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Have Exclusives Put Sony Ahead Of The Competition?

Whenever you see a press release from Sony concerning the latest sales numbers or some other sort of business accomplishment, they talk about the wide appeal of the PlayStation 3. You know, Blu-Ray, free Network, PlayStation Home and PlayStation Move, currently competitive price, etc.

But as we've always said, despite all the new bells and whistles in the industry, despite the drive for game consoles to become more PC-like every day, and despite the fact that such machines are now "multimedia systems," it remains true that software sells hardware. And when the vast majority of titles are multiplatform, it falls to games that can't be found on any other platform: and now, over 4 years into the PS3's lifespan, it has become clear to us that Sony's focus on masterful exclusive games has resulted in the PS3's continued rise. We caught glimpses of it early on with the likes of Resistance: Fall of Man , Uncharted: Drake's Fortune , Heavenly Sword and Warhawk , and then the exclusives began to rise in quality and number.  They came quick, too.

These days, when people talk about the greatest video game (or game franchise) of the generation, they often refer to a PS3 exclusive ( Uncharted ). And when it comes to other PS3-only experiences, everything from MGS4 to Killzone to LittleBigPlanet to inFamous act as huge selling points. In 2010, God of War III , Heavy Rain and Gran Turismo 5 led the charge and 2011 should further solidify the PS3 as the hardcore gamer's system of choice. No other platform will be able to play LBP2, Killzone 3 , Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception , Resistance 3 , inFamous 2 , Twisted Metal , The Last Guardian , Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One and more. Plus, we have to factor in the PSN exclusives that contribute to the PS3's overall appeal. Move, Home, Blu-Ray, free Network, reliability, price tag…it's all nice, but above all else, we care about the games .

It's nice to see the emphasis remaining where it should. And at the end of the day, Sony should continue to benefit from an unparalleled exclusive offering…people everywhere have taken notice.

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13 years ago

"Long live the King of games"

13 years ago

Yes! Long live Yu-Gi-Oh!!!!!

13 years ago

Long Live… Dreamcast!

13 years ago

$$$$$$$$ w w w . s h o e r s . u s $$$$$$$$

Air (1-24)shoes $33

Nike (R 4,N Z,O Z,T L 1,T L 2,T L 3) $35

Handbags(Coach d&g) $35

competitive price
any size available


$$$$$$$$ w w w . s h o e r s . u s $$$$$$$$

13 years ago

Sony has really stepped it up over the past few years. because to be honest, i was pretty disappointed with my purchase in 2006. there were was no software that caught my interest. and not only that most of the multi-platform were inferior on the PS3. now, there's honestly so many great games that i haven't even had a chance to play them all.

"Move, Home, Blu-Ray, free Network, reliability, price tag…it's all nice, but above all else, we care about the games"

i couldn't have said it better myself. because really all of those said above are perks that you get when buying a PS3. games are what actually sell the PS3, especially the exclusives. i've always been the type of having quality over quantity. but now, the quantity of the quality games that the PS3 has is substantial, and the ones to come.

13 years ago

Yes I agreed. Back then, every multi-platform game, PS3 version gets the crappier side of the deal. It's either PS3 gets a piss-poor port, or 1-year exclusive deals with Xbox which resulted in more piss-poor ports on the PS3. Even great games like Resistance does not stand out much compared with the huge arsenal of FPS library.

It's not until Uncharted 2 that released, that blew everything out of proportion. That is when I finally feel proud of being a PS3 owner. For once I'm excited over the release of a sequel.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

In all honesty, I would never have paid $600 for the PS3 back in 2006 if it hadn't been for work purposes.

13 years ago

I paid $500 for mine(Circuit City promotion)and I am happy I did. The 60gb machine is a beast.

13 years ago

I bought a 60gb for $600 in Jan 2007 since thats when they finally came back in stock after the initial release. There was honestly no game I wanted. I wasn't into shooters at all and had no desire to play one. But it came down to me getting Resistance: Fall Of Man. Wow! It was amazing. It was the first FPS I ever played online. Actually it was 2nd (I'm pretty sure anyway) FPS I ever played other than Goldeneye on N64. To this day I still haven't beat the single player but I could not pull myself away from the online. That by itself made the $600 price tag worth it. And Once I hooked it up to an HDTV…wow again! It has always been an amazing console in my eyes!

13 years ago

Well, i think out of all of us here, I paid the most. Reason for that is I was probably the second or third person in Singapore to have one 2 days after it was released in Japan.

I got one of the first PS3's, made in Japan with all the bells and whistles.

She is beautiful. I have upgraded her to 750GB hard drive now… but don't use her that often, I keep it in the lounge and play it when I am there, otherwise my second PS3 in my room, the 40 gigger, (which has been upgraded with 250gb drive), is played more often….

Anyway, by now I am sure you are all wondering what I paid for the privilege of a Japanese PS3 – 6 months before it was "officially" available in Singapore… wait for it… drum roll… waaaiiittt for it… more drums… symbol… and $1,200…

Yip she cost me that much. My second eBay PS3 cost me $180 USD – massive difference…

But hey, to have it up and running in my apartment months before they were available in Europe, USA and Singapore… it was quite a rush, and the envy of everyone who saw it…

Its the only mad thing I have done. I don't drink, smoke, nor go out that often… so honestly, to spend a grand on PS3 (over a life time)… does not work out to a huge amount.

Just think of people spend going out on the weekends… do that a few times… in NYC, and you got yourself a PS3… so no regrets… but what fun to be one of the very few people in the world to have one on release 🙂



Last edited by Qubex on 12/31/2010 12:26:20 AM

13 years ago

750gb?! Good lord man where did you find that HDD? I want one. 🙂

13 years ago

Just put a WD AV-25 500GB (WD5000BUDT) drive in mine. Best HDD I think you can get. Home is like it got accelerated. The drive has a 32MB cache, and that helps massively.

13 years ago

How can I tell what amount of cache my HDD has?

13 years ago

check on the box, hahaha. check newegg for drives, they have them cheap. the highest ps3 compatible drive i saw there was a 640 or 680 for under 70 bucks.

anyway, i paid about $1000 bucks for my 60 gigs because it only came in a bundle at frys. i had a choice of 2 accessories plus 4 or 5 games i think. i felt uneasy when i was paying but after i took it home and played it i didnt regret it. i got a western digital 500gb drive too but it was a scorpio blue. found it for less than $50.

13 years ago

I'm hardcore. I took Ken Kutargi's suggestion to heart. The one where he said people would be willing to get a second job to buy a PS3. Well, I did =)
I wasn't in school at the time and I was working full-time. I picked up another job for a few month working part-time at a shoe store to pay for one and boost income a little. I got Motorstorm and VF5 with it.

13 years ago

I spent $600 and two very cold nights (for west Texas at least) in front of Best Buy for my 60gig beast(now 500gig, of course). Best $600 I spent in my life. She still runs like a dream.

13 years ago

Short answer: Yes!

Long answer: Hell Yes!

13 years ago

Long answer:

13 years ago

And yet people still try to argue the contrary with you to the death.

*dodges xbot dagger*

The PS3 does have the strongest line this gen (Wii is close). This was the major factor when I chose the PS3 back in '07 when the PS3 "only" had Resistance, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, War Hawk, and a bright horizon on the future.

The sad part is that some of my friends still doubt my decision and enjoy the bliss of ignorance. However I have converted some, most recently a friend how never played any games before and who is currently enjoying a borrowed copy of Uncharted 2.

I can only hope that the stream of exclusives continue to grow and continue to lead the future and evolution gaming.

Last edited by sirbob6 on 12/30/2010 10:00:11 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

God no. The 360 has a better lineup than the Wii…at least one has modern video games.

13 years ago

Skyward Sword beats anything the 360 has coming out next year. 🙂

13 years ago

I have to admit that I sorta like the Wii's collection once you get past the awful shovel ware and mediocre games, leaving about very, very small amount of games that are good(this discounts all Mario games.).
This is probably because I had only a SNES till I finally got a PS2 in '03, even though all I played on it was Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong Country and Final Fantasy.

13 years ago

The Wii may have some quality titles. But to me, quality alone isn't enough to warrant my time. I have to be engaged in the content as well. So many of Nintendo's quality games are presented with themes that target younger audiences. And even then, while Metroid appeals to me, content-wise, it's really hard to get passed how archaic everything looks. In this era when many people now use HDTV's, SD games look worse on bigger screen HDTV's.

13 years ago

I'm not even the biggest graphics junkie in the world, but my GOD Wii games just look terrible these days. I can't get past it (and yes, I have the component cables. They help, but not nearly enough.) 360 games look fantastic, PS3 games are just jaw-dropping continue to look better every six months or so. I just can't handle Wii's graphics anymore. A shame really, because I know Miyamoto and Co. are some of the best gameplay designers in the biz…

13 years ago

@ telly

Which is why i will they would develop for the HD consoles.

13 years ago

It's not that 360 games are bad…it's just that most of 'em are 🙂 I own a 360…and Halo….and Gears….and Oblivion….and……ummmm……a PS3.

13 years ago

Nothing wrong with Oblivion on PS3 🙂

13 years ago

I just had a 360 and the game first, plus there kinda is. It has none of the downloadable add-ons like the wizard's tower, the castle, horse armor, vile lair and so on. I actually had the GOTY PS3 version and I turned it right back in once I found that out. I also found it to lock up more often than the 360 version, but I guess that was because it was a frequent problem with many games in the PS3's infancy.

13 years ago

I didn't know about that stuff, I have the GOTY version and it's never locked up. I did however fall prey to the Vampire glitch *shudders*

13 years ago

Oh, I can't leave out Prey (god bless that triumph of a shooter) which I recently repurchased for $4.20. Ummm…I gotta go, I got a….thing.

Last edited by fatelementality on 12/30/2010 10:17:31 PM

13 years ago

a 420 thing?

13 years ago

Square!!! *Runs and hides behind a cliche run down van*

13 years ago

Stupid bans on K2.

13 years ago

Well, now we know why Sony decided not to pay for 3rd party exclusives; they knew their 1st party lineup was going to be absolutely the best of the best. If they added and in house JRPG developer I'd shat myself.

Unfortunately it has been an uphill battle against the many xbots who work at the websites, magazines, and TV shows who have a personal grudge against the PS3. And even when they can't ignore something like Uncharted 2, the ignorant just pretend they aren't interested and continue saying that PS3 has no games. (Yeah I still hear it, read it)

Some of my favorite games this gen are multiplat, but it IS hard to look at them and go "What if this was exclusive? It could have been even better."

2011 Sony is going to slaughter everything but maybe Gears 3 and Zelda. I hope PSN goes into the black this year, they deserve to make some money even if the gaming is free.

13 years ago

They should offer to buy Level 5 and Sucker Punch. Then they could be crowned king TWICE! 🙂

13 years ago


Professor Layton is the kind of game that the DS was made for. I'd hate to see Level 5 make sony-exclusive games. Prof Layton is one of the best series of this portable generation.

I would love to see a Rouge Galaxy 2 though. It gets overlooked too much, imo.

13 years ago

Yes, I require Rogue Galaxy 2 as well. It's perfect for this generation too because it's already a action turn based hybrid but still maintains JRPG goodness.

13 years ago


One thing I would actually stand up to applaud is if Sony bought some of these companies like Level 5 and basically told them that as long as they met their first party commitments, they are free to continue to make games for other platforms, though it would of course be nice if some of them made it to a Sony Platform too.

13 years ago

And also buy Atlus & NIS too for those RPG players.

13 years ago

Check out a blog by a Hil from IGN regarding the switch from 360 to PS3. First paragraph is nonsense and/or opinion but further investigation revealed some strong points regarding Sonys 2011 line up and PS3 in general. It is sure to stir some emotion.

13 years ago

Highlander said it before I could. I say Sony should buy Level 5, continue to let them making Professor Layton games for DS while cranking out JRPG's for the PS3.

13 years ago

Yeah, I read that article too & sent it over to Ben for his amusement earlier today.

Anyway, I didn't agree with a few things he said about 360 & game vs PS3, but for the most part it was good(at least from a former 360 fanboy's standpoint).

Anyway, for those who want to read it….

"Why I switched to PS3"

13 years ago

It does indeed have the best games. No real gamer should go without owning a PS3. Though you can go without owning an Xbox if Halo and Gears isn't your MO. Looking forward to 2011. It will indeed be the best gaming year in a very along time. All the PS3 exclusives and The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword have be salivating.


13 years ago

You'll have to tell me how Zelda is since I can't justify a Wii purchase for about another 5 years when it costs nothing.

13 years ago

It'll be one of the greatest games coming out next year, that's for sure.

Hoping The Last Story is great too.

13 years ago

I'll keep you posted for sure. If it's half as good as Twilight Princess, I'll be spending as much time with my Wii next year as I did when I first bought it.

I forgot about The Last Story. I'll have to keep that one in my sights as well.

13 years ago

For me, I believed 2010 was the best year of PS3, until everything was delayed to 2011. FF13, God of War 3, and GT5 were the three biggest games of PS2 generation jumping onto the next console.

13 years ago

i cant wait for skyward sword but i'm not going to pay for it. i'll get my sister to buy it since its her system. I'm not going to buy a game for a system i dont own. i bought infinite undiscovery, my brother sold his 360. fortunately i finished it. i bought super mario galaxy, my brother sold his wii WITH MY GAME IN THE SYSTEM. i havent finished it and now i cant get it back because he doesnt care if i get it back.

13 years ago

Some are just happy talking all day long with 360's cross-chat feature and waiting every November for COD.

Owners of the other console don't really care about games. They just care about each other…

Basically……….brainless. You could them robots, zombies, etc.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 12/30/2010 10:39:19 PM

13 years ago

yep I agree

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