Custom soundtracks. It's one of the most commonly requested features, and when it comes to kicking ass in MK…
We haven't gotten a chance to check out the Mortal Kombat demo, but several readers have e-mailed us going, "hey, didja notice? Didja notice? Custom soundtracks !" Okay, that's not verbatim, but you get the idea. I've never been impressed with the music in MK and it really is a game that begs for a personal touch. It seems most who sampled the demo didn't even know the option existed so we figured we'd let you know; added incentive to nab the brutal combat game. And from what we've heard, implementing your favorite tracks doesn't hamper the audio effects, so it's quite seamless. It's easy to do, too, so get your selection ready; you'll need it to punctuate your butt-kicking.
Maybe they should make custom soundtracks a necessary feature in all games.
Related Game(s): Mortal Kombat
No thanks. If I wanted to listen to my own music while gaming, I'd, y'know, turn on my sound system of preference and mute the game, or turn the music off in the game.
All this IRON EAGLE customizable soundtrack hoo-hah is better left to just that: horrible 80s movies about a kid flying an F-16 with Louis Gossett Jr.
Doesn't work, you have too many sound conflicts if you want to hear sound effects and voices.
I kinda liked the "doesn't hamper the audio effects" statement as well. What's MK without "Finish Him!"
…I don't do that… heh. I listen to the in-game music, and don't bother with customizable soundtracks. Last time I did that, I just cruised around in San Andreas in whatever car I could find, listening to Tool and Kyuss and Unida… not bothering to play the game.
What good is this news to Aussies like me!?!? Mortal Kombat has been banned here!! There's even a fine for trying to import it!!
That R18+ rating cannot come soon enough!!! Fortunately, Michael Atkinson ( the South Australian attorney general and one man preventing the R rating going ahead) is now out of office. The other attorney generals either support it or are unsure, and the federal government has said it will step in and make a decision for the state generals should an agreement not be reached.
I'm hoping this is a positive step towards June being the day we Aussies finally get that adult rating for games approved. But for now, we'll have to simply enjoy watching the rest of the world play Mortal Kombat on YouTube. 🙁
Your government is peopled by sillynannies.
I dare you, WorldEndsWithMe, I truly dare you to call the Austrailain Christian Society "sillynannies". LOL!!
Blame the church groups and ignorant mothers for continuing to keep R18+ ratings from our games. They're still under the illusion that ALL games are made for and played by children, and ONLY children.
I love living in Australia, but being a gamer here really sucks. We didn't even get Rock Band 2 AT ALL!!! Got Rock Band 3 though which is an improvement. And every single one of our GTA's has been edited. And you can thank Australia for changing Morphine to Med-X in Fallout 3 for the rest of the world.
Yep… Australia. Leading the world in gaming. (Rolls eyes)
just wait till may, hopefully the votes will be decided by then.
im not holding my breath though, only takes one person not to want it and the whole country misses out!
what happened to majority rules?
Here's a bit of advice for people who live in areas where dumb bans are put on great games. You can either move, Or you can allow yourselves to be told what games you can and cannot play. I'm sorry but I'm not 12 years old. Nobody tells me what I can play. Lmao omg I was about to say u could always go across the border and smuggle it in…. Then I remembered where australia is…. in the middle of the ocean by itself…lol
I usually stick to the soundtrack that comes on the game. Tekken 6 supposedly has this feature, too; I've never used it.
I have to say, I've spent quite a bit of time with the MK demo. I think around 3 hours. When I'm interested in a fighting game I really go through a detailed analysis of how the fight engine works. I think I can confidently say that this MK will be the best. I think it even has been given EVO representation as a hardcore tourney fighter. Something the MK series has had a hard time gaining recognition for in the past.
I suppose with Motorstorm's delay, those who were torn between the two titles, MK or Motorstorm, can now come to an easier decision.
Although the release dates aren't the same, I believe the big decision is this or Portal 2. While I loved the first Portal even before the huge amount of popularity came out of nowhere, MK has always been a series I've followed, and this is just screaming my name out, so I'm getting this for sure.
Holy crap! Did Tekken 6 have that?
Yes it did.
I have some rocking country music that I want to use in this game
Fighting to country would be interesting. I listen to rock and metal personally, but I am definitely fighting to some Bob Marley.
I wish all games for ps3 supported this!
at least exclusives…
Agreed. All games.
if microsoft can do something we can do it as well. Remember the ps3 so suppose to do everything! Except the stupid fanboys we cant have that.
I think this is great. This game is already a D1P for me, this just sweetens the deal.
And regarding Custom soundtracks… I don't think it should be a requirement of the game to support it. In fact, I don't think the game should have anything to do with it. Sony should make the firmware of the PS3 capable of playing music in the background while games run. I should be able to just go to my in-game XMB and start/stop my music as I please. As long as I can disable the in-game music, then great.
Seriously, my CFW PSP can play MP3's while gaming, why can't Sony pull it off on the PS3?
Awesome. I don't always like to use custom soundtracks, but on a fighting game, custom tracks are awesome.
I was one that didn't notice, so thanks for the heads up.
I don't even notice the music
great, now if only a certain OTHER game for the playstation decided to have custom soundtracks, even though the LAST one had it.
Yea I know I was hoping for that on multiplayer. Sometimes people get on my nerves!
No, no, no….just leave Killzone out of it!
KZ3 already has it's own awesome soundtrack, which you should already know if you bought the Helghast Edition.
The whole amazing soundtrack was a extra perk that was included as a separate download too.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/19/2011 11:57:39 PM
Demo was solid, I want this.
Just hope this has quality endings unlike MKvsDC or MvsC3.
I don't remember the endings to MvDCU at all. I remember liking the writing a bunch, mainly because it was written by two comic book vets that didn't make the DC characters sound like idiots. But aside from that I don't remember.
Capcom's fighters are always hit and miss with the endings. One of my biggest peeves about SFIV and it's super iteration was the quality of the animation endings versus the quality of those spectacular openings. MvC3's are old school Capcom fighter endings that I didn't really mind as some of them were rather funny. Deadpool's is my favorite, Jill's being second because of the … cameo of one of my favorite Marvel characters. Spoiler Free Dameyon, go!
The demo was cool, before that I only played up till MK: Alliance. I'm not as quick as I used to be when it's it comes to all the brutal combo moves in MK, just got to keep practicing again to get the feel back.
I want this for all my games, its just a great option to have.
Xbox supposedly supports it but it is so ludicrously impossible to import music onto the bloody thing!!!
Its really annoying 🙁
LOL Who send you that email?
I better try that demo today. This is perfect for getting in the fighting mood, in fact I think I still have the MK movie soundtrack somewhere.
The article title made me snicker, it would read "Custom Soundtracks To Accompany Your Mortal Kombat Combat"
Great…now I gotta hear Lady Gaga when I fight random people online 🙁
Uhh, no I don't think you hear their music.
Unless they have it loud enough to be heard over their headsets… that happens all the time. Mute is awesome.
Oh yeah that would be annoying, I thought you meant you would get their custom tracks through your speakers. I wonder if custom tracks will even play on the multiplayer.
I don't think that it would. Like… if I download the special costumes from SFIV or whatever and playing against someone who hasn't, they don't see the costumes. I think the same would go with MKs costumes and customized soundtracks.
Oh that makes sense then. Ok bring on the custom soundtracks 🙂
I kinda wish all games had custom soundtracks. The MK franchise has been boring me for years and adding my own music really won't make them any more interesting to play. But I love to have some tunes playing during some other games.
I don't think this will be the same boring stuff as we got on PS2.
it sure isn't!
Im in Aussie aswell, luckily i came from New Zealand, where the game is not banned, I've got my sister to send me the Kollectors Edition in a box with some clothing and extra stuff, that way it gets through the customs system here….YAY!
This sounds pretty sick to me. It'll be awesome brutaly killing someone to necro's dead body disposal, or immortal techniques dance with the devil.
Even some old a7x and any metallica would be awesome. Can't wait to pick this game up.
so loving the demo, spent 2 hours playing it last night!
just wish they would of kept the 3 fighting styles!
they really let you mix your combos up, and use a different fighting style to suit different opponents.
not only did it defeat repetitiveness, it also injected some tactics into the mix because some fighting styles were more effective against certain players then others.
not only that, but before you could pull off 60 move combos!
anyone remember sparky?
now, you can but its not a set of 60 different moves, its a set of 4 or so moves, then a set of another 4, then a set of another 4, so on and so on.
you dont feel like your getting a flow on, you feel like your in stop start traffic!
please, edd, please bring back the 3 style fighting moves!
wish they would do either a deception sequel, with the 3 style fighting system deception had.
or a new shaolin monks game.
that was by far the best ps2 game ever released!
maybe, finally release the fire and ice game that got canned.
a tandem shaolin monks styled story based game staring scorpion and sub zero, 2 of MKs most iconic characters!
what more could you ask for!?
Haven't got the demo yet but from what I've seen plus my most-requested feature is a huge bonus, even though I do usually enjoy MK's soundtrack.
If there were as many deals up here I would've preordered by now, but I just bought the new fight night as well.
Almost done dragon age 2, eventually will get back to the witcher.
Seems hard to keep up with all the games this year especially. Not that I'm complaining but there's a lot of competition since I'm just getting into a dev program.
PS I wouldn't mind Fire and Ice as a sequel either. The new one seems to have a lot of replay potential but who doesn't love a non-tournament MK storyline? Like the tv series for the whole one season it had.
Last edited by Nerull on 3/20/2011 3:16:08 AM
Man, some of you Aussie gamers need to chill out!! You're acting as if there is no way in hell this game is not coming to AUS. It will, censored or uncensored, legal or illegal. Every game gets it's way over here one way or another which is why Brendon O Connor & the federal government are pushing for the R rating so these "naughty" games can get placed in their correct category. Some shops locally will sell imported copies, it's how i got Left 4 Dead 2 uncut. You just need to know where to look. And if the store is local, it won't go through customs. So relax, & clean your pants.
Once the game is released keep an eye out for sites like Dungeon Crawl or Aussie Gamer & grab it from them that way you won't have to sh!t yourself over the possible threat of customs confiscating it. If you're importing from overseas then get the shipper to place it in a different cover box. Sorted.
Oh & seriously, do you really believe that customs are going to search every DVD like case they see? It's just a scare tactic and nothing more. They have far more important sh!t to be sniffing out for such as weapons, drugs etc. Unless sniffer dogs can smell MK then you won't have a problem if you get it shipped in a different cover & under a different packaging label.
Customs officer 1: Hey mate, i just found X amount of grams of cocaine.
Customs Officer 2: You think that's bad i just found Mortal Kombat!!!!!
Customs Officer 1: Omg, security!!!!!
Anyway, played the demo & freakin' loved it! Mk is back for sure!
it wont.
if you want to play the game, you have to illegally download it simple as that!
dont bother importing it because customs has been updated for it, and they will be searching every package for it.
plus, did you know you can get a MASSIVE fine for importing banned games?
i know stupid, but i read it a few days ago.
10K i think it was!
not worth the risk!
it wont be releasing here edited either, WB have already said there not going to edit it and re submit it.
every time you submit the game you have to pay, they have already done it twice and in there eyes thats enough money spent.
which is fair enough.
Dude, that 10k fine is for those importing bulk amounts of copies, not individuals importing one copy for themselves. Also, this MK crackdown is nothing new, they said the same thing when L4D2 got ban hammered & people still got their copies. Myself included.
People are freaking out because Gamespot has it as a news article, of course customs are going to confiscate it if they find them, what do people expect them to say!? It's their job to stop prohibited goods, they said this with L4D2 & others when the ban was as fresh as a morning turd.
It's a scare tactic, just like Left 4 Dead 2 & every other game was that has been censored here. Customs don't have the manpower or time to check every single parcel that goes through our shores.
I ain't buying it & neither are the thousands of other Australian MK fans who have already imported their copies the "unsafe" way.
Last edited by Kevin555 on 3/20/2011 8:38:20 AM
no its not its for individual sales.
is it worth the risk?
i love MK, loved playing the demo!
but is it worth the risk importing it and be one of the unlucky few that get it confiscated and a massive fine?
sure, its a small chance, but people play the lottery with worse odds!
im not going to bother importing it, i dont have 10K to throw away.
We will get the adult rating by July, O'Connor already hinted that the federal government will step in if the old arthritic fart knocker attorney generals continue to delay it. The delay in December was to give them time to draw up the new R18 guidelines, July should be the time when they put these new guidelines into action.
If the government see's retailers here doing enough complaining & start noticing that gamers are spending money overseas they will begin to realise just how badly this adsurd banning is affecting our economy & how it is hurting retail sales.
No offense to Australia, but wasn't that placed colonized to be one big prison or something like that?