If you thought Mortal Kombat was all about the same ol' same ol', you thought wrong.
While it's true that NetherRealm is seeking to cater to the ardent long-time fans who wish to see a resurrection of all that made MK great, the team has implemented something quite new- the Challenge Tower. They talk about it in the video shown here; this mode features no less than 300 missions, all of which are designed to test your knowledge of the character(s) and the game's mechanics.
So yeah, you can see one instance where you can only kick during an encounter (because the arms of both combatants were torn off), and another where you have to toss a grenade into a moving bucket. We're not so sure about those "test your luck" missions, though…I'd hate to be fighting upside down with a floor of fire.
Related Game(s): Mortal Kombat
nice graphics
whoa whoa whoa whoa thumbed down? really? you guys do know youtube uses the lowest of the low bitrates to compress their videos right??? that said, wouldnt you guys think mk has some better than decent graphics???…
Last edited by Cesar_ser_4 on 3/6/2011 5:00:30 AM
You must be new here, don't take it personal sometimes all of us get thumbed down for no apparent reason.
Just some troll hiding in the shadows.
This is what MvsC3 lacked.
I didn't even buy MvC3 I rented instead it and I'm glad I did I mean it's a lot of fun for what it is but it just didn't do it for me. I'm really forward to this new MK.
Yes is fun , but only for the versus mode, things like Challenge Tower is what you expect on a console version this days.
Last edited by Oxvial on 3/5/2011 11:37:36 AM
MvC3 is decent. Nothing great. It's lacking in depth big time and the character roster is pretty weak.
I'm sure at the end of the year character roster gonna end being also decent…or course they are gonna charge us for it.
Last edited by Oxvial on 3/5/2011 1:00:30 PM
The only characters I'm willing to pay for are Jin and MegaMan.
Those ones also, Gambit Cyclops to me, I would be nuts if Dr.Octupus comes before them.
Hmm Ben we are not going to have a MvsC3 review? I want to express my butthurt on it =3.
Jin, Hayato, Captain Commado, Stryder were the characters I was looking for, but I doubt they'll bring them back.
That's a pretty cool idea.
This game is gonna be so fun. I like the shooting gallery stuff and the goofiness of fighting over such things as an unwanted teddy bear. Friendship fail!
Haven't cared for Mortal Kombat since II but I will be getting this one for sure.
Off topic:
I posted a link in the forums that explains in legal terms what Geohot did and why it's wrong. It's under "Geohot Separating Legal Fact from Fiction." You should check it out once it's approved. It's a great read. Just wanted to give you guys the heads up. Please post your replies in the forum. Thanks! 🙂
Last edited by Jawknee on 3/5/2011 1:06:12 PM
"This is what MvsC3 lacked."
And its a good thing to because it demonstrate to me that Capcom was more focused about putting out a good product as oppose to peppering over bad gameplay with gimmicks. In the cse of MK, this is exactly what Boon is doing.
"MvC3 is decent. Nothing great. It's lacking in depth big time and the character roster is pretty weak."
Since when you have you become the leading expert on fighting games to determine what is good for a fighting game from whatnot?
Seriously though if real fighting game enthusiast(like myself) saw your entire comment they would give you a laugh.
Anyhow the MvC3 is a solid entry to the previous titles, the only drawback being the style of graphics.
Last edited by A2K78 on 3/5/2011 1:49:23 PM
Lol! I never claimed to be an expert but I have been playing fighting games since the original Street Fighter so I think I am just as qualified as your Highess to have an opinion on the subject.
The irony in this, you don't see your own level of projection in your reply. 🙂
And…how "good" this game is is subjective. You're wrong most of the time so….yea…
From a hardcore fighting fan that only cares about the combat of course sure MvsC3 delivers, hell even the graphs are great to me (minus the VS screen that's lol).
But I'm more of a gamer in general and I like more extras if I'm giving 60 bucks, and MvsC 3 doesn't give me that.
I agree with Oxvial, if I'm going to pay $60 a pop for a game then I expect to be able to enjoy more than just ONE mode. Which is why I'm lookin forward to this new MK it has a bunch of extras.
I can't comment much on MvsC3, 'cause I've played very little of it and I'm not very experienced with the series, but knowing that A2K78 is an arcade gamer, his feelings are relatively accurate with the competitive fighting gamer enthusiast's ideals. That is, a bunch of silly modes and extra options is just a gimmicky diversion to the core design of what an arcade fighting game is all about: intense competitive fighting. Basically everything else that gets dumped into console versions is just frosting and window dressing.
Not to say I don't like frosting, just not too much of it 😉
MvC3 is Tatsunoko vs Capcom with an extra button and flashier graphics. It's fun for a while. Some one at IGN finally got something right…It's a great game if you suck at fighting games.
C-C-C-Combo Breaker.
yeah, at my arcade we had Killer Instinct up so loud the mall manager came by to tell us to turn it down because she received too many neighboring store complaints that the loudness of the game was interfering with business.
"Let me show you this highly treasured diamond ring I'm sure you and your soon to be husband will treasure forev…… <ULTRAAAA COOOMMBOOOOooooo!">
Yeah, I miss Killer Instinct.
Killer Instinct is the bomb diggity! That was my favorite fighting game back when i used to play it, i loved the opening music to the game it was awesome.
Aww what with the KI convo xD.
It was insane back in the day, MS should stop the Kinect crap with RARE and make them do another KI.
yeah the big difference between MvsC3 & Tatsunoko vs Capcom is that Tatsunoko vs Capcom has a way better & cooler roster.
Well, I guess you can consider me a bit of an expert(having been in competition, and owning my own arcade machine). I can say without a doubt the MvC3 was a big let down. I'm not saying its not fun or anything, its just that is mostly style and not much substance.
" its just that is mostly style and not much substance."
kinda like Devil May Cry =p
Indeed Guyver. A MUCH better roster. Doesn't get better than Batsu and Karas. Loved all the Tatsunoko characters. It's more fun to play for some reason too.
Yes it is more fun & so is the Super smas bros games, they are both more fun to play than MvsC3 & they're the only games I've ever played on the Wii.
Last edited by GuyverLT on 3/6/2011 12:59:14 PM
mileena:look i made u a teddy bear scorpion replied i don't want it! ….FIGHT!
Fully approve, This game is looking promising, i may even be the 1st game i buy this year.
No LittleBigPlanet 2?
Now fellas, you cannot call yourself "true" fighting game fans unless you know the meaning of the words "nerfed" & "scrubs" 😉
Elitisim aside, imo the real man's fighting game is Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown which puts a lighter more balanced roster over 40+ unbalanced fighters, plus you're looking at possibly one of the best counter systems in a fighting game ever. After playing it in arcades late last year i don't reckon i've seen a more technical & deep fighting game yet.
If this comes to consoles, i'll add some of you lads who think they're "the man" I'm a beast with Aoi & Goh & would love to fight other fans of the game. 😉
On topic here, looking forward to this game even if it's just to pull out Johnny Cages rectum with Kratos rippling Sparta arms.
yeah, we'll go at it Kevin if it ever arrives. I'm not nearly the VF gamer as I am a Tekken gamer. I always romanticized been a hardcore VF fan, but because my local arcade was always too cheap to get current VF games I've put most energy into Tekken instead.
Instead of doing a SF vs Tekken or Tekken vs SF they should do a Virtue Fighter vs Tekken it just makes more sense since they're both 3D fighters.
Last edited by GuyverLT on 3/6/2011 9:09:48 AM
Guyver, I have no idea how Tekken vs SF is going to be. It's one thing reducing and filtering down Tekken characters to a more limited SF move set, but how the heck are they going to work all them SF characters into a Tekken formatted game? It just seems like a huge stretch by upscaling a SF characters moves list to a 100+ moves. And I agree that VF would be a much more compatible crossover. So I won't be surprised if after SFvsT, the follow up TvsSF gets cancelled.
I'm interested in the Street Fighter X Tekken. Only because I have always preferred SF to Tekken games.
I was thinking the exact same thing but hopefully they can make it work (especially the tekken version). I guess moves like the Hoduken are going to use some special kind of command input, but who knows it's very intriguing idea, but at the the same time we've seen what happen to the last SF games that tried to be a 3D fighter and they didn't turnout all that great so there is also a great deal of optimism there.
The real reason I would like to see Tekken vs Virtue Fighter is because we have yet to see any of the 3D fighters get crossovers. We always see a Capcom Vs this game or a Capcom Vs that game in the past. I wanna see different crossover fighters something that doesn't have Capcom characters in it, just about every crossover fighter that's been done (aside from a few) has had some character from capcom, & I remember seeing an 2d rpg that was a crossover featuring characters from both SF & Tekken called NamcoxCapcom that came out on the PS2 in Japan of 2005 (Never actually played it though).
I wanna see a Mortal Kombat vs Killer Instinct or Soul Calibur vs Samurai Shodown (or Bushido Blade vs either SC or SS), & of course Tekken vs Virtue Fighter, now these are crossovers that would be more epic epecially Killer Instinct vs MK.
Last edited by GuyverLT on 3/6/2011 2:03:41 PM
hehe yeah, guyver. The closest thing we've seen to a 3D crossover outside of fighter's megamix is Tekken's Heihachi in SC2. Which is another awkward combo.
But yeah, VF and Tekken would be like PB&J. Even though there'd have to be some pretty significant alterations. I'd assume Tekken would have to adopt a guard button. And perhaps even the buffered throw breaks and heavily segmented counters. Whereas VF could adopt a more detailed ground game. But I'd hate seeing Tekken sacrificing it's left and right system. It's something I've preferred about Tekken. And I wouldn't mind seeing 10+ string combos left entirely out =p
Temjin: Yeah man if it ever does rear itself onto consoles i'll be sure to hit you up on a game. Don't lose faith yet, but if we don't hear anything from this years E3 or Tokyo Game Show then i will be concerned if we Westerners will ever see it.
I actually really like the "quirky" stuff about MK. they don't take themselves too seriously, and thats what makes it a success in my opinion.
This looks rad but VF is my fighting game. No babe-ality tho 🙁
wish they would do a MK deception 2 after this, or even better that fire and ice game that got canned.
really enjoyed MK shaolin monks, one of my favorite ps2 games finished it over 60 times!
This is kinda neat, but I dunno how much time I would actually spend in it. It's a little bit of a more elaborate version of the Trials and Missions found in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Super Street Fighter IV. I'd rather the more traditional single player outlets for fighting games like Survivor. Most fighting games neglect the Survivor mode, except Namco, and I spent many, many hours over seven different Tekken games trying to best my own scores.
The trophy/achievement leak from earlier today has put something out there that I'm *really* curious about. Cyber Sub-Zero. I really wanna see what he's like.