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DNF Pre-Order Incentives Include Duke’s Big Package

You know about that bad-ass Balls of Steel Edition so now it's time to learn about the pre-order incentives.

2K has revealed the pre-order bonuses for the game that "did not finish" and yet somehow still did. If you drop your deposit at GameStop, you'll receive Duke's Big Package; a piece of downloadable content that features an in-game ego boost, big head mode, and a t-shirt pack. If you'd rather pre-order at Wal-Mart, you'll net a Duke Nukem Forever trucker hat. No, we didn't make that up; it's a baseball cap that says "Duke Nukem Forever" on it. …I might actually need that. Also, if you're into Take-Two's stuff – and they've produced some great games this generation – they invite you to check out their Take-Two Store , which features everything from prints, faceplates and t-shirts to lithographs, posters and skins. Some of the best titles around can be found; Bioshock and Civilization are two big ones, but don't forget about the upcoming L.A. Noire . That should be worthy of some cool stuff in the store, right?

Anyway, if you're a Duke fan and you just can't wait for DNF in May, it's time to pre-order…maybe that Balls of Steel Edition. Just to say you have, you know, balls of steel.

Related Game(s): Duke Nukem Forever

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13 years ago

But Ben, why ever would I need to order the balls of steel edition to say that?


Last edited by TheHighlander on 2/21/2011 10:50:28 AM

13 years ago

I'm sorry, but this just seems like 13 year old bathroom humor. I'll be passing on this one. Never played the old ones and I can tell just from this that that I won't be missing much.

13 years ago

For a guy with a Deadpool avatar I find funny that this type of humor doesn't resonate with you xD.

13 years ago

First of all Deadpool does not go around spout out balls jokes.

Second, Deadpool has a very dark, very bloody humor. He finds it amusing to let someone cut off his head just so he can see the look on their face when he reattaches it.

Deadpool is to dark and gruesome as Duke Nukem is apparently to balls, balls, balls.

13 years ago

Well I never thought of Deadpool has a dark character or his humor, but again I read a bunch of sick seinen manga(not crap like bleach or naruto) and comics that make him look pretty much like a normal dude, I find him a great character similar to Duke ,not the same jokes but the same vibe, I could see them being buddy's in a cameo.

13 years ago

Uh, yeah, there are some parts of DP that are dark, but there's a lot of bathroom humor, and just plain silliness to him as well. Like a story in Wolverine: Origins where he kept seeing Wolverine as a cartoon rabbit. Or during Secret Invasion, or whatever the Skrull invasion plot was called, where he kept hitting on one of the Thunderbolts and making lewd comments about her outloud, though he thought they were being made in his head.

13 years ago

Duke humor can't be rivaled, when a giant disgusting she-beast crashes up through the street with a nasty pair of saggin boobs and Duke Goes "Sh*t, I'd still hit it!" That is comedy gold.

13 years ago

Well first off, the writers for wolverine origins are not the writers for Deadpool and it takes a very special writer to do Deadpool the way his creator intended.

As for secret invasion, Deadpools flirtation was actually not lewd at all.

I didn't realize that some manga involved Deadpools character and I'm not really sure how that is possible as Deadpool is owned by Marvel, which is now owned by Disney, which as far as I knew does not do manga. So as far as that goes I'm not sure what that's about.

13 years ago


13 years ago

So is eventually going to get some pre-order incentive or no?

13 years ago

Kinda ironic how DNF stands for 'Did not finish'

13 years ago

already got mine preordered.
cant wait till this is out, finally a fun for the sake of fun shooter!
cant wait for the duke nukem 3D HD remake too, wonder what ever happened to it was suppose to release 2011.

13 years ago

I suppose DNF isn't for everyone, but I know I'll be picking this one up. I mean, c'mon, it's Duke! 😉

13 years ago

I've never even played any Duke games and I'd hit that.

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