The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection is headed to a PlayStation 3 near you soon, but that inherent brilliant artistry will take another form for US consumers.
You probably didn't know, but contemporary Japanese author Miyabe Miyuki penned an ICO novel back in 2002, and it only released in Japan. But now, according to news from the Twitter feed of manga blog Tanbishugi (as cited by Siliconera ), Viz Media's edition of "ICO: Castle of the Mist" should be released in North America in July. Amazon will evidently offer it at the discounted price of $10.65 (normal price is $15.99) if you wish to pre-order. The aforementioned Collection will hit this Spring and if you're a big fan of the games in question, you might want to dive deeper into the enchanting world of ICO . Those who loved the title will tell you the combined atmosphere, storyline and unique cooperative-based gameplay made it a gem, and in our opinion, the concept would make for an excellent book.
PSXE always encourages you to read; make it a significant part of your life. Just a friendly PSA from your favorite PlayStation site. 😉
Ooo! I want this. What a great collector's item. I'll run through Ico one more time before reading it though. Just to refresh the old memory.
i still have this copy, i had all region shadow of colossus and ico too, infact ico was the reason i bought the PS2, lol, good old days
I'll definenly get this IF I like Ico…. which I'll be picking up in the collection this spring.
IMO I will like the games because i go for the artistic story-driven type plot like Uncharted and heavy rain (If you know what I mean)
Anyone know when Ico collection is coming out.
I used to read all the time for pleasure but my job gives me so many manuals and new technique books that I just don't have the patience to read like I used to. This sounds like a great item for people who have played the games but I haven't. I may check out the collection when it drops depending on if I feel it suits my interest.
I might get the collection if I have a dry spell to see what all the fuss is about. Video game literature isn't really my thing though. Well, except for that bit I wrote for the forums way back.
rose-tainted dot net / ico / essays/ petereliot _ annotation dot html
Talking Ico:An annotation by peter eliot
Last edited by Kiryu on 2/7/2011 10:56:34 PM
Yep, this is a sure thing for me. I've always wanted to read this book and now I get the chance. I'm so excited all these moves are being made for ICO and SOTC. Two gems that deserve the hype of Modern Warefare and Black Ops…sounds crazy and I know there are people out there that are gonna thumbs this down but there are tons of shooters out there and only one ICO and SOTC.
Great game, sadly many didn't get to play it. Will try to get the novel.
I already pre-ordered this on Amazon! 🙂
I loved ICO to death. I always feel proud that I was one of the ICO supporters during its original release. People who didn't play it missed out on an amazing adventure!
EDIT: For those who have played the Europe/Japan versions of ICO, is there a big difference with the ending compared to the NA version? I heard the ending for the original version is way better than the version I bought here in Canada.
Last edited by tridon on 2/8/2011 3:29:40 PM
yep, i got all 3 copys, and the north american ntsc version does not have the 2player mode and yep, the graphics is a tad bit cleaner imo, but that's just prolly bcause they reduced da bloom effect a bit
I will probably buy this book. Maybe even on day one.