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Split-Screen Co-Op Available In KZ3?

There was a time when the only way one could select any multiplayer option was if a willing participant was sitting in the same room…likely on the same couch.

But things have progressed and in so doing, split-screen play has sort of fallen by the wayside. It's too bad, too, because split-screen co-op remains one of the more entertaining options in gaming, especially in regards to high-impact shooters. This is why the gaming world is all sorts of happy about the distinct possibility that Killzone 3 will feature split-screen co-op action: a Nicaraguan source has posted an image of the upcoming FPS in action and as you can see, it's self-explanatory. Thing is, split-screen co-op didn't exist in KZ2 so Guerrilla may have heard the cries of fans; "please oh please give us split-screen! My roommate/buddy from across the street wants to play through it with me!" As David Jaffe once said, there's just something very different and very cool about playing with someone sitting directly beside you, and that sensation can't be emulated in any way when playing online.

So, who else wants this to be true? I remember going through several shooters with a roommate some time ago, and it was always fun; split-screen co-op is a definite bonus at the very least.

Related Game(s): Killzone 3

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13 years ago

Yeah Awesome now i will play Killzone 3 online!

13 years ago

The offline co-op has always been pure awesomeness!

Oh, how i miss those days of who fought for controller 1…

13 years ago

i think games should look at resistance 1 and 2 as a model
there should be a co-op campaign like reistance 1
and a co-op online like resistance 2 where you can have 2 players on one console online at once

13 years ago

I say it's a definite. I've been following the Killzone forums and it's pretty much confirmed on there, without GG denying any of it.

However, I would love for it to have 4-player online Co-op! =)

13 years ago

I heard there was supposed to be a 4 player online co-op. That was one thing I thought was missing from Killzone 2.

13 years ago

If Guerrilla finds a way to implement split screen and or co-op to the campaign, would really be great.One or the other is fine.

13 years ago

@ RX78Zero
Wait, wasn't it confirmed that Guerilla said 4 player co-op or was that another rumor?

If so, damn I need that. Theres just something about going through the game with a friend in the story mode and not always on the hunt to kill other people online that give a refreshing nostalgic feeling.

Hey Ben, Am I mistaken or did you recently post something that said they would be coming out with a second wave of Killzone 3 betas out. Im tired of seeing my friends playing and I can't! Im fiending Killzone over here.

And for those of you how do have it, is the beta 3D or is that the final product only?

Last edited by Snorge on 12/7/2010 10:09:49 AM

13 years ago

Heard the beta was in 3D…just no move support..

13 years ago

WoW! I really want this game! Just got a TV on Black friday (3D) and am anxiously waiting on pins and needles to try this in 3D!

Speaking of Move, has anyone used or heard anything about the PS3 Battle Move Rifle *Google it*? I'm thinking about getting it for MAG. I love Move on MAG but I tend to find my hands getting lazy and not wanting to popint at the screen. Something I call the "Wii" syndrome.

13 years ago

Sounds better by the day, Beta impressions anyone?Were the controls a bit quicker or more of the same? BTW I wasn't one of the chumps that hated on the "weighted controls".

13 years ago

There are some mixed reviews amongst the BETA players, but in the latest update from GG, it looks like they're addressing the big issues. So, if they have another round of BETA testing, the changes will most-likely be implemented.

It's kind of expected with the KZ community, as players are split between liking the heavy controls and players that prefer the quicker COD-style controls.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago
13 years ago

I really hope they do, damn online ruining things…

13 years ago

One of the only reasons I boughtwill buy Call Of Duty games is because it supports 4-Player Split-Screen Vs. Even Motorstorm… Me and the buddies go @ these games for hours! Just like we did with Cash Bandicoot 3…

13 years ago

Yeah, but too bad the 4-player splitscreen is only good for multiplayer gunfights.
If it were 4-player splitscreen Co-op, that would be something special!

13 years ago

Oh…Hell..YEAH!!! That's one thing I've found is missing in the latest generation of console. Online gaming is great, but every now and then it's nice to sit down with another human being and play side by side..

13 years ago


SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
13 years ago

I love playing these kind of games split-screen with friends. My most fun times playing the Halo games has been when friends were over and we huddled around the TV shooting each other, talking trash and eating pizza.

13 years ago

Another PS3 exclusive that has my money!!

13 years ago


13 years ago

I want to play KZ3 right now

13 years ago

This is good news for those it will benefit!

13 years ago

If so, I hope its top/bottom split screen. Hate that side by side stuff. And this may be the only way to get my CoDBots to play this game and realize the true awesomeness.

13 years ago

Nicaraguan source! Nah, it has to be Big Boss leaking information considering Killzone 3 through MSF's intelligence network.

13 years ago

This would be BRILLIANT.
any mention of split screen competitive? and online coop?

Last edited by Zorigo on 12/7/2010 11:51:10 AM

13 years ago

I feel that they have regressed in order to make more money (bring back a feature to make it appealing). Split screen was available in many games in the previous generations. I do remember it being available for Killzone 1 as well. I was upset when I found out KZ2 didn't have it. I had fun playing KZ1 with my friends back then, the game had this offline multiplayer mode. I don't know, I even had more fun with the online mode in the first game. KZ2 was still fun, just not like the original.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
13 years ago

At first when I heard Black Ops had online split creen funtionallity, I thought people would abuse of it, but till this day, I dont really see people abusing it at all. Killzone 3 split screen surely will rock.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

That's cool. I love the idea of sitting someone down beside me and either besting them, or working alongside them (fond memories of LBP, R:FoM and GT5 rise within me). Unfortunately, the people I usually play with aren't really into shooters, so… I'm glad TM is going to have it 😀

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 12/7/2010 12:44:43 PM

13 years ago

Just confounds me on how KZ2 didn't have split-screen or co-op at all when the main campaign essentially had you with a partner the entire freakin' time nearly anyways.

13 years ago

This will be amazing, so long as this is not the same Nicaraguan dictator that told me he'd a few million.

On a serious note I would make me do anything to have this be legit. That is the only thing that I was slightly disappointed about in KZ2. I mean you always have a person with you so it would be fairly straight forward to add on.

Last edited by sirbob6 on 12/7/2010 3:53:14 PM

13 years ago

If this is true then HALLELUJAH!!

13 years ago


13 years ago

I was surprised that Borderlands had split-screen co-op and i got a friend addicted to the game, lol. But this news, sweeet. My brother and I are going to have a blast, and he just got a new 42" Samsung flat screen. Yup all good.

13 years ago

i dont know about splitscreen anymore. i'm too dependent of seeing everything on screen right now and using a screen smaller than the 32in i usually play on, i just get thrown off. i've been playing black ops online with my brother lately and i just dont notice things as easily when i play alone with the entire screen.

13 years ago

It just makes a game so much better, pure and simple. online and offline co-op should be the norm nowadays.

13 years ago

@ Tanner
"online and offline co-op should be the norm nowadays. "

Let me correct you.

online and offline co-op should be the norm AGAIN!!!

13 years ago

My son and I love to play games together and there are not too many out there. We have played a lot of Black Ops in Split Screen Multiplayer. Not sure why we cant both use our own PSN ID's and level up on our own accounts. I guess that's why I am not a game programmer. I just feel like I am wasting time getting kills that don't help my level. As if I don't waste enough time on PS3 anyway. 🙂

13 years ago

This game was already an automatic pre-order for me. Guerilla is such a great developer; I loved KZ2! The only thing that was missing from that game was offline Co-op campaign. I've had to resort to Borderlands (which is still pretty awesome), the Army of TWO games, and Rainbow Six Vegas in order to get my fixes with my buddy. We love Co-op shooters, and we NEED a AAA title again! We haven't had one since Resistance: FoM. Resistance 2 was a huge letdown for not including the Co-op campaign. Shame on Insomniac, another fave developer.

I have *local* friends, and I want to play with them!

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