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First-Party Euro PS3 Games Priced

Okay, so your backwards compatibility is all messed up, you have to pay more for the console than anyone else on the planet…you deserve a piece of good news, right? Well, believe it or not, Euro gamers, we do have some good PS3 news for you.

In the wake of last week's b/c debacle, Sony has stepped up and officially unveiled the price of first-party titles for the PS3. As it turns out, the games are going to be significantly cheaper than first-party launch titles for the Xbox 360! All of the following are set to retail at £39.99 (€59.99): Resistance: Fall of Man , Ridge Racer 7 , MotorStorm , Genji: Days of the Blade , and Formula One Championship Edition . The price of next-gen 360 titles? £49.99.

And although it was expected, Sony did confirm that registration for the PlayStation Network will be free, and announced prices for the first downloadable PSN titles. The "introductory period" will see games priced between £2 (€2.99) and £6.70 (€9.99), but Sony didn't go into details regarding prices after this intro period. The extra content from the Store (like extra tracks for MotorStorm , for example) will start at about 66p (0.99€). The pricing scheme is an "easy to understand sliding scale," which basically means; the bigger the content, the more expensive it'll be, but we're still only talking about marginal increases.

There. Feel a little better?