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Guerrilla: New Ideas “Floating Around” For Next Killzone

Perhaps it begs the question: do you really want to see Killzone become the next Call of Duty , in that we'll see one installment each year…?

Well, that probably won't happen but developer Guerrilla Games has already mentioned the "next Killzone ," saying they have more than a few ideas "floating around" after creating KZ3. In speaking to the UK Official PlayStation Magazine , game director Mathijs de Jonge said the following:

"We're looking at new projects. There's a lot of ideas already floating around the company to put in a new Killzone."

An open beta test is set for February 3, by the way, so if you didn't get a chance to sample the private beta last year, you get another shot. The game comes out on February 22 in the US and February 25 in Europe. In the past, there had been rumors surrounding Guerrilla's potential branching out; i.e., a whole new title and a new genre might be in the offing. But it'd be ridiculous to dismiss the Killzone franchise, yes?

We would like to see them try something new, though. Talented developers should try to be diverse.

Related Game(s): Killzone 3

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13 years ago

I really hope that GG will work on a new IP. Although Killzone 3 will be great and there will be so much things left untouched they should create a new game to show that they are capable of doing something fresh and not rehash their established gameplay.

Last edited by ApexPredator on 1/21/2011 12:19:51 PM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

I wholeheartedly support the Killzone franchise because I see enormous potential in it. However, even so there is one thing about the franchise that has been frustrating me for some time now.

That is that Guerilla Games has right from the very beginning been trying to establish the Helghast as the villains.

There may not seem to be anything wrong with that at first glance but a closer look yields some serious anomalies.

1. I've read the background storyline of the Killzone universe on the official website and it's actually very interesting. But while reading it I actually found myself sympathizing more with the Helghast than the Earth forces or ISA. I'm sure that there are others who feel the same way.

2. On top of that one need only to look at the cover art, the advertising, and the promotional materials of the franchise and the Helghast always seem to take center stage. In Playstation Home one can even dress up in a Helghast uniform and have Visari's Throne room as a personal space.

3. Furthermore the best voice talent in the franchise tends to go toward Helghast characters and Killzone 3 is evidently no exception.

4. Finally, if the story trailer for the latest game is any indication the Helghast still continue to be fleshed out better than their ISA counterparts.

All in all, it's obvious that the Helghast are the real stars of this franchise. They are a lot cooler and a lot more interesting than the ISA. And they're the bad guys? Seriously Guerilla Games?


I have become convinced that if this franchise is ever going to reach it's full potential the Helghast have to be made the protagonists.

I seriously hope that this situation will be rectified with Killzone 4. And obviously I also seriously hope that there will be a Killzone 4.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Your last point is a great one. The Helghast certainly stole the show for me in KZ2, and it looks like they'll be doing the same in the third one. But, if I remember correctly, they said that this one would focus far more on Helghast culture, and the people than the others had.

But yeah, I too would like to see the events from the perspective of the enemy. Perhaps that in itself could be an idea for the next Killzone, an ISA soldier thinks that the ISA forces are going about things wrongly and defects to the Helghast. Well, they'd probably kill him in a dozen gruesome ways, but it would allow us to see their side while maintaining the ISA POV.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

Okay, I admit that maybe I got just a little bit carried away.

Maybe the Helghast don't HAVE to be made the protagonists. Although that would be awesome.

But I guess I'd also be willing to settle for the Helghast simply being treated better.

For example it would also be nice if the planets of Helghan and Vekta could put their differences aside and team up to rebel against the Earth Forces. That would definitely be sweet.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 1/21/2011 1:32:28 PM

13 years ago

Okay so lets do this with class.
All in favor of Helghast side for next KillZone
Say Aye,

All opposed, don't speak.

Motion passes. Helghast are to successfully rebel against the ISA and Earth.

@ Looking glass, I don't think the Helghast are likely to help the ISA since they were the ones who screwed them over. However there is a chance that they could somehow join up with the UN Earth Forces since they are on the way there already IIRC.

Last edited by sirbob6 on 1/21/2011 8:00:45 PM

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago


I can certainly venture a guess with regard to what you're referring to when you say the ISA screwed them over. But all the same I would like to hear it from you. So what exactly are you referring to?

I think that the UCN is probably most to blame for the mistreatment of Helghan since they pretty much started the First Extrasolar war, seized Vekta from the Helghan administration, and handed it over to the ISA.

And what exactly do you mean when you say the UCN forces are on their way there already? And I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with the arconym "IIRC". What does it mean?

Last edited by Looking Glass on 1/21/2011 8:50:50 PM

13 years ago

@ looking Glass
First of IIRC is If I Remember Correctly (got that off an Alt-history forum).
Secondly I could have sworn that the UCN was on the way over during Killzone 1, that way the Helghast would use the ISA's defense grid to take them out. I also thought that the ISA had control after the war and after some riots kicked the Helghast out. Leading most of the hate toward the ISA rather than the UCN.

13 years ago

Looking Glass,

I've been posting that I wanted a Helghast sided game here, ever since KZ2 first came out.

Just flip the whole story making the ISA the enemy this time around, along with giving us the whole Helghast back-story, and as seen from their side, from those bright red glowing beady eyes.

(Hell, I've got my 97 dozen grunts & moans all damned ready to go).

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago


Actually, the storyline does establish that the UCN fleet did arrive, stabilized the situation on Vekta, and then retired.

On the other hand, it also establishes that the UCN forces did give the ISA orders to restore the blockade around Helghan but not to take any other offensive action. An order that they obviously disobeyed. But more significantly it's also revealed that a Judge Advocate General's Inquisition team was on it's way to investigate the matter. I wonder what the UCN's reaction will be when they learn of everything that has transpired since they left? Most significantly the death of Scolar Visari at the hands of the ISA.

But I digress, the conclusion you have come to is accurate. Guerilla Games has stated that the Helghast blame the ISA for everything. A hatred that according to the storyline is not without merit as the ISA did make it's share of bad decisions with regard to the treatment of Helghan.

13 years ago

@ Looking Glass, okay I must have missed that. Anyways now that that is sorted out lets start the massacre of the ISA scum.

13 years ago

As great as the Killzone franchise is, it's just a straightforward shooter at the end of the day, albeit one with brilliant production values and superb attention to detail. Guerilla are very talented, and I'm sure they can channel that talent into a fresh new IP

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

I wouldn't be averse to a new Killzone. But with GG promising that they've got a new IP in the hopper, I'd much rather see them crank that out before working on KZ4.

I want to see them try new things, and while I'm sure that the idea they have for KZ4 are brilliant, why can't they incorporate some of them into a different IP. Ideas can be many more things than just one.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

Do they really have to choose between Killzone 4 and something new? Perhaps it's possible for them to have it both ways. Maybe they can start a new Helghast-centric IP in the same universe as Killzone.

Last edited by Looking Glass on 1/21/2011 1:10:55 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

I have an idea, it could still be Killzone but not in the outer space sort of way. To me Killzone is all outer spacey'. Would be nice if they brought the war over to the cities in earth! Still Killzone but a whole different feeling, like a whole new game. Hey they can even make the game feel different since the gravity in earth is different from outer space! Its been a long long time since I played Killzone, I dont exactly remember the setting, but a setting in earth would be nice. Just an idea.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 1/21/2011 1:14:01 PM

13 years ago

@ Killa Tequila..The first Killzone was on Vekta and I think that's as close to earth as we're going to see in this series..

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

A Helghast focussed spin-off would be cool. But I really do like seeing people expand their horizons. You have to remember that Guerilla Games is only made up of about 60 people, and even were they to take KZ in a different direction entirely, I'd like to see something distinctly different, with a different story background and graphical style.

As for setting KZ on Earth… No. It would be awesome to see an all-out war in a mega-metropolis, but that could be done on another planet within the KZ universe. I think the further they stay from Earth the better.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 1/22/2011 12:56:52 AM

13 years ago

I'll be honest. Sure the Helghast have good backstory. But really I'd rather shoot them then the other guys. Something about shooting a guy with a mask on is awesome to me. LOL. I'd love to see a new IP just as much as I'd like to see a Killzone 4. I'd also have them focus on just one game at a time. Killzone 4? New IP? Whatever's Clever…

13 years ago

I trust anything that GG will give us. I doubt they'd fail given the amount of experience they've had with the PS3. There are only a handful of studios you can truly trust and it's not shocking most are solely developing for the PS3.

I personally don't want to hear any talk about KZ4 until I've had time with KZ3. A new KZ is the last thing on my mind. If they were to give us a new IP then I'm all ears.

13 years ago

I don't have a problem with them making a new KZ, but they could always work on something new and then do another KZ. Kinda flip flop between KZ and new projects so that fans are all the more hungry for a new KZ, and we'd get something different in between.

13 years ago

"do you really want to see Killzone become the next Call of Duty, in that we'll see one installment each year…?"

Just have to wait and see how good KZ3 is. If it's totally awesome we'll all be saying "Don't you dare make anything other than KZ4!" …There weren't too many complaints when Naughty Dog said Drake was gonna stick around.

Having said that, even if demand is really high, I don't think Killzone could become an annual game. GG's standards would surely have to drop if it did.

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

Good point. The most important factor in deciding whether or not to make a Killzone 4 is how Killzone 3 does. And personally I hope that it does very well.

13 years ago

For starters, we won't see more than one Killzone game every 2 years. There's also huge difference between the two franchises. Killzone is quality AAA goodness and Call of Duty is yesterdays garbage.

13 years ago

Of course they have many new ideas for a Killzone 4. I mean this is no different than any other developer out there who is playing it safe…when you have a big name frachise there is always something new to keep the endless sequels coming even though they are just rehashes of the last game.

13 years ago

Whatever ideas they don't use for the fourth one should go into the fifth one because the fans want more Killzone.

13 years ago

Talking of KZ4 before KZ3 releases? Don't most companies talk about DLC before a game launches? What's this all about? lol

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
13 years ago

Maybe it is at least a bit premature. But on the other hand the Killzone franchise does have a formidable fanbase.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It's a good thing. A hint that they DON'T want to screw us over with near-necessary DLC.

13 years ago

Well, the game did go gold, so it makes sense that they're starting to talk about the next iteration. They've probably been busy having internal discussions over the last few weeks about what to do next with the franchise.

13 years ago

Why do people criticize a developer for talking about their options for the future of their popular and quality franchises? Killzone 3 is mere weeks away. I don't see anything wrong with them starting to think about Killzone 4. We already know they are talented and can handle their own. Killzone 3 will be awesome and I am sure a Killzone 4 would be just as good.

::shakes head at all the Negitive Nancy's::

13 years ago

ne1 heard the news? mgs hd trilogy in making 🙂

13 years ago

It's not wise to speak of Killzone 4 now because it creates a true or untrue perspective that K3 will be lacking in some way. Or that you don't get all Guerilla has to offer. There are some brain numb people who will say, "hey I'll just wait for Killzone 4". Talking about Killzone 4 unintentially minimizes Killzone 3. They should stop all K4 conversation.

13 years ago

Found a early review of Killzone 3!!

Not to much to it because they didnt post up the scans but some of the key points they say.


•One of the most beautiful game worlds
•Well-balanced, varied campaign
•High level of difficulty
•Sharp Shooter + Game on the Move


•Series deserves a deeper body shape characters
•Minor technical mistakes

13 years ago

Diversify but keep the same basic formula… somehow.

Last edited by Zorigo on 1/21/2011 3:32:54 PM

13 years ago

well i think k3 will be good but i would like to see a new ip for there next game just to see what else they can do 🙂

13 years ago

a bit early no?
i hope they release a demo for KZ3 though, want to see if they have made any changes to the SP.
besides jetpacks and snow of course.

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