If you want to immerse yourself in Duke's universe, you have to know how to think like Duke.
Duke Nukem Forever will launch on June 14 – we do believe that – and here's a new glimpse at something nuts, courtesy of a new video series: "What Would Duke Do?" It's a multiple choice game with an obvious answer but more importantly, the effect is preposterously awesome. And don't say it's unrealistic. This is Duke, for crying out loud.
Will we do that frequently? What else haven't we seen in the gameplay videos? This is just out of control but then again, we probably should've expected that, considering the subject material. This is one game that will pull no punches; we can promise you that.
Duke just plain rules. Simple as that.
poor duke
I hope there's a demo for it.
first access club members will be getting the demo any minute now!
there will be a demo available to everyone before release though.
Lol, your April Fools poop throwing vid is a little late.
is it a joke? Because this seems like it would fit.
This is the weirdest video I have ever seen for promotion of a game, but it did get my attention and I would like to fling some crap at enemies.
While I doubted I would get this game before, this has just solidified my plans.
I'd rather throw lightning in June than poo.
That video was the shit!
I guess this was funny, but I'm sorry…this Duke Nukem crap is stupid. I don't really understand people fascination with this game, but then again I do. I just find everything about this Duke Nukem thing to be adult swim late night crap that randomly funny. That is both a good thing and an insult. Either way, this is not on my radar.
Side Note: Anyone try Shift 2 Unleashed?…The handling is terrible and physics are questionable, but the racing is more intense and competitive than GT5. GT5 is the better game though.
LMFAO, that almost makes up for the delay!
Well, I don't know about y'all, but I'm willing to do my part and help with manufacturing ammo.
i preordered it but didnt get the demo, is it because they didnt gave it to me or because it's not out ?
Not out yet.
that was funny lol im gonna have so much fun doing that