We've tackled the concept of the girl gamer before. We've recently said that such a creature does exist; they're merely in hiding . Well, one came out of hiding , but she might be unique.
However, as the industry continues to grow and begins to cater to both males and females alike, the girl gamers are starting to grow a tad indignant. Why do older people think girls who play video games are just trying to be boys? How come the immature fools online won't shut up when they discover they're playing with a chick? And what's the deal with those oversexed females depicted in games? Well, 17-year-old Jessica Cernadas is tired of it all, and she recently vented her frustrations on NPR in a piece called, "Why Do Girl Gamers Get So Little Respect?" Huh…if we had a girl on staff, it's sounds like something we'd publish. Anyway, you can listen to what Cernadas had to say over at Kotaku ; she calls online gaming a "men's club" and believes things are going to have to change in the future. Well, that's bound to happen but it helps that someone is speaking up; maturity can be tough to find in this industry, that's for damn sure.
We're just wondering if she could come back to NPR in 10 years, just to prove she hasn't grown up into a machete-wielding madwoman.
I don't find it disrespectful when they depict characters with my big package.
Face it dude, girls are different than us.
Looks, sexappeal, estetics, all that is more important to them, cause so much evolves around that in the "female world".
If every single male character in videogames had been depict as lesser intelligent beings, would you grow tired of that?
It's too late for that they already do that in some of the movies, i don't pay any attention to it anyway.
You're right Beamboom. The "female world" puts a lot of pressure on girls to look a certain way.
BTW, your avatar has some great cans!
Hezzron: LOL! Didn't think of that, but yeah, speaking of stereotypes… 😀
Clam: There is a difference with "some movies" and "everywhere". I'm not really trying to defend anything here, heck I love my female chars being sexy as hell and don't you dare take that away from me, I'm just trying to explain the case from a girl's point of view.
Honestly, I think a lot of the guys in video games look great! They don't need to change. However, the large boobs, ass, and size -5 skin tight clothes begin to get a little ridiculous. For such reasons, I try to avoid games like that. But, while men will still demand a "sexy female lead or character", they'll continue to bring out the obscenities.
I suppose the days of Samus and Princess Peach are over lol
Yes i'm aware there is a difference between the two. I'm not sure how bad it is because i don't watch movies that much anymore but it's in games, movies, websites etc. Even if i was a Woman it wouldn't bother me. But i was born Male, and seeing men be portrayed as dirt doesn't bother me because i know who i am and what my code is and i won't break that code I'm not trash as some woman like to view men as.
Now i'm just ranting don't mind me i'm just very tired.
@ Beamboom
Thats not true there are LOTS of awesome gaming guy characters. And even if they were all depict as dumb isnt that worse for us? And do we care? NO.
She should just be happy to incarnate a sexy avatar. That avatar is in some way telling her that we find girls beautiful. Who wants to incarnate a fatty who can't jump over a puddle. Just imagine if Nathan Drake was a nerd with no cardio weighting over 300 pounds… Good luck jumping over that ledge… XD
She is just beeing an attention *****. But I do agree with eveything else she said… Mostly… Like in an online game… If you say you are a girl you have 90% chance to receive free stuff and gold and special treatment… If you prove you are a girl you are now SPECIAL and everyone wants to help you quest… If you prove youre a girl AND sexy OMG it is the end of the world and you are the most popular thing on the net. But just like superstars… There are the equivalent to evil annoying paparazzis who keep bugging you and act like crap just like that girl is talking about.. But she has to live with it. It is the Ying Yang thing… Get more positive… Receive more negative… 😀
PS: this is a proven phenomenon tested on WoW by creating a girl char with a fake photoshoped picture and fake msn AngelKittyGal MU U HAHAHA god I never lvled up so fast.
Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 1/27/2011 12:52:12 AM
@ Girl Game Gemo
While a lot of games depict female characters in over-sexualised appearances, it is often to appeal to the stereotype of the male gamer where sex and violence sells really well.
However, in terms of female video game character popularity, Valve has certainly got something good going. Alyx Vance, the female partner who fights alongside Gordon in Half Life 2, is one of the most popular female characters in a story-driven game. It is because her appearance and personality are so realistic and true-to-life that the player sees her as an actual person they can almost relate to. She is taken seriously and the player builds a kind of emotional attachment to her because she is so realistic as a female character.
The giant bouncing boobs and tight clothing of characters like Bayonetta and Lara Croft (along with countless females in fighting games) appeals to the teen male with violence and sex in mind. Characters like Alyx Vance, Jill Valentine and (until recently) Samus are more appreciated and taken seriously because they are video game heroes or because gamers build an emotional attachment to them, making their survival or progression all the more important.
I think the overly sexy female characters that females don't like equals to the pretty boys we guys don't like in movies/games.
I mean, we sure as hell don't like girly men like that Bieber kid, etc.
We hate those kinds of girly men that girls like… (boy bands, etc.)
While females hate the overly "round" and sexy females.
I think that's the best way to compare the two sexes and what they don't like when they're portrayed in movies/games.
Yes, I can see where that's coming from. Female characters like that just make it so much more bearable to play as a female lead. It makes the female audience capable of connecting to a more sensable female lead than say Bayonetta or Laura Croft. While they appeal sexually, female leads like you suggested, especially Elena in my opinion, can attract a wider audience than just some hormone driven teen boys.
Like DanceMachine55 said, I think it all had to do with maturity level. I used to love the Backstreet Boys, but I don't so much now that I've gotten older. And Justin Bieber? He honestly needs to just stop and go away 😀
Personality on guys in gaming really attachs me to that character, Nathan Drake being my favorite. The part that made me so attached to him is his witty banter and overall great personality. I will sadly admit, the looks come second to that lol
Seem like mere attention whores to me. Anytime you hear about girl gamers its all about complaining about unfairness and 'demanding respect' like we're supposed to feel sorry for them and lend a shoulder. Ironically the more someone demands respect, the more desperate they sound and seem like they don't need it. Yeah they get picked on for being girls, but everyone gets picked on about something in life. Their no different. Seems like a lot of girl gamers need to grow up (as well as their harassers) and just do what they do. If they just do nothing but complain then maybe they really do belong in the kitchen.
Last edited by The Doom on 1/26/2011 10:03:45 PM
I don't hear any other Female Gamers complaining about it, and i like how they throw around the word Girl Gamer like it's something special. You don't see me going to girls and say i'm a Boy Gamer i don't know it just gets annoying why not just say you are a gamer instead of putting gender behind it like you demand respect because of it.
And i agree with you but not on the kitchen part, it doesn't matter if you are Male or Female you are going to get picked on no matter what gender. I've had plenty of people call me names on games and everything i just exchange acouple words back and that's it. But it's funny they talk smack but when you beat them they leave. They have Male and Female characters that are depicted as not very intelligent so it goes both ways if you ask me. Everyone who is immature needs to grow up because it's crazy what some people are saying, and need to show respect to other gamers this goes to anyone any gender.
That's the end of my rant.
Last edited by Clamedeus on 1/26/2011 10:17:25 PM
We're creatures huh? LOL. As a lady gamer, I'm not too overly concerned with what she said about games. You can experience the same kind of things walking into a bar.
She gave online multiplayer too much credit, it's often more of a "boys club," cuz it lacks any "men".
Truth be told, girl gamers get respect from male gamers when we actually share a room with them, but sharing a game with them offers difficulties such as getting pwned by a girl (Bad for the rep) and feeling obligated to behave. Face it, you don't act the same way in a coed group as you do with all guys. Or at the very least the sexual rhetoric gets toned down in a coed situation.
As far as the rest goes, men aren't exactly portrayed for their mental prowess in games either.
When it comes to being a gamer, I'm a gamer first and a girl second. I agree with this girl quite a lot in terms of the guys needing to just get over the fact that yes, we're girls playing a video game. It's not that big of a deal, so just play the game with us like you would your best guy friends. Not all girls that play video games are dykes, lesbians, or nerdy. I know a few girl gamers who are super gorgeous. So the stereotyping of females in gaming trying to be "one of the boys" definitely needs to go. Most of the time, I'm just trying to enjoy the game like everyone else.
In all honesty, I haven't run into many guys who have made fun of me for being a girl. I've made a lot of good friends on Playstation who don't mind at all that I'm a girl. They treat me like a gamer equal. That's all female gamers want, really; to be able to play with the guys knowing they trust you on your team.
So, all in all, it's just a matter of time before there will be no need for titles like mine. Some day, I can easily just say that I'm Gamer Gemo 🙂
P.S. Ben… If I were on your staff, females in gaming would be my speciality haha 🙂
Last edited by Gamer Girl Gemo on 1/26/2011 10:42:11 PM
I shudder to think what would be said to you if you got into a COD match on xbox live and you had a mic on. *shudder* But then, the few lady gamers I've known can hold their own.
Haha I think it'd be an entertaining experience. Either way, I am glad that PSN seems to have a greater level of maturity than Live.
I love that Gamer Girl Gemo uses a studly picture of Drake as her avatar, just like many of the guys here use pictures of beautiful women.
I also want to say that I greatly appreciate the input of our female regulars and am so glad that we have a community here which treats them with the respect they deserve.
I'm really happy that this community is very mature about things and has some of the most sensable people I've ever had the chance to talk to! And, being a regular, it's nice knowing the other regulars around here. You guys completely rock! 🙂
not even guys get respect while playing online so stop complaining.
When you say "not even guys gets respect while playing online," what comes to my mind is it's more of just a "you suck, get a life, you're a fag, your mom…". When it comes to girls online… "What? You're a girl? I bet you're a lesbian! Isn't it hard to play from the kitchen? Go make me a sandwich!"
Do you see the difference? Guys disrespect one another because of their skills in a game or even because of their performance in that game. Girls because they're just girls. My idea for "respect for female gamers" is yes, we're girlsplaying a game, get over it, play the damn game.
"You fucher" may go fine either way, but "You b|tch," might be crossing the line. Kinda depends on the person.
To tell you the truth i don't think i have ever seen by my own eye's playing a game of someone making fun of a female gamer, I've played against acouple of them but i haven't heard anyone say anything bad at them, everyone i play with just says good game that's it unless the other people talk smack. I play with acouple female gamers as well and no one has said anything bad to them, i don't know maybe it's the maturity level of the people i game with. I have only seen it happen on YouTube and it's always on Live from the videos. It's like it's the 'cool' thing to do or something which to me is very disgusting that another being could disrespect someone like that.
But i've seen a lot of very immature people, but not as bad as i have heard on Live.
Last edited by Clamedeus on 1/26/2011 11:17:17 PM
Very true. Like I said in my comment above, I haven't had much of a problem with being made fun of. At least not once they learn I'm a girl. Before that they think I'm "a gay little boy" haha.
Either way, I agree that it is disgusting and needs to stop, Live or PSN. Maybe we should all move to the Wii. I've heard of 0 complaints with that lol
Yeah dude, it's a totally different ballgame when it comes to opposite sex interactions. I've read a couple of dudes on here creating characters as females on PS Home… Hell, try it yourself and get flogged by kiddie testosterone..
That's also why I game offline in general. I don't need beefcake69xXx's emotional break down becoming the sessions voice acting during gameplay.
Where on earth does this whole lesbian train of thought come from? How is it even remotely related to video games?!?!
And for someone to make comments like "go back to the kitchen" and all that, that just sickens me. I had no idea there were so many horrible people out there like that.
In all honesty, I might be a little bit direspectful in the complete opposite way. If I play a girl online, I tend to be far more nice and friendly in a gaming manner than if I was playing against guys.
Hey Gamer Girl Gemo, what is your stance on this? Would I be as bad or any worse if I were to treat girls online better when communicating than I would with the guys? Such as less swearing, shouting or verbal abuse based on ability? It's not bad, but I still feel guilty for acting different around girl gamers.
Mind you, it's mostly playing Rock Band, Singstar or LBP that this happens. 🙂
Call me shallow, but I don't wanna play a game where my third person view is of some chick's fat ass.
C'mon girls, you know you got hot and bothered when you got to stare at Old Snake's sculpted buttocks beneath that suit 😉
Or Nathan Drake… Mmm… Guilty 😀
YEAH man if they stop the gaming babes I am going to have a reason to HATE every feminist movement out there. My fury will have no boundaries and I will stop at nothing to get rid of her kind of hindrance. If you don't like a game don't play it and leave us alone. Don't go thinking the world will bow to your girly will and grow up RAWR.
Don't get me wrong tho I love girl gamers but not HER type… Gaming is meant to live a fantasy so she better not start a movement that will ruin it.
Like were not about to destroy our female heroines just so that this gurl feels good. And if we turn this around… So many guy character look awesome and I dont give a crap. I tell yah that girl in the article is an attention loving feminist and has to be stopped and/or receive divine retribution XD
Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 1/27/2011 12:35:08 AM
Woah, calm down dude. The industry is so highly male influenced, that as long as men continue to produce testosterone, they will continue to produce your "gaming babes". Besides, isn't a Bayonetta 2 in the works? See? No worries!
I wanna see Chloes big ass in U3.
elena is better than chloe.
maybe not in looks, but in sheer personality
Thank you!!! That's what I mean from before.
Personality of females in games ALWAYS trumps the overly sexual giant boobed woman with nearly nothing on.
Alyx Vance vs. Bayonetta
Aeris (Aerith) vs. Ivy
Elena Fisher vs. Chloe
All the fans say they loved Elena even though Chloe was the far more overtly sexual character in Uncharted 2, and it's all because of the great personality!!
But hey, I loved Bayonetta and Soul Calibur, so it doesn't hurt that ALL female characters aren't intelligent and funny. 😉
Elena looks damn fine in that wet suit.
But, yeah, it's her personality that hooked me.
Alyx Vance is definitely one of my favourite characters of all time let alone favourite female characters, she's the real personality of half life.
Chloe is my favorite character, not because of her looks but she also has a good personality joking etc. And I'm also attracted to Brunettes. <3 brunettes.
I almost forgot i also like the voice actor in Stargate SG-1 Claudia Black i lover her accent.
Im all for the respect part but she can go DIE if she thinks shes taking my gaming babes away.
No feminist movement in the gaming industry PLEASE they are just pixels and they are fine the way they are lined up now. She can go play Dora for all I care if shes not happy with a 3D model that has more sex appeal than her (in her mind) lol
Gaming is a safe heaven from those crazy girl fanatics that think the world should spin around them ( it already is ) So yeah I am not stopping her from having her fun but she better not try to take mine away or I'll have to do anything to stop them in the name of the god of games!!! XD
Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 1/27/2011 12:21:43 AM
you know somethin? i use the idiots 2 my advantage when playing online.
after she mutes the a-hole, i just play with her like any other random dude. don't ask a name, what they look like or whatever. i just play.
soon, if ur cool enough, they send YOU a friend request. now u have 1 new friend who happens 2 be female.
You: 1
Idiots: 0
i don't care if ur a guy or gal… i just wanna play with friends
I always prefer to do the same.
Mute the morons, only communicate with the sensible gamers who are there to play and have fun. Many of those fun and sensible gamers I love playing with or against are girls, and I'm all for it.
Quite a lot of sensible and nice guys out there too, just gotta sift through the childish d***heads.
who cares
she should consider a move to South Korea. she'd fit right in….
More power to her. If she thinks that she, and others of her gender, aren't getting the common respect that they deserve because they're being harassed for the simple fact of being born a female, then she was right to take a stand.
Something that I really hate about young people, myself included sometimes, is the ridiculous lack of respect for others. It's a bloody pity.
Meh, bit over-dramatic for me.
I prefer to game offline or with no headsets and just mute everything.
I'm a single player lover, and even though I don't get harassed for being a female, I still get name called now and then, or shouted at. Mostly happens on Live though, so I avoid the headset altogether unless playing a private match with friends.
Hell, I'd love to meet more girls through playing them online. I actually have heaps of respect for anyone, male or female, who beats me at anything.
I will happily admit, I had my butt handed to me in Guitar Hero III by a teen girl from the US, and even one of my female friends who I worked with. Huge respect, cos I love Rock band and GH.
I rarely have issues on PSN when playing online, I choose my friends wisely, I found live sad but it's due to the lack of maturity and lots of underage kids playing M rated games.
if I find something I don't like I just mute my headset it's that easy. I understand why they make woman look "hot" in games and dont' care I don't play games for how hot the chick or dudes are in the game, as long as the story is great and the graphics are amazing and basically i get my money's worth they can make woman and men as hot as they want.
Jeeze, -I- get annoyed when guys are disrespectful to girls, asking inappropriate questions. I can't imagine what it'd be like to be the girl!
As for me, I get trash talked all the time. But when you're K/D is well over 2.0, it's going to happen. ;p
Yeah, you have a good K/D but it's no match for my W/L xD mine is 4.23 and my K/D is like 1.88 or 1.89 not sure what it is now though it's going up slowly but atleast a majority of the time i go positive K/D.
I need to work on my K/D though, i'm quite proud of my W/L though.