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I Am Alive Struggles For Life In The Downloadable World

As much as we want the project to yell, "I am alive," the lack of news or updates is a little disturbing.

And it may be concerning for the publisher, too. According to a European source, GameZin , Ubisoft seems to think the developers aren't quite progressing as planned for their original title, I Am Alive . Unveiled back in 2008, we never got more than a few screenshots, a brief teaser trailer, and baseline information. Now, although the translation is rough, it appears designer Jade Raymond told Jeuxvideo that Ubisoft "doesn't have much of a degree of confidence," and has therefore relegated the project to the digital realm. That's right; I Am Alive might show up as a downloadable title on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live service. If you had forgotten, the game is supposed to be about survival in a city that has suffered (and continues to suffer) some catastrophe. In other words, life necessities like water are at a premium, and you may have to recruit others to assist you.

It reminded us of Disaster Report at the time and we were encouraged. But this sort of news has us worried, although we know downloadable games can be pretty impressive these days; the game should be out this year, if the source is correct. We'll keep you updated.

Related Game(s): I Am Alive

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13 years ago

I was wondering what happened to this game… I thought it looked neat, but if they are going to make it a downloadable title they'll likely have to scale it back a bit and i don't think a game like this will be nearly as awesome if it is smaller.

13 years ago

Ya what originally impressed me about this game was the implied scale of it, a whole city in ruin, but now I'm slightly disappointed.

13 years ago

Thats a little disappointing. I had high hopes for this one and like capn' qwark up there said they will have to scale it back, so thats a no buy from me.

Last edited by kevinater321 on 1/31/2011 11:04:45 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It originally grabbed my attention in a big way, but I suppose with the untried nature of it, and lack of confidece by the publisher, it makes more sense to release it is a D/L title. THis saddens me. It could have been a breath of fresh air on store shelves.

13 years ago

It is entirely possible this could still be a worthwhile project. InFamous was released digitally, and that isn't scaled back.

I hope this is the case, otherwise it might not make the cut. 3+ years in development for digital…

13 years ago

They released InFamous on disc first though. The article seems to imply that it will be a download only game.

13 years ago

Yeah, that is true.

My main point was that it is not impossible for a full game to be put on the PSN.

Let's face it, it would cost less to market it solely for the PSN.
The flip side to this is that it reaches a potentially smaller market.

13 years ago

Well, screw that. I forgot all about this game but at the time it looked promising. Not so much now.

Maiq The Liar
Maiq The Liar
13 years ago


13 years ago

Sounds like something really new term in terms of game design, setting, and goal. I guess they're not as daring as games like Heavy Rain, Mirror's Edge, and maybe even PSN games like Flow, which are completely different from the type of games we are used to.

13 years ago

thats it, im threw with ubisoft games!
from now on, if it has ubisoft on the cover im not touching it with a 100 foot pole!
first they give PC gamers the middle finger with there BS DRM, they released AC2 a buggy mess 6 months late, destroyed SPC, destroyed ACB and now this?
oh, how you have fallen from grace, one of the best publishers to one of the worst in the matter of 4 years!
ubisoft is the new $E!!!!!!!

why is it that every unique different game gets shunned and every clone gets full production and praised like jesus f*cking christ?
we finally get a game that dares to be different, and it gets thrown into the DL bin.
this could of been a industry changer, but no, ubisoft had to shun it off, and now were going to be stuck with military shooters for the rest of our life!

13 years ago

Dude, calm down. It even says in the article that Ubisoft wasn't happy with the way the game was progressing, aka somehow the devs aren't staying on schedule or weren't making the game they promised. This caused Ubisoft to lose confidence in them, and the results are in the article. I doubt Ubisoft would have done this if the game was coming along just fine.

13 years ago

and turning it into a DL only game is going to fix that?
this games suppose to have massive worlds, amazing graphics, a true next gen game.
you cant do that as a DL title!

13 years ago

How disappointing. This game looked so unique in the first trailer.

13 years ago

Awww, WTF????

Dammit, I had high hopes for this game, but now that's gone DL only, f*ck it altogether, cause it won't ever see the light of day in my collections.

13 years ago

hey. plenty of dl only games have been amazing. shadow complex anyone?? plus the main character shares my name, unless they changed that too.If so i would be pissed……..

Last edited by VOICE on 5/14/2011 5:22:28 AM

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