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Insomniac Talks Favorites, Many Love Red Dead Redemption

It's always cool to see what games a great development staff really appreciate, so Insomniac's Favorite Games post over at the PlayStation Blog is definitely worth a read.

Included in the praise are the likes of Super Meat Boy , Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty , Bayonetta , Alan Wake and Heavy Rain . A few people even named Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Dragon Age: Origins …despite being a year late to the party. Aw, but that's okay; these guys are busy making Resistance 3 , and they need to have focus. But anyway, despite the eclectic selection, there is one game that seems to stand out to the majority of the staff: Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption . Here are two separate personal reminiscences:

"It was an emotional experience. You had real empathy for the character over the course of the game…. And not just in the main storyline, but I also got very attached to my horse, and when he died, I felt real loss…had to go through almost a mourning period before getting another. And these were never ‘canned’ experiences either…they usually happened so dynamically, that it never felt like an event ‘forced’ upon me by the designer….which gave it that much more impact."

"I also remember back when the game came out, each morning people would gather in the kitchen and tell their 'RDR stories' from the night before. '…and right after that, I was wrestling this bear with only my bare hands…when all of a sudden, a cougar jumped out and mauled my horse…' It was great."

We have to agree; RDR was a memorable experience and one well worthy of any praise and attention it receives. GameSpot awarded it their Game of the Year and it's certainly nominated here at PSXE. Well, actually, the awards are already done but we won't be giving away anything early…

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13 years ago

This doesnt surprise me. It certainly is one of the best games of this generation, definitely this year! It was a very good experience and it deserves to be mentioned when talking about goty contenders!

I think most developers would feel tge same way. Thats what i love bout this industry minus activision abd microsoft. Is that as a whole developers like Sucker Punch and Insomniac for example take prise in what they do but more importanty give recognition to those games that deserve it, and not just talk bout their games. Because most of them are probably gamers themselves.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/29/2010 11:16:02 AM

13 years ago

I really tried to love Red Dead, but it never captured my interest as I hoped.

Looking forward to Resistance 3 though, the trailer featured at the VGA's blew me away.

13 years ago

RDR's definitely the best graphics for an open world adventure. The most immersive natural environments, which visually were darn-near Uncharted at times, like the winter forest part of the game where you go off to search for your ex-gang leader. Catching a crimson sunset in the lonesome deserts of Mexico, or setting up camp under a starry night sky with the crackle of your campfire and wildlife chatter as your only company, zeroing in on the direction of an ambushing cougar's screeching, or foiling a hidden posse of bandits via Max Payne slo-mo execution are memorable highlights of the game. Then there's the MP with the innovative free-roam posse mode, and some of the best DLC ever offered in the form of the $10 Undead Nightmares pack adding SP and MP campaigns and modes, and you got yourself one of the most complete and value-packed packages in gaming.

Personally speaking, though ME2 might not have been as much of a technological feat, or as complete of a package, I found it to be better paced and more fun. RDR's ending (excluding the very ending of course) was even more depressing than GOW3's. But since we're strictly talking PS3 and 2010, RDR definitely makes it to the top 3 along with GT5 and GOW3, IMO. Haven't played AC:B, yet, though, so that ranking might change for me.

13 years ago

So is RDR basically a GTA set in the old west, Master Shams?
I'm not much for the GTA games, largely because the content is such a turn off to me. PLaying a game as a modern thug engaging in criminal activity in society just doesn't appeal to me. Granted, I played through GTA3 and it was fun because of how it seemed to have kicked off the open-world genre, but after I got my thrills from the freedom of it's design, I found other games like Infamous much more to my liking, content-wise. I think another negative factor for me is Rockstar. The majority of their games seems to attract a similar audience who like un-inhibited and menacing behavior in society.
But it seems that RDR is getting so much praise, my interest has been somewhat piqued. It would seem cool playing a game that has a quality old west presentation.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/29/2010 2:02:17 PM

13 years ago

Besides one dirty cutscene, Sensei Temjin, that one can skip through, RDR is a cleaner game than previous GTA entries.

Yes, as you surmised, I mention it amongst GTA entries, as much of the GTA formula is found in it (besides not having radio when driving/riding, the gameplay includes a homebase save system but with a new makeshift savetransport camp system, GPS, side missions, errands, diversions, shopping, etc) but the pacing is a bit different. And instead of mostly being in the middle of the hustle-bustle of a city, the source of immersion is more often than not the lonesomeness of the wilderness. It's important to mention it is slower paced than typical GTA's, but knowing that you do have a fondness towards open/hub-world games such as ME/ME2, this game maybe worth checking it out. I liked it, and deeply appreciated it, but personally had more fun with inFamous, ME2, GTA4, and GTA:EOLS.

But while we're on the topic, I avoided all previous GTA's, like yourself, as I was under the impression the goal of such games was to simulate and fantasize vehicular homicide, theft, and mayhem, of which I had no interest in. After reading Psxextreme's review, along with couple others', I got the gist that supposedly GTA4 was a more dramatic/serious themed game. And I found out for myself why this game was so unanimously and highly rated. Perhaps, it was because I didn't play the previous entries, and therefore was not jaded, but I was blown away, and I picked up episodes of Liberty City as soon as the PS3 version was released. Much of the crime enactment isn't even a mandatory element of the gameplay. You don't HAVE to run over people, and you have to go out of your way to pick up a street-corner girl, for example.

13 years ago

Thanks for the input, Master Shams.

And, btw, I know video games aren't reality. I had some good laughs driving down roads plowing through people and street signs etc while trying to fight off the onslaught of cop forces in GTA3. More of a grown up "Looney Toons" in that outrageous violence is, in part, made humorous because consequence is only confined within the medium. I'm not a Jack Thompson advocate who believes that video games are going to drag everyone to hell. My only real concern, is for those who choose to deny responsibility and prosperity by being lazy and idle wasting their time away playing game after game after game letting their life and family slip by to self indulgence etc.
I just find the whole criminal-thug vibe a lot less interesting than cool ninjas, fantasy, and sci-fi stuff etc =)

13 years ago

Oh, but, of course, Sensei T. Compared to a ninja, a common street thug is just too mundane 😀

13 years ago

"I felt real loss…had to go through almost a mourning period before getting another."

LOL! This is comedy. I never felt that way. I thought it was funny when my horse got killed. Especily when I was on it trying to run away. Or when I would fall off a cliff. I don't know, the game made me laugh more than anything. I really liked RDR but it's one of those games that's hard to get back into once you've completed it.

13 years ago

I had a similar experience.

After a firefight, with a theif, I whistled for my horse; but nothing came. Worriedly, I went round the hill, to find the sight of my dead horse. Then I got angry and took their horse caridge & jumped out of it while approaching a cliff at high speed. I wasnt angry because of my horses death, its the fact I had just boughts the blighter for $1500! Lol

13 years ago

My experience with my horse was when i was going gang hideouts on the valley (forgot the hideout name, was too long ago that i played RDR, hmm.. should play again). Called for my horse, darn thing jumped from the top of the cliff to get to me and landed dead in front of me.

13 years ago

you jawknee, are heartless.
my horse was named Applecandy, and we conquered the west together.
which made her death at the hands of the mexican army all the more enraging. my thirst for revenge was only fufilled when we took escalera and killed el presidente.

13 years ago

I love this game, but it's not my GOTY. I'm going with Heavy Rain. This game does have the best dlc though.

Last edited by ace_boon_coon on 12/29/2010 12:11:52 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

Damnit… I read the headline and immediately began to anticipate the interview…

I like that RDR has gotten this near unanimous praise from gaming outlets, and there is no doubt that it was one of the best games of the year. Sadly, it still felt too much like a GTA clone to me to really stand on its own. It definitely could have been better if R* had given it a new structure. On the other hand, the story was great, but I still don't see the point of the time John spent in Mexico. I really did enjoy the way that you engaged with him. Riding into the sunset on the lone prairie with no-one around by the wild animals; it made the ending all the more unbearable. But I've already reviewed the game, so I'll shut up.

Oh, and personal best of the year: Heavy Rain.

13 years ago

GTA clone…nothing about this feels like GTA except the mature angle. The hit/miss humor is Rockstar, but nothing else about this felt like GTA. It felt like an immersive world with great animations, etc. That sounds like GTA, but it just doesn't feel the same at all.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

P'raps not to you, sir.

13 years ago

There's Bears in that game?

I just kind of petered out. I was impressed early on but it got really boring and I never finished it. Perhaps some day I will get the Old West itch again and I can finish it but I dunno.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/29/2010 1:47:44 PM

13 years ago

Same here. I actually ended up watching my friend complete it long before I did. I got bored three quarters of the way through. Felt like a chore after awhile. This game was good but it was no inFamous. It's not nearly as addictive or holds the same level of replayability in my opinion. Story was decent but the gameplay got repetitive pretty fast. I went out and bought the physical copy of Undead Nightmare and I still can't get back into it.

Last edited by Jawknee on 12/29/2010 2:02:53 PM

13 years ago

I think that model of sandbox is in trouble, action packed sandboxers will probably take over, like inFamous and to a lesser extent Prototype.

GTA needs a pickmeup too. But wandering around a big city as at least a lot more interesting that wandering around a freakin desert (That was a big issue in New Vegas too)

13 years ago

Yeah i dont know. I dont think its going anywhere. GTA needs an overhaul i agree with that. But RDR and the western atmosphere was fresh.

It being a huge desilit desert fit the time period. To make it more replicated it had to be done this way. Civilization was prominent but it was widely spread out. How they filled the map in RDR was brilliant. Some of my best experiences in the game were riding through tall trees just as the sun was coming up. Theirs lots their you just looked past it.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/29/2010 3:11:40 PM

13 years ago

My opinion is the exact opposite to World and Jawn. How Jawn described RDR is how i'd describe my experience with Infamous.

It's the action packed ones i dislike ala Infamous (still good). I like immersion and character development.
Atmosphere is key.
The story in RDR was gripping, shocking, emotional and overall great. Infamous was the cheesiest comic book you have ever read with cringe worthy one liners! lol

RDR is the new king of sandbox.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 12/29/2010 4:02:49 PM

13 years ago

Well i also thought infamous was amazing. But they are two different games. Both sand box yes. But completely different in style.

Its difficult to prove that Games like infamous will take over as sand box games because well RDR did so well and they are played very differenty.

Im not going to get in to which is better because i loved both. But i will say that for both jawknee and world something couldnt keep them involved. For me RDR was such a breathe of fresh air and as the game, characters, and story progressed so did my enthusiasm for the game.

Westerns are not about large amounts of action. Especially old classic movies. They focus on te atmosphere, music, characters, and story. The gun fights and action are a huge plus. Thats why i say you missed a lot by not just enjoying what Rock star surrounded you woth in RDR. It was about the atmosphere you were put in, which ultinately made it arguably the best western to date. Everything meshed so brilliantly between the story, characters, music and atmosphere that it brought back what the western era was like. To me there is nothing like RDR and thats why its so good.

13 years ago

You and I both. The open vistas of the world they created were amazing.

After that wore off, I found out that I didn't like playing the game much.

The kicker is, I actually enjoyed The Call of Jaurez.

13 years ago


Yeah, it kind of went another direction once you went into Mexico, but I was never bored. More or less turned off by some hit/miss humor.


As much as I enjoyed Infamous, I found RDR better. I will admit, the game got boring during some stretchs because they tried to make it all cinematic, but I loved it. Infamous may have more replay value than RDR, but I never once thought Infamous was better than RDR. And you didn't find Infamous repetitive. But Infamous hides it behind all the crazy crap you can do. I guess it just depends, but I definitely agree with what you said for the most part. I tried to play RDR again and it didn't have much replay value just like Assassin Creed 1-B.

13 years ago

Entering into Mexico and traveling home were two of the best moments of the year, not just in gaming but in any form of entertainment. For me its tied with God of War III for GOTY.

13 years ago

RDR is just flat out amazing. the MP was a little weak, but the SP is downright epic.
im with him on the horse mourning

13 years ago

I havent played RDR yet, and i really wasnt planning on it, but if Insomniac says its awesome i might just have to pick it up. Insomniac knows all about awesome games.

13 years ago

Exactly. Don't pass up the game of the year friend.

13 years ago

I'm just not a western kinda person, and GTA4 was a disappointment, imo. I'll see if i can get it cheap, i dont want to pay full price for it but i'll definitely play it some day.

13 years ago

I loved RDR. It had a fantastic story and action to go along with it. I would give it my vote for GOTY, but there's some close seconds.

I remember the first time my horse died. I whistled for it, and it came running to me across some train tracks just as a train was passing by. Horse meat everywhere. Stupid horse put loyalty ahead of personal safety!

13 years ago

RDR was great, but GOWIII is my GOTY. I actually spent more time with GOWIII than RDR since I played it like 9 times. RDR is one and done for me.

13 years ago

From Rock*…

As we hurtle towards 2011 and the Spring release of L.A. Noire, please enjoy these new "Light & Shadow" noir-inspired Rockstar Desktops:

13 years ago

I havent' played the game, was going to pick it up for 39 but I'll just borrow my friends since he beat it and the expansion already so it's my turn just trying to figure out the time since i've been letting my hubby play Star wars Force Unleashed 2 and I've also been playing DDR (gym's been closed)

13 years ago

I had no idea there were people who don't love RDR. Probably just a bunch of talkers who didn't play the game. Insomniac obviously did and their games, and comments, prove that they know good gaming.

13 years ago

I don't blame Insomniac for enjoying Red Dead Redemption, the game is a technical masterclass in design & should be experienced by everyone who picks up a pad. The Undead Nightmare DLC was a good incentive to want to revisit the game again after completion too.

13 years ago

just started replaying RDR last night, i really, really, really want to finish it.
its just such a long game, and to be honest is not exactly entertaining so sitting through another 10+ hours just to see the ending is not really sounding that great to me.
id rather catch up on CLOS which i was actually really enjoying.
have to finish the game before i get to the DLC though.
lucky i got a month till DS2, and ME2 come out so that should give me enough time to finish split second, BLUR, RDR, RDR DLC, enslaved DLC, CLOS and all the PSP games i downloaded.

13 years ago

Red Dead Redemption and Mass Effect 2.

Both without a doubt the finest games to be released in 2010.

Next to that, you had Heavy Rain, Starcraft 2, Gran Turismo 5, Rock Band 3, Dance Central, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Donkey Kong Country Returns!!!!

Bring on 2011, finally… the true, without doubt, year of the PS3!!

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
13 years ago

RDR is an incredible game. I love just about every minute of it. The only thing I didn't like was that after the emotional (yeah I was tearing up)return home there were some pointless missions to do before the big ending. Seemed unnecessary and draining. But this is a game not to be missed.

My funniest laugh out loud moment was the time I went on a bounty hunt and ambushed the target and his gang in Tall Trees. I'm picking off his gang from behind a rock and all of the sudden I see on my radar the bouty's dot going fast from right to left. I headshot his last henchman and take off after him. When I get close I see him being chased by two bears and a cougar. Before I can shoot the animals they all catch him at the same time and maul him to death. Just fantastic stuff folks. I loved my horse too! A wolf came at us under his chest and in a panic I shot him in the head trying to take out the wolf. LOL. Undead DLC in a real blast. Loved the flaming horse War. Fun to run around lighting zombies on fire with it. I'm still not done with this game. Playing the crap out of it still.

13 years ago

I had the same horse (affectionately named "Dummy") for what seemed like forever…ended up getting the "Spurred to Victory" trophy quite by accident.

I had what seemed like an instant karma event which resulted in her demise. Almost immediately after roping a corset adorned strumpet, putting her on my horse and galloping off, my first cougar ever encountered, felled my beloved and then finished me off. Thus began my raging cougar vendetta!

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
13 years ago

I may play a second time but just kill everyone in my path. Total balls waggin' outlaw. I may kill Bonnie right off the bat. Is that even possible? LOL

13 years ago

Hello. My friend

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thank you !!!

w w w . a e o o e . c o m

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