We needn't take any more votes because the result is clear: the PSXE reader's choice for Game of the Year is God of War III .
Interestingly enough, Red Dead Redemption and Heavy Rain were in a dead heat for the runner-up slot, and Gran Turismo 5 came up in fourth. While we thought either Rockstar's gem or Quantic Dream's interactive drama might've made a push to the final goal, it's obvious that the majority of our readers believe Sony Santa Monica created 2010's best. It's a fair and understandable pick; we agree there isn't another action experience that surpasses Kratos' latest epic adventure. Perhaps the only question that remains is, "will GoWIII earn GotY from the PSXE staff?" Well, you'll know soon enough, as all 26 of our annual awards will go live later on tomorrow. This year produced some amazing games, which made certain picks exceedingly difficult and in truth, we have a bit of a surprise lined up… It'll be well worth your attention.
For the new poll, we want to know if you're interested in the PlayStation Phone. We're just wondering how many gamers plan to own such a product; it's certainly more of a phone than a gaming device, but maybe Sony fans will spring for the new gadget. Then again, there's also the PSP2 to consider…mobile gaming is getting bigger by the day. So what say you?
Related Game(s): God of War III
I love GOW III it's just an amazing game and keeps you going from start to finish.
Sony phone sounds really neat I would like to see more and hear more on the phone before I make my choice maybe by then smartphone plans will be cheaper (ha)
You know, since I've began catching "ancient aliens" on tv, one interesting thought has provoked me… Almost every ancient religion, primarily of the most brutal civilizations, share very similar gods. In fact, the idea of the show is to more or less convince you that these gods were likely aliens that shaped the lands and belief of our ancestors.
With that said throw the aliens stuff o ut and create an entirely new IP out of it.. I personally enjoy the ancient battle of gods and the impact they have on humans..
PS phone sounds interesting, but it'll take a lot to persuade me away from an psp 2..
Yesir! Though I wish it could have been God of War III and Gran Turismo 5.
@Jawk, GT5 probably didn't get runner-up because it released so much later in the year. I'm sure a lot of folks just haven't gotten around to it yet (me included!)
Hard to argue with the winner. A great conclusion to one of the very best game trilogies ever. You think Sony gives us a clue as to the future of the series next year??
Maybe, if were able to watch that God of War directors panel interview Stig gave a hint that they may be working on a new one or that a new one is at least on their minds.
I'd rather see Santa Monica start a new IP. Let the God of War rest for a couple years.
As long as they use the God of War III engine I don't care what they do. I'll buy it.
Heavenly Sword II
As much as i love God of War, there is a time when a series needs to die. We dont want them to milk it like Bungie did with Halo, releasing all sorts of spinoffs. I think 3 playstation and 2 psp games is plenty for the series. Let it end on a high note and it will forever be one of the greatest franchises in history.
I'm okay with end GoW3 but they need to do it properly,,GoW3 ending wasn't enough.
But again they are gonna take 2 years so I'm okay with it….next GoW gonna be awesome!.
Have to say, I agree with you guys, GoWIII is a crowning achievement in the Playstation stable. They should let it rest now.
But as Jawk said… if they can use the same engine, or even make it better – how I don't know – any new I.P. will look pretty spectacular I would say…
Yess. I agree. FFVII remake with God of War engine sounds great. Waitt thats what you guys were talking about.. right? lol jk <3 happy new year fellas! Gear up for the next batch of AAA games of 2011!!
God of War 3 truly deserves it. I still remember saying, "holy sh*t!" every two seconds.
Cool. This game coulda just been the opening scene with Posiden and it still would be GOTY-worthy. On a side note, a friend of mine who just bought a 360 came by and we were talking the differences between it and the PS3, so I fired up God of War III. After about a minute he said "Holy Sh*t, is this out for 360 too?" Sorry, dude…..
haha, my xbot has said many times "I wish they would release this on 360"
did you show him uncharted 2 yet?
TheShadow: Yeah, he saw Uncharted 2, GOW III, and Killzone 2. Then he went home to his xbox bundle starter kit he got from walmart which included Forza and a Lego Twilight game, or Lego something or other. I felt really bad for him so I dusted off Gears of War and Left 4 Dead and dropped them by his house.
Last edited by HighOnFire on 12/31/2010 11:38:23 PM
I guess thats ok, just tell him to save his money to get a ps3 as well
Thank god, RDR doesn't deserve it at all imo.
GOWIII and GT5 are easily the best games this year.
Thats not true… Every single game on theor could have won. I loved GOW3 its one of my favorites but what Rockstar did with RDR was pretty dang amazing!
Then again i hadnt played Heavy Rain whrn i voted and if i had to revote now that ive played it, well… That would be a tough choice!
Overall though im glad GOW3 got it. Its such an experience!
Ah well, I'll take it. I was still hoping for Heavy Rain to win though.
As for the PSPhone, I have no interest in it, as I barely use my mobile as it is, but I can definitely see the appeal in it.
God of War just amazes people. Games like Call of Duty wear off in a few days ha
Congrats to GoWIII but I just don't get it. I see people always complain about CoD being the same when GoW has done the same thing. There was nothing new about the game. I played it and enjoyed it but I would figure Heavy Rain would win just for the immersion and rich story.
Besides that next year is going to be a tough year to pick a winner with so many great games coming out.
The new poll I picked the don't care. I more excited about the PSP2.
New =/ better
That has been proven with Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Mario games, Zelda, GT, Silent Hill.
Just because a game is new doesn't mean that it's better than a sequel.
Uncharted 3 will be a sequel, just because it's not a new IP doesn't mean that it's inferior to something new.
And I don't know which GOWIII you were playing, guess you missed all the new weapons, new combos, new ways of killing monsters, new "vistas," new characters, new enemies, etc.
GoW continues to push the boundaries in every possible way. Uncharted 2 wasn't any "different" than Uncharted in regards to core mechanics, but I think we can all agree it's superior to any Call of Duty.
Plus 3 God of War games vs what…8 Call of Duties now?
God of War doesn't need to do anything new. Its a formula that is tried and true. Call of Duty is stale and mindless.
Also I gotta agree with Crow, there was a ton of new stuff in God of War III that wasn't present in the previous 2 games or the handhelds. The new weapons alone were enough to make the experience feel fresh considering they were a heck of a lot more useful than the additional weapons in the previous 2 games.
Last edited by Jawknee on 12/31/2010 2:22:47 PM
Got to agree with you in some respects, I would have liked to see more creativity in GOWIII like the shadow battle in GOWII or something neat like that only MORE.
Know don't get me wrong about CoD. I was a big fan until after playing BC2. Know I have gotten tired of the lackluster multiplayer and bad online connection issues and cheating.
I enjoyed GoWIII and believe everybody should play it and Ben you are right about Uncharted 2 being not much different from the first but the game was overall an amazing adventure and probably one of my favorite games of all time.
I'm also not saying all new games are better than sequels because there are some amazing sequels I can't wait for. I just don't see GoWIII as game of the year. I just wasn't that impressed with it.
Last thing is for Scarcrow. Some of the sequels to a couple games you list weren't actually that great. The last Silent Hill and FF weren't that great. Now I know XIII did get some good reviews but when you have to put 20 hours into a game just to get to the fun part doesn't count as good in my book. You are correct about the other titles though.
I did love reading all of your comments and made me look at some things a little different. That's why I love this site. Other sites it would have started a huge flame war but here you get smart honest opinions.
Have a good New Year everybody.
Uncharted 2 was a major jump forward in every area. The game was longer, acting was better, the story was better, the level pacing was much more varied, the technology, more artifacts and bonus unlockables, and a great NEW multiplayer mode–INCLUDING CO-OP, and major enhancements to animation. Even gameplay was vastly enhanced with focus aim for every weapon, on-the-fly grenade lobs, canister throws, a more dynamic melee system. While it didn't re-invent itself, it definitely made a Ferrari out of a Honda.
Overall, the first Uncharted was an 8 the second game was a full 10.
Respective to GoW2's release I'd have given it about a 9, and despite how GoW3 enhances itself as one would expect going from PS2 to PS3, I still can't think of GoW3 as a 10.
I almost forgot to tell you all that just from reading about everybody's comments and thoughts about GT5 on here I have decided I had to have it. Now this is coming from a guy who hasn't really enjoyed a racing game in a long time. I order it so should have it sometime next week.
Temjin: None of that changes the core gameplay. You can say the same thing for God of War III in terms of what it changed, but most obviously don't notice it.
Unless something about the core mechanics are altered in some way, most people can't tell the difference.
Ben, GoW3 didn't improve upon it's story or acting and it certainly didn't expand it's value with a comprehensive offering of online content that increased the value and re-playability exponentially for those who're interested. And GoW3, was in fact, a shorter game than GoW2 with less levels and less bosses–this was met as a disappointment by me. Whereas Uncharted 2 offered more unlockables, more artifacts, and more levels across the board. Not to mention it's better scripting or more dynamic cast of characters that interact and behave on par with Hollywood–the same can't be said for GoW3. Nothing about it was lesser than it's prior outing. BUt I'll agree that the core "gameplay" components that define both Uncharted2 and GoW3 alike are using the same foundation from their fore bearers. But where Uncharted 2 enhanced and expanded in every facet perceivable for it's medium, GoW3 did not quite cover the spread as well or did it introduce new modes of play that drew in a wider audience of gamers. Really, when looking at the specifics Uncharted 2 was the greater offering.
You're missing the point.
God of War III added new weapons and forced players to master new combat styles. It also featured new ways of battling bosses – no two are the same, really – and fresh platforming. If we want to get anal, the differences are obvious.
But that's not the point. Uncharted 2 plays just like Uncharted, at its core. We pick up and play the sequel in much the same way as we played the original. Same goes for GoWIII in comparison to GoWII. Both franchises advance in similar fashion, via refinement and fine-tuning, rather than total overhauling (i.e., engine, control, view, gameplay focus, etc.)
Neither have ever changed the core gameplay.
Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/1/2011 1:13:17 PM
"I'll agree that the core "gameplay" components that define both Uncharted2 and GoW3 alike are using the same foundation from their fore bearers." –Your's Truly
So, yes, we agree on the topic 😉
BUt to jump in all ninja-like and add a semi-OT point, outside of visuals, I want to make it known that GoW3 is not the sequel Uncharted 2 was. I came away from GoW3 satisfied but just a little underwhelmed having played GoW2/GoW. Uncharted 2, though, I knew it'd be good but it ended up turning a good franchise into a phenomenal one. I'm sure we can agree to that =)
…and come on, GoW3 does not "force" you to "master" new weapons to complete the game on normal mode. I could beat the game with my standard Chaos Blades un-upgraded if I wanted… like some people already have 😉
Granted, it'd be un-ideal and a little ridiculous to do so, but the choice is there for those who want to entertain themselves that way. You know? sort of like the guys who can beat Resident Evil with only a knife =o
Last edited by Temjin001 on 1/1/2011 1:36:42 PM
In 2007, the same year Naughty Dog released Uncharted:Drake's Fortune on the ps3, Santa Monica Studios released GOW2 on the ps2. There were plans to develop and release GOW2 on the ps3, instead, during it's development, but for whatever reason (probably to reach out to a larger audience and install base at the time), it didn't pan out, much to the disappointment of Stig Asmussen (who was art director on GOW under Dave Jaffe and Corey Barlog, lead level designer at the time as Corey Barlog became head honcho, and later the head honcho after Corey Barlog resigned early in GOW3's development) as he made well known.
So instead of getting an early feel for the technology of the ps3, along with it's caveats, nuances and learning curve, Santa Monica Studios, under the leadership of Corey Barlog and guidance of Dave Jaffe, focused simply on making an improved GOW1 on a platform they were already familiar and comfortable with, which they most certainly succeeded at with flying colors. In the opinion of many, GOW2 is the best game in the series.
However, if they instead developed GOW2 on the ps3, perhaps we would've seen an even more mind-blowing GOW3, because they would've had 4 years experience on the ps3 instead of only 2, with one game and project to learn from just in time for the GOW3. Perhaps then, we would've seen a similar jump in every aspect of quality from GOW2 to GOW3 as we had seen in U:DF to U2:DF.
In my personal opinion, GOW2 had more open and larger levels with more variety, with more puzzles, where as GOW3 had Next Gen graphics, and with smaller levels (even "claustrophopic" as World put it), improved combat, and the most insane stage assets in gaming, ever.
*Edit: I meant U2:AT, not U2:DF.
I fully disagree with Temjin.
Temjin is acting as if UC1 was crap. The ONLY way UC2 was bigger jump is if UC1 was garbage compared to UC2, and that is not true at all.
The jump was there, but it wasn't an extreme jump.
Sequels are not supposed extreme jumps, they're supposed to be sequels. The only way "extreme jumps" can happen is if the previous game was crap compared to the sequel.
You guys need to understand.
Last edited by Scarecrow on 1/1/2011 3:35:56 PM
Well, he gave U1 a relative score of 8. U2 had refined controls, no more screen-tearing, better animation, more variety in level design, bigger stage assets, improvements in production values, online gaming, and so he gave it a relative score closer to 10. An "8" is not "crap", I think he was just saying how much better U2 was in every way. I would've given it 9+, only because I played it on launch date, and in 2007, it was certainly better than the rest. But now in 2011, compared U1 to U2, I'd agree with him.
His word is not the word of god though.
UC1 was a 9 for me, UC2 was 10, a good jump, not an extreme jump.
UC1 was already amazing, UC2 just went over a little more and became perfect.
Objectively the analogy stands though, UC3 won't be an EXTREME jump over UC2. UC3 will suck because it's not an extreme jump?
You guys are really sounding ridiculous now.
Crow has a point. There doesn't need to be any overhauls with sequels. Why fix what's not broken?
I'm fairly certain Temjin has been consistent in qualifying his statements as his own opinion.
Regarding the jump in quality from U1 to U2: Extreme? No. Major or Significant? Well, compare Psxextreme's own reviews of the two.
You bring up a good point about the 3rd. Naughty Dog themselves admitted that U3 won't be as big of a jump from U2 as U2 was from U1. For example, they mentioned that the light rendering techniques they innovated in U2 will be reused in U3. And knowing how the game now has more hype and higher expectations for it than either predecessor did, and if one factors in the growing standards or expectations of quality in the industry as whole over time, it's safe to expect that general critical acclaim for the 3rd might not generate as quite as high of a metacritic score as the 2nd, but I'm sure ND's next masterpiece will still remain the de facto standard and the benchmark of the industry, as I'm certain that it will be a must buy.
Let's play a game Scarecrow =)
Multiple Choice: what quote both wasn't said by me and doesn't fit?
A) While it didn't re-invent itself, it definitely made a Ferrari out of a Honda. (FYI: Honda's are great cars, but Ferrari's are better and rarer)
B) Overall, the first Uncharted was an 8 the second game was a full 10.
C) UC1 was crap.
D) Uncharted 2, though, I knew it'd be good but it ended up turning a good franchise into a phenomenal one.
Feel silly?
It's okay Scarecrow, we all make mistakes sometimes =p
and btw, GoW3 was an amazing game that easily deserves a 9. But aside from the jaw-dropping visuals and some unbelievable boss fights, it didn't do much more than I expected because like what everyone seems to agree on, GoW was already great as it is. But unlike Uncharted 2, it went above and beyond and over-delivered to a degree that was unprecedented. I'm sorry, but in my book that's a 10.
And hey, I wouldn't mind having a sweet GoW co-op/competitive online mode =P
The franchise is still amazing without it, but a 10/10 has to be reserved for those that truly floors everyone's expectations, and even lame-o' EDGE magazine couldn't deny Uncharted 2 any less than a 9.
Thanks, btw, Master Shams, for seeing eye to eye with me =)
I'm sorry, but none of you are getting this.
Just because you happen to like the smaller cosmetic changes made to Uncharted 2 more than the smaller cosmetic changes made to GoWIII doesn't make one better than the other. Nor does it mean one did "more" than the other as a sequel.
Both use the exact same gameplay mechanics, and simply refine and tweak from there on. That's it. It's not FFXII to FFXIII. It's not Double Agent to Conviction. It doesn't change HOW WE PLAY THE GAME. All anybody is doing here is arguing small, mostly anal things that only hardcore gamers even notice or care about.
How we play both franchises has not changed much since the original title debuted.
"smaller cosmetic" *rolls eyes" lame.
*remembers rule 1 of PSXe: Ben D. Is always right. I'm just spinning my wheels believing anything else* =p
Both sequels added elements, and slightly tweaked the formulas of their predecessors. Whether you regard this tweaking as an improvement is subjective. Both improved the story telling, though I felt neither story was the best we've seen from either series. No-one is denying that the core gameplay remained largely unchanged, and if they were expecting it to, then they were fools. The argument is in the minutiae of the gameplay.
GoW added more weapons and magic attacks, made the combat a bigger focus than the platforming and really improved the combo system.
UC2 tightened the aiming, spread the focus to near equality on the trifecta of melee, gunplay and platforming/puzzles and added some truly inspired gameplay segments (the tank immediately springs to mind).
God of War, I think made the bigger jumps, but the focus on combat was a bit of a turn-off when compared to the more platforming heavy titles on the PS2. I thought the refinement of Uncharted 2 was better, because of the split focus. Of course, everything said here is personal preference, so no-one can really be wrong. As a result: "Can't we all just get along?"
My views had more to do with the total package offering. When looking at the actual play of the games, little has changed. That was the point Ben thinks no one got but everyone did, right?
I took the topic off course by trying to size up the margin of upgrade between GoW2 to GoW3 and Uncharted1 to 2 without regard to graphics.
Naughty Dog took the time to offer a rich fully featured online component and completely expanded the value of what a person should expect when buying an Uncharted game. But not only that, a person is treated to better acting/scripting and a longer game with more to do and see than U:DF. And as I said before, GoW3 did not supersede it's predecessor in every way.
But really, I've exhausted my patience for this discussion. We're all intelligent people here, and I think with enough posts and enough explaining some sort of solvency could be made. I just don't want to take the time and energy to get it to that point.
So lets bring on the awards!
Aye, that's what I figured. It's a matter of perspective. Some people choose only to look at things from one way, when an orbital approach is required for most subjects. I'm willing to let it lie.
You have all deluded yourselves. GOWIII aside from graphics falls short of both its predecessors in most ways. Uncharted 2 exceeded its one predecessor in most ways. Simple as that.
I like you, World =)