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Amazon Lists Japanese PS3 Gundam Bundle

One man's trash is another man's treasure.

And while we just can't fathom the possibility of a good Gundam game, it's one of those titles that simply makes everyone go berserk in Japan. As we've known for a while now, Namco Bandai and Sony are teaming up to offer the Gundam Musou PS3 bundle, and it's going to include a bunch of bonus stuff (in addition to the game, of course): character profiles, technical dossiers, artistry collectible cards, etc. And in all honesty, the game does appear to have some promise, as its new format features a very Dynasty Warriors feel.

Even so, it's not about to garner much attention here in the U.S. But it could be a heck of a system seller in Japan. Amazon has officially listed the 60GB PS3 bundle for pre-order with a price point of 72,000 (exactly $594), which is a definite deal. And hey, is it any surprise that Gundam Musou hit #5 on Weekly Famitsu's readers "Most Wanted" chart? Toss in Virtua Fighter 5 , and the Japanese have two big reasons to pick up a PS3.

We here in the States will be hoping for something like a Gran Turismo 5 bundle for the holidays. …we can always hope, right?