This is one time where we sorta sniffed it out before the facts came to light.
If you surfed around for game news in the past 24 hours, you probably saw a mysterious teaser site , which featured a countdown. Once the countdown was over, we were supposed to see an official unveiling for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 . However, something about it seemed off, which is why we didn't initially report on it… Now, an Activision representative has informed Kotaku that any such "unveiling" or countdown is a hoax.
"There seems to be a great deal of speculation about the next Call of Duty project. Let me be clear that we are not revealing yet. Anything indicating otherwise is a hoax."
Therefore, if anything shows up on the site next week – the countdown ends at 10 a.m. EST on Wednesday – it's bogus. Activision will make the announcement when they're good and ready; not before. At this point in time, Modern Warfare 3 hasn't been officially announced, although most just assume the project exists.
But it does help generate hype…just in case people are to busy playing games like KZ3 to forget that COD existed….
How much you want to bet that Activision saw their online numbers drop this week and decided to put up some buzz just to get people playing COD again? and like Moths to the flame…the sheep will follow.
Crap, what will FPS gamers do if they don't get their annual CoD fix?
hopefully play some real games.
well if ur this FPS gamer, play battlefield 3
Watch a countdown clock for the next installment.
Whatever they reveal or not is going to be 5hit compared to what KZ3 provide has a game.
Sorry activision u cant compete againts a masterpiece.
I couldn't have articulated or have said that better myself.
Why CoD is popular or continues to sell will always remain a mystery to me.
1. It's no fun.
2. There's a very limited number of classes to choose from, eg. no medic or tank class
3. No vehicles
4. Unrealistic physics.
5. Unfair advantages for experienced players, making it impossible to win or level up for newcomers.
6. No strategy, just run until you see an enemy or they see you first.
The only good thing I gathered from Call of Duty is that it has tight and responsive controls and is very easy to pick up and play. THAT'S IT!!
So, game developers, if you want to make a multi-million selling game franchise, screw single player, screw good graphics, screw thought of any kind. Simply focus on excellent controls and multiplayer and you shall be rewarded.
BTW, I am yet to find anyone interested in the next CoD in my circle of friends. All interest has turned to Battlefield 3.
BTW, off topic, but while Killzone 3 is excellent, the lack of cross-game chat or private party chat ruined the experience for many of my friends used to Xbox Live. Could only chat when in the game lobby or in a match and even then everyone else in our group could hear us. Is there a way to private chat with friends on PSN while online? Would make the game so much better, and save muting everyone in the process.
Thumbs down for the cross chat comment.
5. Unfair advantages for experienced players, making it impossible to win or level up for newcomers.
6. No strategy, just run until you see an enemy or they see you first.
not true! search and destroy has strategy alot infact especially with mates
and what lol cod is a very noob friendly game
Squad up.
oh come now has that poor cow not been milked enough?
looks like its time to call PETA.
I bet someone at activision just posted it before they were supposed, bet they got fired. Don't worry cod fans, your re-print cod will be out in the next few months.
noooooooooo!! activision, you can't play with my heart like that. i need my re-print. jk.
They can't show any new COD because Black Ops came out 2 months ago (seems like it). New gameplay or trailer will be overkill
you think that'd stop acitivision?
waits for cod hate………
on a side note the next cod had better be much improved
I only been playing 'till W@W and not the later COD games. It's all about battlefield but still love W@W, MW1 and COD3 sometime to time.
If you want a FPS forget COD buy MAG there At lease 128 people in a game so much better than COD
Except in Mag the guns dont work properly and the control sucks ass.
New Call of Duty? Ughh… sorry Activision, I simply just don't care anymore.
Hmmm…I wonder why Activision doesn't wanna show anything. Anybody see that Battlefield 3 Teaser? I think EA/DICE just pwned the CoD giant.
More than likely Activision will have a 30 sec TV spot and full release date unveil during the NBA Finals.
Why is there so much Cod hate on here, really odd I reckon.
You don't like it? Don't play it. Its existence is not harming you in any way, unless your mentally unstable and start having seizures when you see the cod name.
Well said!
I've noticed it is very popular/trendy on gaming forums for every poster to profess their hatred for COD – yet the fact remains – this game is the most fun you can have with your clothes on. Black Ops campaign sucked – but the multi player is an absolute blast and I cannot wait for the new map pack. If COD was as shit as the trendy crowd seem to think – why has it sold millions and why will it continue to sell millions? The simple answer is – its a helluva lot of fun online – tight controls, fast paced and nowhere near the amount of annoying children on PS3 as on Xbox Live.
Modern Warfare 3 – bring it!
Thumbs up.
I'm a really big fan of the MW series, don't like the treyarch games though.