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ICO/SotC Collection Mysteriously Delayed Until 2012?

We waited on reporting this because we had hoped to receive some clarification. But no official reply exists yet, and we can't ignore it any longer.

For many, it's the most desired high-definition collection of the new generation; the ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection features two of the most treasured titles from the PS2 era, remade in brilliant HD. They'll also boast 3D and Trophy compatibility, and we recently heard Team ICO might even toss in a demo of their latest project, The Last Guardian . But as many of you already know, major online retailers don't seem to think we're getting it any time soon: both Amazon and first changed the launch date to "Fall 2011" and now, it sits at a disappointing and somewhat vague placeholder of "December 31, 2011." And by the way, on Amazon, The Last Guardian has the same date…and that's not good news. We have no idea what might delay the Collection for so long; most such endeavors seem to come out on time and developers haven't really complained about the upgrade process.

So we don't know what the deal is just yet, but we'll be sure to let you know. If it really has been delayed, we'd certainly like an explanation…

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13 years ago


13 years ago


13 years ago

…….. 🙁

13 years ago


13 years ago

No way….both collection and the last guardian??
that's no good 🙁

13 years ago

This is not going to happen. The ICO SOC Collection will be out months before The Last Guardian. If anything we'll see it by September and The Last Guardian by the holiday 2011. Mark my words.

13 years ago

Positive thinking. I personally am hoping that they surprise us with a sooner than later release date.

13 years ago

Yes me too! These games are DROP ALL OTHER LIFE EVENTS GAMES! 🙂 Earlier would be fantastic!

13 years ago

I can see the collection coming out before the third game. Didn't they do the same for the God of war games? God of war collection came out just a 3-4 months before GoW3.

I need this collection. I played SotC a bunch of times but missed out on Ico. I was a kid when it came out and saw a review from Toonami (I was watching DBZ). I gave up looking for a copy, didn't have internet at the time.

13 years ago

The previous info on The Last Guardian is that it'll definitely come out at least in Japan by the end of this year. It makes sense that the collection with the Demo should come before The Last Guardian game release.

13 years ago

If they release these both at the same time, it be a big mistake.

They NEED sotc and ico to be great marketing for tlg.

13 years ago

It is possible that the delay is due to the inclusion of a Last Guardian Demo. I want it but I don't need it. LG is a definite purchase regardless and I was hoping to escape with The Collection sooner than later.

13 years ago

Off topic but too important to ignore.

The PS3 will be on CLOUD9 tomorrow. Cloud saves for Plus subscribers.


13 years ago

Are you sure about the cloud saves? That's it, I'm in if that is true. That is the one feature I was hopping they had when they started with the Plus service.

13 years ago

The only thing about cloud saves is that it may require a game patch from the developers to support it. I remember reading before that the functionality would require that. OTOH, if they give us a game save manager to push backups of saves to the cloud, that would be OK too…

13 years ago

@Karosso, Check out the PS Blog. I've been waiting for this since day 1. I an a chronic sufferer of YLOD syndrome.

lol.. Just kidding. But I have lost data twice already. Lost 40% of GT5 and a few years of saves. Heartbreaking I know.

@Highlander, Fine by me. I am guessing that it would be much older or smaller games that would be incompatible. But I am sure that they may figure a way to at least save a mirror of a save file in the future. They definitely should provide a save manager. Now I know what the extended maintenance time is for. I wonder what else Sony has in store. I am sure so security measures as well

Last edited by FatherSun on 3/9/2011 12:18:09 PM

13 years ago

PS EU Forums set up a guide. Looks like no PS1, PS2, PSP or Minis. Bummer.

13 years ago

Wondering whether someone took a marketing decision to put all three in a single pack? Or perhaps the retailers don't have a solid date and are hedging their bets?

13 years ago

I would love to get all 3 in one pack. Ala God Of War. But I do not wish to wait for so long. I had my playtime all scheduled with the Collection too. It was to hold me off till inFamous 2 in June.

13 years ago

Would be kind of cool I guess to get all 3 in one but that seems like a lost opportunity to make some money if they do that. Plus, I would much rather have the HD collection long before The Last Guardian.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Placeholder dates disgust me. It wouldn't surprise me if we don't get to see TLG until next year. It's just so ambitious, and this year is already stacked that it will need some time. An early year release also allows Sony to start gaining momentum out of the gate. If TLG has been pushed into next year, it only makes sense that the bundle is pushed back until very late this year. The shorter the official hype period, the better in my mind.

13 years ago

Yea, I was wondering what happened. I recall Amazon had an April date if I am not mistaken. Went to preorder the other day and it suddenly said Dec 2011. Odd.

13 years ago

It makes me wonder if it's been delayed to some undecided point later on this year, and they picked the 31st as the latest point possible this year until they come up with a firm date that will probably be sooner. That's what I'm trying to convince myself anyway…

13 years ago

We'll see the Collection this year, guarantee it. December 31st is just Amazon's placeholder date. They use it all the time. In fact, that's what they changed Deus Ex: Human Revolution's date when it way delayed. Now that's coming out in August. I'm still skeptical that we'll see The Last Guardian this year, though. I'm hoping for a November/December release but it's a tough call. It may meet the same fate that SOCOM 4 did last fall and be pushed back into the next year.

13 years ago

Well, I saw that change recently and even asked on here about it, but I don't know what would cause an upgrade to be delayed by a year.

I'm hoping that they just don't know so they're putting the normal dec. 31st date stamp on there. I don't have any desire for them to package it with last guardian as I'd rather play ico/sotc soon and then play last guardian whenever it is ready.

I could do without the 3d on these HD upgrades too, just give us the game in HD with trophies and I'm super pleased.

13 years ago

I'm really looking forward to this collection, I just hope it comes out in some holiday, where I can spend all my time on it and don't have to think about school.

Mr Bubbles IGR
Mr Bubbles IGR
13 years ago

Well i was planning to buy this collection this month,….guess the next collection to purchase is Splinter Cell…

13 years ago

Dammit!!! I was really looking forward to this collection!!

If the delay was to include the collection with Last Guardian, I think it's a bit of a silly move. Let the masses have access to the collection so they can see what the fuss is about and THEN release Last Guardian months later with the massive hype build-up.

13 years ago

Amazon sent me an email Feb. 22, that said the date had changed to Dec. 31.
A bummer for sure, but am I the only one who preordered. I knew about it two weeks ago.

13 years ago

well, as much i want them, if the reason for delay is they really take the time to upgrade the visuals, even add in some little extras, well design the trophy requirement, i can have that patience to wait, cuz i am waiting for one of the greatest collection in HD. to me, quality definitely supersedes quantity. These days, many developers are rushing to make sequels, prequels, spin offs, pumping out so quickly — to me, I don't really care about those products and they are not that worthy.

On the other hand, for ico/sotc, they stand for quality and sense of artistic beauty and vision, if the Ueda and his team need time to perfect it, i can wait for it, because i know when it comes, it will be good and unforgettable, same logic goes for The Last Guardian, same goes for Kojima's game.

In short, I have no problem of developers really taking the time to make really good quality games instead of rushing and keep pumping out junks for greed and money. Such is my idea on that.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 3/9/2011 7:28:13 PM

13 years ago

stop posting the junkies and please block this user cuz it is annoying to see these spamming ads.

13 years ago

i sure hope this doesn't have anything to do with 3d. this also worries me about tlg.

13 years ago

Let them take their time cause i don't want these games to come unfinished!

I don't want the Last Guardian to release at the beginning of the year it should release at the end and get GOTY Title!

Last edited by Kiryu on 3/10/2011 12:51:11 AM

13 years ago

looks like the likleyhood of TLG releasing this year are very thing!

Last edited by ___________ on 3/10/2011 4:17:14 AM

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