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Bioshock PS3 Rumors…Again

It's the one rumor that refuses to die, even though it's been denied left and right by the developer themselves. But talks of Bioshock heading to the PlayStation 3 have once again begun, but not because someone slipped and leaked a bit of info. Instead, Official PlayStation Magazine UK mentions the development of Bioshock on the PlayStation 3 numerous times in one issue – three to be exact. Their last tidbit debunks the game being exclusive to Microsoft and claim that it's only a timed-exclusive, which 2K Games has always intended on bringing to "next-generation consoles". And that is actually true, 2K Games did originally announce that Bioshock was in development for next-gen consoles, meaning both the X360 and PS3. But I couldn't find any information stating that the game would be a timed-exclusive for Microsoft.

In fact, the press release issue that announced the exclusivity of Bioshock to Windows and X360 stresses Bioshock's availability to solely the Microsoft platforms. On the other hand, it over stresses the point and does come off as if it's trying to cover up the possibility of a PS3 port. Ultimately, because development had started on both PS3 and X360, PlayStation 3 code surely exists for the game in one form or another. Moreover, we've learned recently that unless it's published by a 1st party, exclusivity means nothing these days – it's pure hyperbole and only means "timed-exclusive." Gran Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, etc. were all thought to be exclusive to one console or another, but in the end all of that changed.

It'd be a waste of money for them to scrap perfectly usable code, not to mention that the videogame industry is far too large and it'd be in a publisher's best interests to release multi-platform games, as it can only increase sales and gain revenue. But we're not saying that Bioshock will head to the PS3, because there's no doubt about it that the game will be an Xbox 360 exclusive for a while. But based on the aforementioned facts, the possibility of the game's arrival on the PS3 is quite good.