It's just one of those seemingly simple statements that sets off a maelstrom of conversation.
And due to the brilliance of the franchise in question, such a comment has all the more impact: during a Naughty Dog panel entitled, "The Making of an Announcement – Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception," they displayed Part 2 of the 2-Player Productions and Naughty Dog collaboration, which showed how they decided to unveil the third title. Towards the end, one of the developers talks about how they'll offer new "environments and situations" we haven't see before, and then finishes by saying the train level and collapsing building sections of Uncharted 2 "will look like child's play" compared to what they're putting in Uncharted 3 . …really? I'm sorry, but isn't that statement a little too bold? Come on, Naughty Dog, even you can't… Okay, maybe you can. The footage we've seen so far has left us breathless, and we're willing to bet they're holding off on the most amazing stuff.
Either way, we really can't wait for November 1. It's just too damn far away.
Related Game(s): Uncharted 3
I can't wait for this.
Back when U2 came out, I would have friends come over who don't have a PS3, and I would have them play the opening train sequence of U2, and they loved it. It blew them away.
It led to one of them buying a PS3 and U2.
If U3 can really top those scenes, well, sign me up!
Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 3/14/2011 11:00:21 AM
Ive actually sold some on PS3s this exact same way.
Same thing happened to me and my friends.Uncharted brought back some faith to the US about the PS3!
the price drop to $299, and the quality of uc2 really generated a lot of positive buzz at the time. i almost thought i'd stepped into an alternate dimension becuase i wasn't used to the ps3 getting so much positive press. it was great, and helped a lot of people warm up to ps3.
with uc3 coming as well as a ps3 price drop it looks like history is about to repeat itself.
speaking of sony exclusives, the sixth axis had an in depth hands on session with infamous2, and socom4. they were pretty impressed with both titles. they said infamous2 is vastly improved in terms of graphics, and gameplay.
anyways, this is going to a great year for sony.
I'm just patiently waiting for release date. If they went beyond what we saw in U2, it just makes me wonder just how much more the PS3 can do
Uh…it's November 1.
I think he meant that he's patiently waiting until that day, not when they announce it (which they already have, obviously).
That would make sense. 🙂
My bad, meant release "day" not date..
i really can not wait for this game. this will be so bad ass. these guys make other developers look like crap. shame on all you lazy ass developers. ND rule.
Why not? Their engine is probably optimized that all that's left is how to utilize it in the most visceral way possible!
If anyone can top UC2 it will be Naughty Dog.
This fall is looking a little over-saturated with great games though… If anything gets delayed i hope it isnt UC3.
"If anyone can top UC2 it will be Naughty Dog."
Except for a little game called
Infamous 2
I think it has a chance.
Under certain circumstances I say inFamous has a chance. But as an overall package and production values I have to say no. But well see I love both franchises and I'm anxiously waiting both.
inFamous will not look as good as Uncharted, that's guaranteed. You can't get an open world game with huge map look as good as an Uncharted-style game (on the same hardware of course), it's technically impossible. But in my not-so-humble opinion the gameplay of inFamous will make it the definitive winner of the two.
Last edited by Beamboom on 3/14/2011 6:10:46 PM
Well, another year to bankrupt my gaming budget. Looks like I'll need to increase my funds….
If you trade in your old games that you haven't played in a long time to Amazon, that could help your funds. I still have not played UC2. I am a cheapassgamer who buys games when they are below $20 (lesson I learned from buying games for the PS1 at full price).
I have a library of games. Over the years I too have learned to purchase games in a certain manner. But UC3 is a day 1 purchase if ever there was one.
Good thing I have a few tricks on acquiring new games and technology. Otherwise I would need to wait for price drops to play the awesome games that Sony develops.
I don't sell my games, I collect them…The only game I've ever sold was the 2008 version of Madden NFL on the Ps3 which stank. I bought it new, sold it within 24 hours and bought the PS2 (vastly superior) version the next day instead.
This is why I no longer buy hardly any games at release. This year there will be only 2 games purchased at release and the rest will have to wait till I can get them for no more than $30.
White Knight 2 and Infamous 2.
Not sure how many it will be for me, the two you mentioned along with Uncharted 3 are all definite. I already purchased Hyperdimension Neptunia and Ar Tonelico Qoga in on the way too. so that's 5, and the year is yet young.
Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/14/2011 1:10:06 PM
Well I feel better I am not alone. From what it sounded like most people here were throwing out $60 dollars every few days.
I too will only be buying 2-3 games at full price this year.
But I have a large back catalogue to collect, so it is a multi year thing for me I would say.
But, yhea, I can justify 2 or 3 AAA games as day 1 purchases. The rest come as and when they come…
11-1-11! Are we there yet?
Looking at my handy dandy calendar, we're not even close
Just a little further…
Until then enjoy the upcoming warm weather depending on where u live.
Honestly, I think these guys can do whatever they want to do. They know the machine and they know their game….and right now they're working them both perfectly.
I just want to know WHAT they can do that tops those two things!
Can't wait for November!
That's because they put solid heart and passion and love into making their games. They get massively pressured by the fans and yet they are pressured more by themselves. The vice president of Naughty Dog says this himself. Wish more devs got it like ND gets it.
That is quite a bold statement, but I think if there's anything game devs are know for other than their games, it's their bold statements.
This with the last guardian are going to be strong goty contenders.
It's a bold statement but if they really feel they've outdone themselves, then they can say whatever they want. If they are that excited about what they've accomplished to say their pride an joy will look like Childs play, I mean you gotta believe them! Can't wait!
I'm guessing the parts would be the cutscences.
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 3/14/2011 12:37:47 PM
The cut scenes are done with the in game engine.
my bad, I know why I got thumbed down. I love Naughty Dog and there work is brillant.
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 3/15/2011 1:22:30 PM
I don't think it's too bold. The game is already looking brilliant in 3D(see the 3D trailer on PSN if any of you have a 3Dtv)so I am inclined to take them at their word.
Indeed Jawknee. Not only has Naughty Dog never given us a reason to doubt them, they have maintained their professionalism while promoting their game.
Others should take note.
At least we know one thing, between KZ3 and U3… the CELL is being pushed…
Considering that those are probably the best in-game setpieces that I've ever seen, that's one ballsy statement. Seriously, how can you top a building falling down around you, or a train being blown up by a helicopter when you're trying to scramble along it? I just hope that they don't come to rely on that spectacle too much. Reserve it for specific parts of the game and leave the rest for story and gameplay goodness.
These guys usually don't boast excessively without some proof to back it up. I'll take their word for it. Still, child's play? What exactly kind of monster are they brewing up over their at the ND headquarters. UC2 is easily my favorite game this generation and now they're referring to it as child's play…gotta love ND.
Good enough and great isn't what they are aiming for. They're trying to outdo the realm of possibility! That's why they make great games. They're a level above the competition. That's a fact.
Gaming sites that hate PS3 exclusives are gonna have a hard time affixing a poor score to this one.
I predict a 9.8 from PSX and 8.5 from IGN.
Got that right. Fanboism is so ridiculous though. Why not let a good game be a good game?! It just doesn't make any sense to me. Who cares which system is superior, people just need to like what they likePERIOD
So true Jawknee…so TRUE!
If IGN does that, I won't even bother with that site anymore.
Oh wait…
IGN actually gave U2 a pretty good score. Something like a 9.5. I'd gladly take that one. I feel like Uncharted games should be measured on a whole different scale though. One through ten just isn't enough for an ambitious developer like ND. If their games only get better and better how can a game possibly get a ten. How do you perfect ambitious gaming?
UC3 and Skyrim all in one month. It's like the Aztecs were right when they… uh … whatever man, November's going to rule!
Man, I can honestly say ND has really stolen my imagination with both Uncharted and Uncharted 2. Before ME2 and after MGS4, I wasn't sure a game could really pull me in outside of the MGS series and bam…Uncharted came out of no where in 2008 when I accidently played Uncharted because I was bored. UC3 is definitely a day one purchase for me that for sure. UC2 had insane replay value and I expect drake's new story to be no different. ND delivered with the series. ME3 and Uncharted 3 will be my first priorities come November. Too epics in one month…nice! Hope by then I still have time to even take gaming serious. Life is getting hectic…lol
I can't wait to see how that plane crashed. That sucker must have shook the entire desert.
something would have to go really wrong for uc2 to get an 8.5 from ign. uc2 got a 9.5 from ign. uc2 has a 96 metacritic score. the gaming press loved it.
kz2 has a 91 metacritic score, and ign gave that a 9.4. so there's 2 ps3 exclusives they loved.
The problem is IGN has too many different people reviewing their games, and the majority play XBOX. That's where the problem lies is with their inability to create a balanced system of scoring games. For example here at PSX generally Ben does the reviews so we know or have an idea of what may be an outcome because of familiarity and great journalism, minus bias opinion.
At IGN, the same person that reviewed KZ2 Probably did not review UC2 or KZ3 therefore you get a mixed, call it bias bag with them.
Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/14/2011 3:45:23 PM