Oh, damnit.
Mirror's Edge was one of our favorite games of the generation; the concept was fantastic and although it wasn't perfect, we thought it represented a solid foundation for the future. The game did sell over 1 million copies and we had heard EA was hard at work on the sequel but evidently, it's all over now. In speaking to Press 2 Play (as translated by Bit-Gamer ), EA boss Patrick Soderlund considers those million copies "poor sales." But on top of which, it seems a prototype of the sequel didn't turn out well, so EA has ordered DICE to stop work on the project; the DICE guys are working on "something else now." That has to be more of the reason; the original Dead Space didn't sell many more copies and yet, we saw DS2 last month. It's just too bad ME2 wasn't up to par, because it really had a ton of potential.
If you missed it and were always intrigued by the idea, you might want to pick it up. It's worth a look, at the very least.
Eh, no big loss for me. I didn't get into the 1st game. Sorry to all the Mirror's Edge fans though.
I couldn't get into this game but it's bad for the fans. This is what bugs me about this generation. They have a great concept that could turn into something big but with how high development costs have become it is a lot harder to take a risk when the first title wasn't a blockbuster. Just look at the first Twisted Metal. It wasn't that great but here we are waiting for what the sixth in the series.
A shame 🙁
T'was a unique game
And here I thought EA had turned the corner…hopefully 'something else' is 'something unique'.
As far as I can tell EA meddles with DICE a lot, they don't do so with Visceral. At least that's my impression based on what I've read and seen in interviews. If I ever see Mirrors Edge for cheap I might grab it some day. Nice idea, coulda been something, but I won't cry over it. In third person it would have been a powerhouse.
So what's Dice onto now I wonder. Somethin else that's fresh I hope. At least EA tries new IPs dammit!
I was able to find Mirrors Edge, Fallout 3, and The Force Unleashed for $20 each at Big K.
My Kmarts are gone 🙁
The ipad/iphone versions are in third person. That game got rave reviews… if you have an ipad/iphone, which you might not have.
Afraid I don't, phones aren't really my thing other than talking on them.
Of COURSE they ditched part two. If ever there was a vomit inducing game ME was it. Besides, Dice has better things to do with its time than make more of that. If MoH can't compete with CoD, then perhaps Battlefield can. If they focus their attention on yearly releases they may just get lucky one year.
Gotta agree there..I liked the game a lot and was going to buy it..Yet my stomach would get queezy..especially after missing jumps and having to do them over and over..
Damnit Mirrors edge was really fun and unique. I'm a fan of parcour maybe that made me like it more but still, it had a fairly good story and sweet gameplay. I was really looking forward to seeing how they would have made it better. Damn you EA!
Oh well maybe in the future some other developer will pick up where ME left off. I can only hope.
That kinda sucks… I actually enjoyed the whole parkour game style (probably because i am into parkour myself). But maybe they can make it on the NGP. It probably wont happen, but i think that would be awesome
oh, this is bad news. The original ME had some problems, sure, but it was wildly innovative in so many ways. Loved ME and was really looking forward to the sequel.
I was really hyped for the first game, but when I finally got it, it left me feeling empty. I enjoyed it somewhat, but felt as though it could have been much better, and was looking forward to a sequel to see what improvements may have been made. A shame. Still, why couldn't they have done what Ubi did with I Am Alive and reduce it to a DL title? Reduce the ambition, cut the budget and see what they can do.
P.S. 3D Platformers just don't seem to work out all that well when that is the primary focus. Elements of platforming, as seen in Uncharted or R&C can work, but seemingly not when it is the core.
Last edited by Lawless SXE on 2/16/2011 1:00:03 AM
Works great in Super Mario 64/Sunshine/Galaxy, Any Prince of Persia, Sly Cooper, Maximo: Ghosts/Zin, Crash Badicoot(naughty), Jak and Daxter, Psychonauts, Kameo, Sonic Colors….what are you basing your theory on?
Prince of Persia, in my eyes has as much of a focus on puzzle solving and combat as the platforming while Sly features the stealth mechanic. I'll give you Crash, Jak and Daxter and Psychonauts. Sonic and Mario both have a history in platforming, but more importantly, they are both on the Wii. A console on which platformers work. I haven't heard of the other two.
What I'm looking at is PURE platformers on the PS3/360, which discludes those that I granted you earlier, considering that they're on the PS2. If you can point me in the direction of a stellar 3D platformer available on the PS3 (not the PSN), in which the elements of action-adventure/hack n' slash/TPS/whatever else are minimal, rather than being equal to, or more important than, the platforming elements, then I may concede the point.
First, you'd have to point me in a direction of a game that attempted to do it on PS3 and failed, as your theory suggests. You imply that it can't be done at all by saying 'they don't work out well', not that it had to be on the PS3. Now you want to discount PSN, though I'm not sure why except that you really want to keep your theory correct. Only the Sonic series has attempted it, but they were just mediocre games from the start. As far as I've played, Prince of Persia(2008) is the best third person platformer this gen for the big systems. Combat and puzzle solving definitely take a backseat to platforming in that game. For overall platforming, it has to be Mirror's Edge. There is nothing like it. And Kameo: Elements of Power is on the 360.
I discount PSN because I'm unable to access it, as I've stated many times here. But you do hit on a good point. "Can't be done" isn't the same as "won't be done". And so I will give you that one. But doesn't lack of product signify lack of trust? I'd say that it is pretty clear that developers/publishers find it difficult to put the money into 3D platformers, whether or not they may be good, simply because they do not sell.
But if what you say about PoP '08 is true, I may have to look into getting it.
i still own mirrors edge. havent played it in forever. one of these days i will go back through it. kind of bummed that there wont be another one. having an option to play 1st or 3rd person would be cool.
Alright guys, lets get all of our pennies together and try to buy the IP from EA.
I bet $5 EA is scrapping this to make some sort of shooter.
oh EA how could you do this to me?
thats it, its over, ill send for my things in the morning.
I loved the original game, and I loved the concept of having a video game that focused more on acrobatics, rather than mindless run and gun shooting. I really enjoyed Mirror's Edge, and was really rather excited to hear that EA Games and DICE were hard at work on a sequel. Kind of sad that Mirror's Edge 2 development was cancelled, but was there really any room for Mirror's Edge 2, when we have other very high quality games that have either just released, or will release soon? (Killzone 3, for example)
No matter what, I'm truly saddened by this cancellation.
I still can't get the Mirror's Edge theme song out of my head.
'Still Alive'.
Last edited by wiiplay on 2/16/2011 4:49:41 AM
ME was one an absolute breath of fresh air and represented what this gen SHOULD be all about.
I can bet that the prototype was good, of course they're gonna say it's bad, to give them more justification to cancel it for something dumbed down and generic.
I'm sick of this. So many "what if this game…." moments in the latter years of gaming.
They cancel this, but we get flooded with shit all the time.
Well, guess this game will be another diamond in the rough.
Or maybe the prototype was just bad and they said it like it is. Just because Soderlund's a businessman doesn't mean we shouldn't trust him. I'll bet he knows a lot more about how the prototype was than you do.
And dude, everything seems bad when you're living through it. This era of gaming seems terrible right now because of all the FPS's, but in another decade FPS fever will have died down and we'll all be complaining about the next huge, overflooded genre of games. So really, I don't see the point of complaining about this gen when every other gen has had just as many ripoffs, unoriginal, or just plain stupid games as this one.
So what I'm trying to say is, take it like it is, enjoy the games that are completely original that come out every so often, and also enjoy the ones that take a familiar gameplay style and turn it into something semi-unique. Not everyone's gonna come out with a completely original product (and there's no way in the world that every dev can do this, as you seem to be expecting them to), they're gonna come out with what they want to make, what they think will sell, and what they think people will enjoy. If you thought the next-gen of consoles would be all about completely original games (unlike all the previous gens), then you thought wrong. Just sayin.
Lol, I zoned out while reading this and towards the end it said "too bad ME2 wasn't up to par" and I thought Mass Effect 2 and got real confused.
I got it for PC and I really really enjoyed it. The only problems were there were times the game kind of strayed away from the purpose of the game – RUNNING AWAY AND NOT FACING COMBAT.
There were a couple situations where you had to fight head on and you couldn't do anything about it. The game should allow you to FIGHT…but it SHOULDN'T BE NECESSARY TO FIGHT for it certainly felt like straying away from the DNA of the game.
The other thing was that the level designs got a bit repetetive near the end. It all looked amazing at first, but later…there was quite a lack of creativity on the design =/
Last thing was the story. Umm…I guess I just didn't connect with it. I mean here I am playing in the first person view yet the story just didn't hit me. It was really not that intense…and emotional. Though that's a hard thing to do, I mean many film directors – MANY FILM DIRECTORS can't get a story across. In game design many people thing about the game mainly, but I feel that a game playing with the first person view…you kind of want to feel the story.
Those are my only complaints…OTHERWISE…I FREAKING LOVE THE GAME. The soundtrack is great as well!
IT UPSETS THE HELL OUT OF ME…that Mirror's Edge 2 is dead now. I just wanted a game where they fixed those mistakes. Then I would have loved the game even more.
And oh that "other game" they're working on? Battlefield 3. Well…most likely.
This is the worst (gaming) news I could of expected to read today. I wasn't so much anticipating ME2, as I was anticipating just getting some news/progress for ME2.
In a way now that I know it's been canned, I feel disappointed but at least now I can move on from constantly wondering when it was gonna happen.
Oh thats soooo shite. i was really looking forward to this.
This article saddens me, I thought for sure we would see the sequel at E3 this year.
Really disappointing as I enjoyed the first Mirror's Edge probably as much as anyone. This was something truly unique in this console generation and it's a shame we won't be getting more of it. It's pretty bad when a successful game gets labeled as a disappointment by the publisher and then they don't even release the sequel.
I hear ya. I was really looking forward to this game. Oh well, as long as they're working on something else I'd like in turn that's fine. No use in crying over spilled milk…sniffle
Well this sucks. The first was not worth buying at $60, but for $20 I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sure, it was repetitive, the shooting was really standard (not that I used it much, first time through I was all melee), and the story was so-so, but it did have a great soundtrack, the parkour was pretty good, and it had some fairly unique concepts.
Its a shame though that EA labeled it as having disappointing sales just because they couldn't make a good sequel out of it. I mean come on, just like the article says, Dead Space sold about as much, and the only reason that wasn't labeled a disappointment was because they had built it into a successful franchise and the sequel sold a crapload more.
Of course, I have no idea how the prototype for ME2 was, and they would know more than me when it comes to that, so I'm just going to say that if the sequel wasn't going to deliver, its good they cancelled it.
Last edited by Lairfan on 2/17/2011 5:10:24 PM
DICE General Manager: "Fascinated how serious game media sites can stir up an article based on rumor milling, loose quotes and assumptions."
Tweeted same day as this story. I wouldn't say all hope is lost.
Mirror's Edge is without a doubt my favorite game of this generation. It needs and deserves a sequel.
damn, i really enjoyed the first one. altho by the end, i was getting shot a whooooole lot by the soldiers…
it was undoubtedly fun tho, and i was looking forward to a sequal…