Whenever we find out which engine a developer chooses to use, we always swing our gaze to the games available that already utilize the engine. In this way, we get an idea as to the potential and promise of any upcoming titles…but it's somewhat more challenging when the only game using such an engine hasn't even been released yet.
Nevertheless, we'll get a glimpse very soon. The latest edition of EGM shed some light on the future Wipeout project for the PS3, and one of the more important tidbits of information revolved around the use of the MotorStorm engine for the game. Now, the reason this is big news is simple: the Wipeout franchise has always relied on ultra-fast and silky-smooth gameplay with a flawless frame rate, and nothing less will be accepted by fans in the new generation. So the real question is, how will MotorStorm look?
Well, it's scheduled to be released on March 6, and from what we've seen of the trailer and demo, the engine appears solid. But it had best be beyond solid for Wipeout , that's all we have to say.
Related Game(s): Wipeout