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DNF Multiplayer Modes: Slap The “Freaked Out” Babe

Yeah, well, controversy is all part of the plan.

The multiplayer modes for Duke Nukem Forever have been revealed in OXM (and soon grabbed by multiple sources, including ), and at first, there doesn't really seem to be anything out of the ordinary. There's Dukematch, Team Dukematch, Capture the Babe, and Hail to the King. Just a little play on words there, right?

Multiplayer will support 8 players with 4 vs. 4 only, 10 maps will be featured at launch – including an overhauled Dukeburger – and you earn experience with which we'll customize our very own Duke. But that Capture the Babe mode…well, there's this one feature that could very well incite plenty of controversy. As you're trying to make off with the other team's babe, she will occasionally "freak out;" at which point, you have to give her a little smack to calm her down.

…all right. We don't really have the specifics but Gearbox does say this is "more goofy than offensive," so it's not like we haul the chick into a corner and start whaling on her. But you know, this is the type of thing that could make headlines in all the wrong places, and with all the evil inflections and implications. As for the multiplayer experiences, Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford had this to say :

"Don't worry about it, we remember why we played Duke and part of that was wanting to get online and shrink you and break you into ice cubes, and so on, and the correct multiplayer experience for Duke Nukem Forever has to pay those things off. Some of the interesting questions are what it does beyond that, and that'll be exciting for people to discover and I'm really looking forward to that."

We have no comment on the issue, but what's your take? Is this harmless fun or are petitions and hate mail imminent? Maybe we actually have to see this "slap" in action first…

Related Game(s): Duke Nukem Forever

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13 years ago

Duke Nukem Forever at this point only has adult content and its infamous 14 year development going for it. It's going to struggle in a bloated FPS market.

13 years ago

Duke is exactly what the industry needs right now.

A game that is able to poke fun at all the seriousness in the industry.

I CANNOT WAIT to see the reaction of all those anti-freedom mothers in america when they see this game. HAHA thats gona be a hoot!

13 years ago


This. Is. Going. To. Blow.

13 years ago

I think in the 14 years they weren't introduced to PSN or XBOX Live..

So that 4v4.. does it require 2 PS3s, 2 TVs and a lan cable? Oh, an a big TV to accommodate the 4player split?

13 years ago

This isn't Battlefield, so 4v4 is perfectly acceptable and it worked really well with the original, and still does to this day. Also, the Left 4 Dead series is 4v4 and with around 8 million copies sold, it proves 4v4 has a place in the gaming world.

Also very happy to see the first official screenshot of Hitman 5 today.

Last edited by Geobaldi on 3/21/2011 11:54:52 AM

13 years ago

Geobaldi –

No it's not. Not when I regularly play 32 v 32 on MAG. 4 vs 4 is joke.

13 years ago

Where's the written industry standard that states any game with multiplayer MUST have support for such and such number of players to even be considered relevant? Gamers today really are becoming too greedy. There's plenty of room for various amounts of people in multiplayer, small or not.

13 years ago

My god! Why do people here hate Duke Nukem!? Hating CoD I can understand, but Duke Nukem??? The 4 v. 4 is still going to be amazing!

You buy Duke Nukem to play DUKE NUKEM, not MAG or Uncharted, or CoD. Why does multi-player have to be 50 v 50? Why can't it be like the old days where there were only 4 player slots? Perhaps all these haters did not grow up in the old days and are only used to CoD now. What a shame..

(Sorry for the rant, but all this hate is frustrating!)

13 years ago

Not that I expected you to know, but I am 37 years old, and I remember how gaming used to be.

I believe 4 on 4 will only mean one thing: And that's the lack of variety. That's what makes MAG so enjoyable to me. I don't run into the same camper in the same location, or the same spot with the same action. It's all about the variable.

Gamers of today are far more educated when it comes to their hobby. We are at the age of information therefore our expectations are higher. Throw in the rise in food and fuel prices, there is less to spend on games that do not meet those expectations.

13 years ago

What I'm trying to say is that you can't compare something like Duke Nukem to MAG. Why do all FPS games with multi-player have to be that big? I'm pretty sure you can still have a unique multi-player experience with smaller battles. Instead of a lack of variety, the smaller battles could actually be a gain in the enjoyment. Just because they battles are small does not mean that the multi-player isn't good. I, for one, am looking forward to these 4v4 battles as it will be a nice nostalgic journey. I am not buying Duke Nukem for MAG-like entertainment; instead I am buying Duke Nukem for entertainment that will hopefully mirror the 5th generation of video games. If Duke Nukem had 32v32 battles it would only seem like another CoD wannabe.

I love MAG, don't get me wrong, but I also love 5th and 6th generation style gaming. 4v4, although not popular nowadays, is something that I hope will catch on with certain other games again. I'm tired of large battles. They work in certain games, yes, but in others they do not.

I understand that things are expensive and most people want large multi-player games that can entertain them for longer periods of time. However, Duke Nukem was not made to be just a multi-player FPS. Instead it has a long single-player campaign. They did not focus on the multi-player first and the single-player second like CoD does. Which, once again, reminds me of the 5th gen games that did not have any sort of online connection. I welcome this way of creating a game any day. I still enjoy the single-player portions of games even though it seems like it is the "unpopular" thing to enjoy nowadays.

13 years ago

Nlayer, you absolutely owned this.

Thank you.

This is Duke, not a war simulator. We don't need 50 Dukes running around.

I take it no one played Duke 3D on Multi.

13 years ago

It don't have to be 50 vs 50.
Why can't it at least be 10 vs 10?
L4D is not your standard competitive multiplayer so it doesn't count.

DNF is a standard FPS so 4 vs 4 is a complete joke.

13 years ago

A comment from Eurogamer that, in a simple way, outlines why Duke multiplayer is what it is.

"To this very day, I dont think I have had as much fun playing multiplayer Duke3D. It was such LOL fun. You can't beat setting traps for your buddies and luring them into them before escaping using the jet-pack. I mean, what other game can you setup security cameras in a room, then layout tons of pipe bombs in the room, and then leave a hologram of yourself in the middle of it. Then from a completely different area of the map logon to a security screen and watch as your buddy enters the room towards your hologram then for you to hit the switch and blow them to smithereens. awesome…I'm sure DNF will have all of this and more….I cannot wait."

Ahh memories.

13 years ago

Great post lotusflow3r.

The whole point of 4 on 4 is to allow time to set up elaborate kills. 32 v 32 means it would be the same old spawn shoot kill die, rinse and repeat several dozen times until you get very bored very quickly.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

its adults only so the press can pi$$ off,but they'll probably blow it out off proportion anyway.

13 years ago

Ummm, 4 vs 4 so then the we should have 1080p HD greatness right? Still, that is a totally low number and should be at least 16 vs 16. I am not D1P this so I am not worried one bit. Reading a review on DNF will be a total trip down memory lane. 14 years of development! Unbelievable!

13 years ago

When they say customize your Duke.
Does that mean I can give my Duke a Hermit Beard and dreadlocks?

Last edited by Zen_Zarab on 3/21/2011 12:16:15 PM

13 years ago

Whether it's harmless or not, it'll make waves. They're stupid to think otherwise. I'm sure they want it too for marketing. Otherwise, they're just hurting the public's already incorrect views on gaming as a whole.

People unfamiliar with a pass-time tend to only know about the bad and never the good.

13 years ago

Oh please, we all chased after little girls in Bioshock 2, this is nothing compared to THAT.

13 years ago

DEMON girls, though! Not scantily clad, helpless, depreciated, b*$ch slapped women who are told behave like a good little girl. lol. Small discrepancy, I know. :p

13 years ago

The multiplayer modes have great names and ten maps seems like an overload compared to recent games that featured multiplayer. I can't wait to give it a try.

13 years ago

Isn't the point of this game to create controversy. I have never played a duke game, but from all I know of them it seems the whole point is to be rude and crude.

13 years ago

Wrong. It's called satire. Clue is in the description on the back of the box.

Also, Duke 3D broke unbelievable amounts of ground. It one upped Doom, as in, continued the groundbreaking Doom and wolfenstien started.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 3/21/2011 5:39:38 PM

13 years ago

I gotcha, well that's all well and good. It's still just not my kinda thing, thus why I've never played it and most likely will skip this one as well.

I still think that there shouldn't be anyone surprised that this game would do something controversial though.

13 years ago

I'm not sure if 4 vs 4 has a true place in gaming today. I think most will pick this game up for the SP aspect anyway. If you want MP we have games such MAG, Killzone, and many others..

13 years ago

So for this mode instead of playing as Duke, we play as Rick James??

13 years ago

4 vs 4 seems limited, but I'm more interested in the SP anyways.

And as far as the slapping babes thing is concerned, I expect some idiot who doesn't play games to be ranting about that in the near future. It just comes with the territory I suppose.

13 years ago

In GTA and it's countless clones, i was able to batter women…even elderly women in all sorts of ways.

Duke is much needed satire. Of course satire itself can be misunderstood (see Chris Morris or Armando Iannucci work).
Duke is an absolute benchmark right now. Why? because the game is refusing to listen to today's rules and instead be in it's own league, just like Duke 3D. Read the description on the games box to get a better understanding of Duke's existence and see how important his role is AND how much this industry needs him back.

Some of you are hilariously comparing it to FPS's of today (the majority of which i dislike)…pick it up and see for yourself why the comparisons don't work come May.

13 years ago

I'm just waiting for the Fox News headlines about Gearbox endorsing gender inequality and spousal abuse.

13 years ago

I find this kind of thing hilarious in a game. Duke Nukem is the original "controversial" game that politicians and PTA presidents love to freak out about. Maybe Duke needs to slap them around a bit!

As far as the multiplayer bit, 4 v 4 is perfectly ok with me. Like someone said earlier, the game doesn't play like a MAG or Counter-Strike. You don't need tons of players running around for it to be fun.

13 years ago

Just in case anyone is wondering, you give the babe a slap on the booty. You don't beat her face. This is straight from Randy Pitchfords Twitter so I think that is a reliable source.

13 years ago

Yup. It was also said on their Forums weeks ago. Naturally, that's too boring so it was ignored by mainstream press in favour of fabrication.

13 years ago

Duke Nukem is awesome and a little tongue in cheek humor and added zest to the multi-player should be welcomed.

I don't see this as a sign to throw on your non-existent protesting mullets and start being biased.

The world is so sensitive to the most stupidest things. It's lame.

13 years ago

next up on fox news, the game that encourages spouse abuse!
oh lord, i can see all the headlines coming in now!
so cant wait to bring back my favorite game of my childhood!
wonder whats taking the HD remake of duke nukem 3D so long!?
soooooooooooooo dying to play that, SO overdue!
duke is a gaming icon, without him we would not be where we are today!
chewing gum, kicking a$$, hotting up aliens, and stealing babes.
what more could a guy ask for?

13 years ago

The character could stick his cunt in her mouth or she could stick a bizzillion cunts in his with motion and I would never care. It a freaking video game.

13 years ago

Umm…his what? And I think if you asked the one's who'll probably be offended by this game, I think it's safe to say that they would think your post is more vulgar then the game will most likely be lol.

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