First, we find out Blu-Ray is outselling HD-DVD by an almost 3:1 ratio, and now we start to learn of certain retailers who will only stock Blu-Ray.
HD-DVD might already be suffering in Australia, as the major entertainment retailer, JB Hi-Fi, has stated they will only be carrying Blu-Ray format movies and entertainment. According to the report from iTWire, the company is openly supporting Sony's format, primarily because so many film production companies have also committed to the new media format.
"Blu-ray is the only format that has the ability to tell the whole story, with the most comprehensive offering on the market. With seven of Hollywood's leading studios accounting for the vast majority of 2006's home video sales, among the 170 plus companies globally that support Blu-ray Disc, it makes sense that content will be king when it comes to Blu-ray," said JB Hi-Fi Marketing Director Scott Browning.
The only question is, how widespread is this mindset in Australia? And will it spread to other regions? We also wonder if this means JB Hi-Fi won't be stocking the Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive add-on, which is set to be released next month. But whatever the answers are, Sony is probably sporting an ear-to-ear grin right about now.