Batman: Arkham Asylum was one great looking game, but our battle with nasty fiends will spill out into the streets in the upcoming Arkham City .
And you know, we're big fans of open-ended responses from clearly excited developers. A reader turned us onto a recent Machinima interview with Rocksteady's Dax Ginn, and when asked about the possibility of changing environments in the new Batman , Ginn replied as follows:
"I can’t tell you anymore but it’s so exciting and your going to love it!"
You may recall Ivy's plants in Arkham Asylum but perhaps that's only the tip of the iceberg. So now it's time to use our imaginations, because this guy's response is just too…chirpy to ignore. The use of destructible environments has gotten more popular lately, and the dynamic nature of those landscapes has been increasing. Look at MotorStorm: Apocalypse , for instance.
So, how will the city alter as we battle our way through the darkened streets…?
Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham City
this game looks to be just as great as the first one, even better at this rate. looks like it will be improving on everything that was great with the first one. games this gen continue to just blow my mind with what they are doing now. cant wait to play this game.
I'm really looking forward to Arkham City. It's one of the few multiplat titles that is a must-buy for me (along with LA Noire and Mass Effect 3). Arkham Asylum was awesome, so I am hoping that Rocksteady would manage to equal if not surpass it. Thanks for this bit of news, Ben.
Probably just means night and day.
but dude you cant be batman during the day
That's his weakness. I can be World during the day. Just not in the morning. 😉
Looking forward to this. Love me some Bats.
Batman doesn't work in the day.
I hope its like in Arkham Asylum, like when Ivy took over and her plants were everywhere. Best superhero game of 2011
inFamous 2.
I don't even think of inFamous as a superhero game. He has an origin and cool comic bookness is all over, but I just don't put Cole in the same place in my brain where I store Batman, Spider-man, et al.
Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/6/2011 10:50:19 PM
yeh im with world i dont really look at it as a superhero game
Me neither. Sure, he's got superhero-abilities no doubt about that, but still… He's not a "real" superhero, though I can't put my finger on the reason why.
Could it be as simple as the lack of superhero costume…? If so, I am embarrassed about my own shallowness. 😀
Last edited by Beamboom on 3/7/2011 5:10:56 PM
We'll see, Jawk, I'm just as excited for InFamous 2 as well. But I can't deny the Batman fanboy inside me.
Last edited by LittleBigMidget on 3/6/2011 10:44:53 PM
Indeed. Love me some Bats!
I'm looking forward to this, hopefully the improvement are great, it's sounding pretty good.
Anybody know what engine they are using for this?
looks really good so far. Especially the graphics in the trailer, looked just like a film (unless it was a film)
The graphics in the trailer aren't the ingame graphics. It was all prerendered. So in a way it was a like a CGI film. Don't expect the game graphics to look like that.
hey jawknee could you imagine the size of disk needed to have something like lets say uncharted 2 to look like the dr strange trailer?, and i dont just mean cutscenes i mean gameplay, not to mention processing power
Indeed. Though God of War III comes close.
They're using the Unreal engine.
This would be great news! I just repurchased Batman:AA GOTY Edition and enjoying it all over in fantabulous 3D! With the glasses of course…I've been getting myself all pumped up for this release a bit early I guess.
Co-op with Nightwing or Tim Drake would have been nice…
dlc man dlc
hey does anyone know if well be getting another exclusive dlc?
so cant wait for this!
so nice to see superhero games make a comeback!
wish rocksteady once finished this would take over and do a spiderman, then xmen game.
2 series with such cool characters, but cant stitch a good game together!
god knows how they screwed that one up, spiderman for crying out loud!
he practically makes the game for you!!!!!!!!!
I agree. All superhero's need the treatment that Batman has received.
would be so cool to see a superman and the green hornet game.
latest movie sucked, but that would make for such a cool game!
driving around in the black beauty, rounding up criminals using the coolest gadgets!
Loved the first one so im expecting this to be even better.
mmmmmm i loved the first one but i fear it wont be much different u know like dead space 2 it was basically the same game
I think most agree that wouldn't be a bad thing, as long as the story is quality, or maybe even better than the first.
Godslim, don't you play COD?
DS2 was not the same, they changed almost everything!
saying DS and DS2 are the same is like saying KZ2 and KZ3 are the same!
this will be very different from the first game, first of all its a much darker game.
theres a villain in the game who knows batmans true identity, if he pisses him off, well, things could get interesting!
this will be completley different to batman AA.
even if it was though, which it wont be, but even if it was the same, well then as the saying goes if it aint broke dont fix it!
Yet you fail to name anything they changed. Back up your inane statements. Dead Space 2 IS the same with the exception of having more control over Issac in zero gravity areas that he speaks. Everything else IS THE SAME.
Indeed he does LittleBigMidget though in fairness he has expressed his displeasure with the series as of late.
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/7/2011 11:14:52 AM
level design is different, they removed the QTE moments from the game, like those parts where that tentacle dragged you in and you had to shoot it to release grip.
the pacings much slower, the original had allot of backtracking and allot of search and retrieve missions you constantly felt like you were just looking for keys to unlock doors, theres allot more human interaction so you loose that lone wolf feeling, issac is much more well equipped so you loose the big fish in a small pond feeling, the storys no where near as in depth, and they did not have as many easter eggs to find like all the necromorph symbols from the first game, since the levels are more open you never get that overwhelming feeling in the first game i was always having to turn around and sprint to distance myself from enemies because of the closed space but in this you dont and that destroys the fear, destroys the panic, destroys the claustrophobic feel.
The Joker is going to be blowing up some buildings maybe.
I think devs need people like this Dax guy. It's heart and soul that makes good games great.
Hey Dax, I'm buying your game!
Imo, dynamic cities for a sandbox type game should be common for this generation.
…this isn't a sandbox type game. Rocksteady has made that clear on more than one occasion.
This was already a day 1 purchase for me. Nice to see these guys are going all out.
From what I understand Christopher Nolan (Batman Begins, Dark Knight and Inception) is making the new superman. That would be interesting to say the least.
I read from a number of sources that it was actually Zach Snyder. Or are they both involved in it some how?
DjEzzy is right Nolan is working on the next Superman hopefully he do something with it and make a good movie not not into another chick flick like Superman Returns was….Or maybe that was a little harsh of me it might not have been alright to some people but to me it wasn't even as good as the original Superman movie with
Christopher Reeves.
Superman Returns was fun the first time I watched it but it's not a movie I can watch again. It draaaaaaaaaaaaaaged like crazy the second time around.
DjEezzy, Nolan is one of the executive producers of the movie and Zack Snyder (300, Dawn of the dead and Watchmen) is directing.
I knew it!