If you loved Demon's Souls , you're probably crazy excited for Dark Souls .
You've seen the debut trailer and maybe that's enough to convince you, but now we've got more media in the form of fresh screenshots . They're a little dark but then again…that's sorta the point. The knight in not-so-shining armor faces off against more than a few nasty foes, and we even get a glimpse of some massive bosses. Many will immediately recall a few of the more challenging bosses in Demon's Souls , and with the developer's claim that Dark Souls will be even more difficult, those fans are scared. Even if they won't admit it, they're shaking in their boots. We'll be interested to see any new gameplay and of course, we'll be anxiously anticipating that release date. The role-players out there are hoping it doesn't fall in the midst of an insane time; Dark Souls will require many, many hours.
And does anyone else notice a significant visual upgrade…?
Related Game(s): Dark Souls
in this gen, I truly cared about and indulged myself with only a few games — MGS4, Lost Odyssey, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain… just to name a few. AND Demon Souls is one of them, or maybe the very top one. I believe this game together with the ICO/SOTC and The Last Guardian are all what I will focus on this year or the next. nothing more, at least to me.
Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 3/4/2011 9:28:41 PM
"And does anyone else notice a significant visual upgrade…?"
Indeed. Looks much cleaner and detailed.
definitely on both accounts, I'm really liking those detail enhancements.
We'll see what happens once it has made its all too important multiplat concessions.
I don't think there will be any multiplat conceptions as from software is developing the game for ps3.
Namco bandai is publishing the game in america and they are putting it on 360.
So we ps3 owners shouldn't have anything to worry about.
They have to be identical though or the earth will explode.
I am still a bit worried of it going multi plat. So is this a direct sequel to Demon's Souls or just modeled after the same style. I think i read sony owns the IP. Myself, brother in law and younger brother barely started playing the game and its so much fun. I still dont get why people think its hard, its only hard if you make a mistake which happened to me a few times (rolled to evade fell off a cliff XD) The only thing I want changed is the co op. Its a pain to start a game with family members and decide ok your going to be in body form and well tag along.
OMG. I did not know about this until now (been living under a rock). They are actually doing a follow up to demons souls. This is the 2nd best gaming news I have heard in a while (Skyrim being the 1st)
EDIT: Wow. looks like the textures are a lot more detailed this time around (not that they weren't great in demons souls). And that boss in number 6 looks crazy scary awesome!
EDIT 2: Picture number 13… return of the nexus?
Last edited by laxpro2001 on 3/4/2011 9:32:17 PM
They look pretty good. I like it… a lot. I hope From Software manage to do Demon's Souls justice with this 'spiritual successor', and by the looks of it, they'll do wonderfully. I'm really quite excited for this game.
It's looking amazing, can't wait to experience this. Graphics upgraded, difficulty upgraded, open world upgrade.
If this releases this year it may be my favorite of 2011.
WOW thoose screenshots just made my manhood grow by 10 meters. Ive put in over 300 hours of demon souls, Got the platinum trophy a few weeks ago with no online help via trading or messing about with soul tendancy. I think im ready to take on a tougher challenge. I will plat dark souls, it may take my social life but it will never take….MY SOULS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mouth hits floor THUMP! Demon's Souls II anyone? Thank the amino acid pools of life! I cannot wait for this game! Sky what? Rim shot? What? Dark Souls! YES!
Rim job.
It does not get any better than this. GOTY for sure.
This game will definitely steal my social life away, it's the game I'll wake up to lol.
Seriously, looking amazing already, everything more detailed and open. Nice enemies there, that wolf looks awesome, same with the skeletons.
It better release in the West at the same time as it does in Japan or I will have to import it.
Thanks for the news psxe! Will stare at those pics for a while.
I doubt it will be game of the year. The year is still far too young and there are far too many games coming down the pike to make a definitive judgment at this point in time.
it will be the game of the year to the people that fall into the style of game play like demon souls or dark souls. it is a either love to the death or dont wanna touch it at all type of game.
for me, my game of the year will be hard to decide between the dark souls and the last guardian. i think both deserve 😀
I, for one is very much looking forward to the challenge. Demon's Soul is one of my favorite game and I am sure I will be frustrated with this one too but I will just keep moving forward.
I'm am so excited for this game. I'll admit the "claimed" difficulty concerns me but I was intimidated by the difficulty of demon's souls at first and now I fly through it. I'm going to take this one head on!
hope they release this in reasonable time, not the 12+ months later!
hopefully they release a easy difficulty for us sane people.
nice to have a blindingly difficult game back to the way games use to be, but sometimes i just dont want that, i just want to hurry up and finish the game so i can move on.
This game is going to be awesome, i still need to platinum Demon Souls though. :/
This and Skyrim will be competing viciously for my attention.
demon souls was a great game, especially for those looking for a hardcore gaming fix. the online elements were pretty unique as well. i know the difficulty can be a turn off for some, but if you stuck to it you get a real sense off accomplishment.
Last edited by Excelsior1 on 3/5/2011 12:21:33 PM