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The Last Guardian Info: Torico, Guards And Gameplay

We're still waiting to see if they include a demo of The Last Guardian in the upcoming ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection but in the meantime, we got lots more info.

Thanks to the Japanese publication, Dengeki, and the ensuing translation by Andriasang , we can now learn a bit more about the story, atmosphere and above all else, gameplay. Team ICO director Fumito Ueda also touched on a variety of topics and there are plenty of general details, too- first up are the Guards. They can capture the main character and if they carry him to a certain area, it's Game Over. However, during this time, the boy can escape…although it's risky, as Ueda hinted. The basic idea behind the gameplay is to avoid being spotted, which ought to pique the interest of all you stealth fans out there, even if there won't be any slitting of throats from the shadows. Another interesting tidbit is that the boy will actually grow over time, although we're not sure if Ueda is being literal (i.e., the boy grows bigger and stronger) or metaphorical (the boy gets smarter and more skilled).

As for Torico, we won't have direct control over him, but he will automatically move to things that are of interest. It will be our job to improve the boy's communication with Torico, so his interest in our young hero will grow. One example that's very cool is as follows- if you try to awaken Torico by pulling on his ears early on, you'll fail because Torico just doesn't care about you. But later on, that same technique will work thanks to better communication between the two. As for Torico's abilities, all Ueda would confirm is that he can run, but we've also seen the boy riding Torico in past videos. And those guards? Torico don't like 'em.

Personally, I really like the idea of this growing relationship between tiny human boy and massive mythic creature. At first, he barely acknowledges your existence and you might just have to follow him to stay alive. He isn't creating that pathway for you ; he just happens to be going that way. But over time, the relationship strengthens and you can issue commands and stuff. Get all co-op-like. Anyway, can't wait.

Related Game(s): The Last Guardian

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13 years ago

It is going to be epic, that's for sure.

Although I was hoping for something a bit more combat oriented like SotC, but you can't go wrong with Ueda San.

13 years ago

I actually prefer the less action action.

Everything doesn't have to be about killing things.

Puzzles, storylines, platforming, level up system. That kind of stuff can do its job very well alone.

13 years ago

You are right. Don't mistake me for a mindless CoD fanboy twitch gamer. I liked the last two games although did not finish ICO because I started waiting for the HD re-release. Got it late, I know, I am fifteen so yeah…

Plus this game is art, and it's different than the other games.. It's just that I wanted it to be more like SotC because I played through SotC twice.

13 years ago

I was only excited about this game because of the praise of the past two, but I can see how awesome this game is going to shape out to be now. Lol I'm gunna be so sad this year, I won't be getting any games at all until christmas, and even then I'll get a max of 3. 3!? I can't decide.

PS3blog (EU) have a article about ND's GDC; it features a new villain, a women! YES! Now we can play as a woman when on the evil side! (I'm the only one excited for that? Meh.) Plus a new cutscene with a cliffhanger much like the one we saw at last year's GDC with chloe saying "I was trying to save your skin you idiot..". Looks like the city they were in was London? (we know drake will be going to england and the baddies are english.) 😀 Can't wait to see it in 720p on my 32" TV!

13 years ago

Last Guardian sounds very, very nice. I can't wait for it's arrival.

13 years ago

Same here… from a technical stand point, I think between Uncharted 3 and the Last Guardian – not to mention the great work done on Killzone 3, we are truly seeing what the PS3 is capable of now…



Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

Ive yet to play any game like this. Am I missing out?

13 years ago


13 years ago

The Last Guardian can't get here soon enough. This new info has me even more pumped for the game. I'm glad these guys don't appear to be affected by the new Japanese creativity virus. I have a feeling I'm going to love what they've put together.

13 years ago

Very excited for this. Last Guardian has been on the top of my 'Most Anticipated' list since before it had a name. I like the stealthy no combat idea. It was SOTC that made me fall in love with these guys, but I have great faith that Last Guardian will enchant me the way Shadow did.

And I still can't wait to battle some colossi in glorious giant HD!

Last edited by gumbi on 3/8/2011 4:17:36 PM

13 years ago

Release date for the HD collection, PLEASE!

13 years ago

2 thumbs up from me just for asking this question. I pre-ordered from Amazon and it has a release date in 2012!!! WTF!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Still set as Q1-Q2 2011. But that ain't precise enough.

13 years ago

sadly looks like its been delayed from its spring release.

13 years ago

Huh, I just thought of something. Anyone watch the golden compass? This game has the same concept..kinda. A person has a animal that is part of their soul, and if they die the person dies. The game will probably use that (the animal protecting the boy) to build a relationship.

BTW, was their any voice acting in the previous games?

13 years ago

Not really, it's just reversed/jumbled up sentences. And fictional languages. Dialogue is kept at the minimum in Ueda San's games.

13 years ago

I have complete confidence in this game. No doubt that Ueda San will take us on an exhilarating adventure.

You finally got some of the gameplay details you were looking for Ben. Do you still want the demo in the Collection to try them out yourself or will you wait?

13 years ago

This sounds PERFECT. I was really hoping he'd return more to his roots in ICO rather than SoTC. I loved SoTC, but ICO was where the most warm, heartfelt, emotional game was at (even though SoTC pulled at my heartstrings a lot) and it looks as if Ueda is combining the best of the two and more with this!

It should be his best yet.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 3/8/2011 5:08:52 PM

13 years ago

Just watch Torico smash a castle in two!

Seriously though, puzzles, platforming, dedication, etc. It will be nice to see a game that is not focused on killing something, but more on accomplishing something* no matter what it requires.

13 years ago


My lady constantly criticises games for just being about killing things to win, despite whatever creativity went into it. It's hard to argue with her. Games like this that blow her away involve no killing as such to progress.

We need more of that.

13 years ago

This is definitely on my "want" list!

13 years ago

No killing? Finally! It's a played out idea anyway.

Glad somebody took a stand…sheesh.

13 years ago

the crazed look in your avatar's eyes suggests he's a killer. really in games all you are killing is computer construct anyways.

i'm hoping this game does resonably well here to prove we are more than cod nuts.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Lufi's not a killer… He's a stretchy boy.

13 years ago

At this rate the last guardian is going to be the last game on the PS3.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

True dat
both R3 and UC3 got solid release dates 11 months early
Might get some TLG E3 fancyness this year methinks

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
13 years ago

I do be wanting this

13 years ago

Sounds excellent. Now all we need is the HD Collection, a demo, and a release date!

13 years ago

Sounds like its gonna be great. I'm pretty excited for it.
I'm sure it won't dissapoint in the music department as well as the story. I loved how emotionally gripping ico and shadow of the colossus were, even though there was so little dialogue. The games have such an amazing atmosphere

13 years ago

simply my most wanted game of this year or next. I will be enlightened by three games, The Last Guardian, Dark Souls and Uncharted 3, nothing more.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 3/8/2011 10:55:28 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Hot diggity! What?!

Stealth, platforming, an entirely new method of one player co-op (is that even possible? Oh, I suppose babysitting missions can be counted after a fashion), an undoubtedly heartwrenching story, constantly changing mechanics. The Last Guardian is going to be one of the reasons to own a PS3, though I'm wondering if it'll manage to supplant Heavy Rain as my favourite game to date. I'm hoping it will, but we'll see.

It sounds amazing, and you can bet that this is a preorder, with me doing everything in my power to ensure that I can pick it up Day 1. I'm wondering if it'll be about more than just escaping the castle though. Because y'know, Team Ico already did that with their eponymous first game.

13 years ago

so cant wait for this!
sadly looks like the collection has fallen back from its spring release date.

13 years ago

Cannot wait. Team ICO Collection and Last Guardian are a breath of fresh air when it comes to video games.

Much like Flower, playing something beautiful and slower paced is far more pleasing than something frantic, fast and full of abuse like CoD online. That game just makes me so mad, I hate how I feel when I'm done playing.

ICO, Flower, etc… much better feeling of calm and achievement that feels so good after playing.

13 years ago

This sounds awesome. Reminds me of Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom which was one of my favorite games of 2010.

I'm sure this will have higher production values and all that, but with so many people liking this style of play, I'm surprised Majin didn't sell better.

Anyway, love me some stealth gameplay and this sounds like it is going to be awesome.

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