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MotorStorm: Apocalypse: All 21 Online Perks Revealed

Perks aren't restricted to the Call of Duty universe, you know.

When you go to race online in the upcoming MotorStorm: Apocalypse , you'll have access to no less than 21 special perks; you can see the full list here . They're separated into three categories – Handling, Boost, and Combat – and there are some seriously cool bonuses for the savvy player.

In addition to more basic stuff like Burn Rubber (increased grip), Sunday Driver (improved brakes), and Chilled (faster boost cool-down rate), there are some niftier perks, like Part Fish (reduced water drag), Parting Gift (creates a shockwave whenever you wreck), and Immovable (rams against you are less effective). We can't wait to give this one a try; it appears to be an intense, all-out urban off-road racer of epic proportions. We've enjoyed past MotorStorm entries, but we have much higher expectations this time around. The footage we've seen is awesome.

After the delay announcement, we still don't have a North American release date, but we expect to see one soon.

Related Game(s): MotorStorm: Apocalypse

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13 years ago

I blame call of duty for making nearly EVERY game have a perk- based multiplayer. What happened to having online play that set your game apart from everyone else? No doubt perks are fun, but it shouldn't be in every game. You don't kill cod by trying to be like it.

13 years ago

How can an Offroad racer be trying to kill COD

Or are you talking more generally about online games because then Perks are a good thing as it can tailor to you… but in COD it gives the pros an even bigger advantage

13 years ago


13 years ago

No no no

Perks have been part of Arcade racers since way back.

13 years ago

whats wrong with perks i think its a good way to customize your stuff to suit your playing

13 years ago

Even if they are in every game there should be amode where at least no perks aloud

13 years ago

Day one purchase!

13 years ago

Big rally/off-road fan here, enjoyed the first 2, can't wait for this one.

These parks sound really fun, it'll diversify the playing field. It'll create unique drivers rather than everyone picking the same car.

I like the level of customization/perks they're putting into this game. They did a good starting job with it in Pacific Rift, but now they've added perks that really do matter in a race. Those water perks sound fun, also the shoving perks sound pretty cool.

This will compliment GT5's real life perfection very well.

I like Motorstorm because it's real yet extreme, a very nice mix of both which fits very well with Rally/off-road.

13 years ago

Off topic, but I'm still having that wallpaper error Ben and have been since Monday

Last edited by sonic1899 on 3/31/2011 3:17:37 PM

13 years ago

you are not the only one. ben has said he would get it fixed, but it has been a couple of days. maybe they think it's fixed, so it probably does not hurt to mention it again

13 years ago

Off topic also. Guys, I haven't bought a game for a while. Planning on buying two on amazon, what game should it be? I am going to buy Uncharted Among Thieves. So I need help on the second game purchase. What is a must buy for a shooter fan? (I also like racers that are very good) Is motorstorm worth buying?

13 years ago

You should go to forums for lots of ideas. Uncharted is a great start. I'm selling my copy of battlefield bad company 2. Best online shooter IMO. Original motorstorm you can find for ten bucks. I'll sell that to you also : ) seriously check out forums, your question comes up often.

13 years ago

Fact is, I don't really know what I want. I just want that feeling again of playing an awesome game. Last time I got it was when playing Resistance: Fall of Man, COD 4 and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. All amazing games, amazing experience

Last edited by helgso on 3/31/2011 4:52:55 PM

13 years ago

kz3 is a must buy for a shooter fan who enjoys online multiplayer. i would caution agaist a purchase if you are not taking it online though. the campign is about 5 hrs on normal difficulty, you can rent it and complete the story mode in a couple of nights.

crysis 2 boasts a 12 hr campign, and deeper online mode becuase of the different suit powers. it has stealth elements as well so you can really play the game anyway you want.

you really can't go wrong with either game, but if i had to pick 1 i'd say crysis2. it's a better value, and is a fresh take on the typical shooter.

13 years ago


If you haven't played it yet, it would most definitely be worth checking out "inFamous"

13 years ago

Ben, where's your thoughts on Sony cancelling The Agency? I'm bummed to hear that.

Stay Classy PSX

13 years ago

Ummm, easy D1P for me. Does anyone know what the release date is? I know it was 4/12/11 but has it changed because of Japan's woes? I understand why they changed the EU date but haven't actually heard that the US date has changed.

13 years ago

Delayed in the US too. Hopefully it comes sometime in May.

13 years ago

Uh, SA had no delays so I had a go with this in the store about 2 weeks ago. I'm overly impressed. It was pretty hard trying to find a path where, in some instances, everything looked the same. Only reason I didn't get the game is 'cause I bought 3 games for the equvalent of about 70 dollars.

13 years ago

The path part is about the previous game BTW

13 years ago

seriously bored of this!
dunno how you can have a racing game with such a fast pace, so much crap going on, but yet be boring!
i dunno, maybe because the levels feel so similar, and theres not exactly many different vehicles to play with.
play 10 levels, and you played the whole game!

motorstorm pacific 3D rift is sooooooooooo much better then this!
has HEAPS more 3D effects!
has much more variety!
and feels allot better!
the cars in apocalypse feel like a twist more towards sim, where the cars in 3D rift are distinctly arcade.
nice to hear there adding G27 wheel support to this, will be interesting to see if that makes it any more fun!
doubt it though, i mean how cant you get bored by playing the same sh*t for hours on end?
games are so god dam repetitive these days!

13 years ago

Hot Rod, Chilled, immovable. Those three will probably be the most used perks. 😮

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