when it comes to the most popular of all time, our readers think it's a different story.
We recently learned that Activision owned 5 of the top 10 most popular video games in history – all five from the Call of Duty and Guitar Hero franchises – and while those games garnered high review scores, their lofty position implies the best of the best…and not everyone agrees. In our estimation, the games in question are worthy of attention and legitimately earned at least some of those high scores, but to have them dominate the all-time top ten doesn't seem quite right. Then again, remember that such a list discounted any titles packed in with hardware ( Super Mario Bros. , Wii Sports , etc.) and the researchers didn't adjust for inflation. They admit that if they did, Super Mario Bros. 3 would be the runaway winner. Even so, the most massive sales in the world doesn't necessarily translate to the best games ever made, right?
This week, we're interested in learning a little more about you. Besides gaming, what's a favorite hobby of yours? Do you like to read when you're not playing? Or are you more of an active type? A movie buff? Into art? Something else? Just let us know; maybe we'll be able to use that information in the future. 🙂
Ben you really should have allowed the ability to choose multiple answers for the new update. I love doing painting, photography, drawing, reading, playing the drums and guitar. Not mention I love listening to heavy metal :D.
Just pick your favorite. 🙂
Lol it was hard as hell for me to choose for me to. But I guess I love movies more then reading, but if I get an amazing book I usually can't stop.
Hey Bugz…Im a metalhead myself. Who are you listening to these days?
Last edited by HighOnFire on 4/3/2011 10:50:32 PM
Metalheads? Awesome!
Right now, my CD player in the pickup has Obscura- Omnivium, Korpiklaani- Ukon Wacka, Avantasia- Angel of Babylon, Cradle of Filth- Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa, Himsa- Summon in Thunder(miss them), Death- Sounds of Perseverance (2011 re-release), Skeletonwitch- Breathing the Fire, Lordi- Babez for Breakfast, Ov Hell- The Underworld Regime and, Tarja Turunen- What Lies Beneath.
I'm excited for the new Wolf, Alestorm, Leaves' Eyes, Scar Symmetry, Tyr, and Miseration albums this year.
What are you listening to?
Got another one right here! m/(>,<)m/
My favorite bands are Lamb of God, Slayer, Megadeth, Dethklok, slipknot, Rammstein, Korn, The Contortionist, Disturbed and many more.
PorkChop: Good list. You pulled out a few Ive never listened to, Ill have to check em out. I do listen to Himsa,Scar Symmetry, and a few others on your list however. Ive got a ton of bands I love but right now its all about Amon Amarth-Surtur Rising. Viking swedish death metal at its finest.
Bugz: Ive seen Lamb of God several times and got to meet Randy Blythe. Good band.
Rammstein! can't get enough of Du Hast!
i listen to the soothing tunes of justin bieber
i'm just sayin' he sounds like an angel
I'm a Metal head as well, i will list a couple i have been listening to as well;
Ex Deo
The Agonist
Amon Amarth
Last edited by Clamedeus on 4/4/2011 1:46:26 PM
@Crunchy_nut_kid…GTFO, the door's that way.
I was one of those who voted "Popularity doesn't always equal quality"
As for the new poll, two words…..
"My Harley"
He enjoys biking >_> Wow dude.
Harley Davidson… it's a motorcycle brand… a popular one… a VERY popular one… people who know nothing about bikes have heard of them… Tie that in with the fact his name is "BikerSaint"… and it shouldn't need explaining. Why am I explaining? I'm going home now.
Yeah you needn't explain this to anyone haha
Wow, what 'dude'? Don't play me like I'm stupid just because I didn't know the name of some bike. I don't care for motor bikes AT ALL, so how the hell should I know about what he's talking about? It's not common knowledge >.>
Last edited by The Doom on 4/4/2011 11:33:50 PM
It is very common knowledge, I'm not into biking either but to say you are ignorant to that name is almost unbelievable. And don't put words into my mouth I never called you any names, so chill out.
What words did I put in your mouth? First you say
"He enjoys biking >_> Wow dude." and then tell the other person that he doesn't need to explain anything, and THEN go on to say that knowledge of the name is common knowledge; wouldn't that suggest that you're implying that I was oblivious or something? No, knowing some popular brand isn't common knowledge and if I recall something in the popular media doesn't qualify it as common knowledge. And clearly I have a reason to be upset so don't tell me to 'chill out'. And for the record DON'T call me ignorant just because I didn't know about some bike name.
Last edited by The Doom on 4/5/2011 2:47:06 PM
You said I was thinking of you as stupid, I never said anything like that
And you are ignorant if you refused to seek out information of the name, maybe you should look up the definition pal, you have something stuck up your ass bud, and it sure as hell isn't my Thumbs down or up. You really have no reason to be upset, so calm down. Oh and yes if it's popular it means EXACTLY that it's common, nice try though.
Last edited by JMO_INDY on 4/5/2011 9:16:50 PM
I don't get to read much for pleasure these days but I definitely prefer that over the others. Though I have been watching anime when I can. Eden of the East is pretty good.
Just wish I had time to write.
Used to love watching movies, but most of them are so horrible nowadays, it's not even worth the time. But anime still gets it's fair share of viewing time. Can't read as much as I used to due to work, so I have to pick up more audiobooks now. Lots of board gaming too, real board games mind you, not those things you buy from Wal-Mart.
If you go into a movie knowing it won't be so great you can still get some pleasure, or just watch the worst movies possible cuz they can be entertaining in that way.
Easy choice for me, piano and violin player if that gives anything away 😉
good man always nice to see people playing instruments
i can play guitar but am trying to learn piano aswell
But can you play them at the same time! :p
hehe i bet he can lol!
On a good day, an dif my toes are feeling nimble haha. I highly reccomend the piano, women LOVE a pianist 😉
"women LOVE a pianist"
hehe made me lol
You got it 😉
lol true true!
I quit piano when I was in grade 8 of the Royal Conservatory of Music series. My mom's a voice teacher, so I guess when I got into high school a little further, I moved away from my parent's interests and tried to establish my own, I guess. lol. I dunno. Kinda too bad I quit…
Nothing better than a hammock, a lemonade and a decent book.
I picked movie/tv because that's what I do most often, but if it's the right book, then reading wins. I love a great book series, but I can usually watch a movie or tv series while I play some games.
I like to grind levels in rpgs while watching a good tv series. Great way to enjoy 2 things I love at the same time. I can't really do that with a book, but the books always are the best quality.
I'm stuck between sports and movies. Besides gaming I watch my crappy sports teams, and if I'm doing neither I watch movies.
Music is amazing, give me a guitar and amp when I'm in the right mood and I find it hard to stop.
It was hard for me to choose… but I really love all sorts of art – from poetry to painting and of course photography. (does love count as a form of art? :P)
Super Mario 3 is the real winner here.
quantity never has and never will equate quality!
one would think the more popular something is the better it is because, well, if somethings crap why would it be popular?
but then, that just goes to show how many mindless zombie sheep there are out there!
as for the new pole id have to say reading.
i would of chose movies and TV shows, but they have really gone down the sh*tter just like games lately!
take almost everything, and it was better 10 or 20 years ago!
cars were prettier, and surprisingly more reliable!
games were much more fun!
music, was, just plain better!
give me ACDC, KISS, G&R, metallica over any crap released today!
same goes for movies!
take any genre you want, it was better back in the day!
well, naked gun, flying high or the pink panther series kicks the royal sh*t out of anything Hollywood can throw at you today!
well, alien kicks the royal sh*t out of anything Hollywood can throw at you today!
partly because the genre is changed.
back in the day horror was the unknown, today its all about either serial killers, or what i like to call torture porn AKA saw, hostel, ect,ect.
well, give me the lethal weapon series over any blockbuster hit released today!
you could say the same about books, but thats because as the genres of movies changed books had to follow suit.
the old horror titles of the greatest horror author of all time Stephen king will sadly be a thing of the past!
i just dont enjoy things of today as much as i did yesteryear.
especially movies!
10 years ago going to the movies was a weekly trend, i use to really look forward to it and always left satisfied.
nowadays i have not left a cinema satisfied since i saw inception!
even TV shows.
the simpsons, futurama, tom and jerry, the loony tunes.
all freaking past time freaking classics!
especially loony tunes, by far one of my favorite things!
todays shows though, family guy, american dad, all the drama crap, or even the simpsons just are not as funny or enjoyable!
every time i watch a new episode of the simpsons, i find myself digging the old DVD collection out and watching some of the old ones, because the new ones just are not funny!
only thing i can say is better today then yesterday is technology, but is not always a good thing is technology.
as a wise man once said, the more gadgets the more things that can go wrong!
games use to be about the entertainment, how fun they were to play.
movies use to also be about the entertainment, how enjoyable and engrossing were they to watch.
nowadays though there not, there not judged by how entertaining they are but by how many special effects they can cram into them!
that is a way how technology has not enhanced things, but has instead made them worse!
tis why older games will always be more fun then newer games!
because older games were made to be fun, newer games are built to be quite the opposite!
GTAIV perfect example, games in the old days, like GTA san andreas and vice city let you do things just because they were fun!
yea they were unrealistic, but who gives a %$#@!?
GTAIV on the other hand would say ohhhhhhhh noooooooooooo, you cant do that its far too unrealistic!
i guess you could hook this all up to hindsight, things always look better looking back then during the time.
but then the fact remains games are no where near as fun as they use to be!
part of that could be chalked down to the repetitiveness of the industry.
back in the ps1 and ps2 days we had every genre under the sun, and more or less equal amounts of each.
now its 90% shooter, 1% open world, 1% action, 1% platformer, 1% sim be it music, car, 1% arcade racing, 1% puzzle and 4% hack and slash AKA GOW, dantes inferno, darksiders,PoP.
so partly could be blamed on the repetitiveness of the games industry, and part of it could be blamed on the developers.
back in the day games had to be well polished because there were no patches and if you made a poor game your neck was in a noose!
nowadays though if you make a buggy game who cares you can just patch it!
developers and publishers are allot more forgiving too, back in the day if obsidian did what there doing now, AKA turning out buggy piece of sh*t after buggy piece of sh*t they would of been bankrupt years ago!
nowadays publishers dont give a sh*t, as long as there back pockets are still overflowing there happy!
cough bethesda, ubisoft, antivison $E and how could i forget crapcom!
so yes part of it can be blamed on the repetitiveness of the industry, and yes it can also be partly blamed on the lazy shoddy developers and publishers.
BUT most of it is down to, as ive said many times, the entertainment of a game!
as ive horned a million times, if a game is not fun then what is the point!?
do we play games to enjoy ourselves, or do we play games to say ooooo that looks so pretty?
Man, are you not happy in life or what? Almost every post I read of yours is always negative or unhappy sounding. There is so much great stuff out nowadays it's hard to keep up. It is your opinion though and I'm not looking to argue with you so don't take it that way.
WTF does that have to do with anything?
if i see the quality of things lower then what they use to be, then how am i suppose to react?
nothings as entertaining as its medium use to be!
for example i love watching the older epps of the simpsons, but the new ones bore me to death!
family guy even, series 1,2,3 i really enjoyed but anything after that is pure torture!
Sry, I only read massive posts like that written by people who have proven themselves.
__________ – You make some good points, but please start using capitals. It's hard to take you serious when you are ranting about being lazy when you are doing just that in not using proper capitalization!!
Anyways, I have my kids watching Looney Tunes, Pink Panther and Tom Jerry. Man those cartoons were good.
Agreed underdog
Dude, seriously, you have an obligation to everyone around you to at least pretend to be happy to avoid bothering them with your self loathing and unhappiness.
I suggest reading a book called Happiness is a Serious Problem. I'm not trying be be a jerk. I promise. Just take a look at it. It could help you enjoy life more than you currently do.
Optimists are here to keep the pessimists from loathing in self pity and unhappiness.
The pessimists exist to remind the optimists of this thing called reality.
Last edited by JMO_INDY on 4/4/2011 12:09:17 PM