As the console wars continue to kick it into high gear, more predictions and expectations flow through the Internet. The latest, provided in an abridged form by Gamasutra, sees the PS3 outselling both the 360 and Wii by 2010, despite the fact that "PS2-style dominance will not be repeated."
In looking at the numbers, the numbers show the PS3 claiming a victory in the Japanese and European markets, with the 360 owning the crown on U.S. soil (albeit by a slim margin over the PS3). The Wii will be a "distant third," but the report still recognizes Nintendo's great potential in the coming years: "Nintendo's strategy with the Wii is, at the moment, the great unknown…if Nintendo can make this work, the potential is absolutely huge."
It's all going to come down to software, like it always does, but for the sake of argument, let's just say the PS3 is looking better than expected. More reports like this one keep cropping up…they gotta mean something .