If you're reaching the end of your one-year PlayStation 3 warranty and you'd like to extend the coverage, Sony has quite the deal for you.
Sony has revealed that PS3 owners who are also PlayStation Plus subscribers can purchase a 2-year PS3 coverage plan for 25% off: $44.99 instead of the usual $59.99. And you know, the 1-year plan is usually $44.99, so you're basically getting an entire year of extra coverage for free. So yeah, it's a twofer for Plus members. Just so you're clear, to qualify, your PS3 must be within the manufacturer's standard 1-year warranty. For the record, the Protection Plan is available for both the PS3 and PSP, and features some cool benefits, like free shipping, no hidden fees, and utilization of OEM parts and service technicians. So if you've got a PS3 that isn't yet a year old and you're a Plus subscriber, you can hop onto the PSN and get yourself a couple more years of quality protection for the price of one. Better safe than sorry, right?
You wouldn't want to have to pay the $150 to get the thing fixed; nobody wants to do that. And it would suck to have this opportunity and then watch the PS3 die when playing LBP2, or something.
With shipping, in Canada it comes closer to $200CAD, and we buy the entry slim for the same price as Americans, $300. When my 80gb BC BD drive went belly up last spring, it made more sense to buy a slim for an $100, since the refurb only has a 90day warranty on it. Add in the extra controller cost-for-cost and it actually was a no brainer. Thus, this seems like a pretty decent idea, considering how much I have been playing, especially since GT5 came out.
Last edited by JofaMang on 12/4/2010 11:08:13 AM
Not a bad deal I suppose. But I'm going to keep my money all the same.
Lol Alienange… its funny how corporates need to sell you cover to protect you from their equipment malfunctioning… interesting really, because one would need to calculate this extra amount as part of the overall cost of the item you are buying; and in this case its the PS3.
I am sure it will be worthwhile for some… touch wood I haven't had a need yet for such a service.
With two cats and heavy use between movies, music, and of course gaming, the lifespan of a computer product I can't completely disassemble to clean is not guaranteed. Sure it may not be for everyone, but like I said, the cost of failure outside of the 1 year coverage is so much higher, and in my case the risk of failure is also much higher. At least I quit smoking, so that isn't a factor anymore, hah.
Yeah, I have a hard time paying for plans such as these. I've been buying and owning consoles for 15+ years and I've had only one entirely stop working on me. And that was after 2 1/2 years of heavy play and ownership (my launch model PS3) If I bought a plan like this on every console I owned I'd have been better off placing that $50 into a savings account and be prepared on my own terms.
SO, if you get two years of coverage, is that beyond the one year manufacturer's warranty for a total of three or is it just two years from date of purchase?
Last edited by Norrin Radd on 12/4/2010 11:48:01 AM
It starts when the original warranty ends, but you must have the receipt from the store you bought the ps3 from to make a claim.
Had my fat 160GB since 1st of November 2008, the very minute it came out
(litrally). Seems like only 6 months ago 0_o.
Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 12/4/2010 11:53:17 AM
It shows this on the Canadian store but I e-mailed them and they said that this is not available in Canada. Anyone knows?
I think it was available in Canada even before it became available in the States.
Did you e-mail an American office? They might not be able to process a plan for Canadians and therefore might assume that the deal isn't good in Canada.
I certainly see this plan on the Canadian PSN as well, so I'm sure it applies.
I hope you are right but i got a proctection plan from futureshop the year i purchased it so yeah, hopefully my system will never need to go for any sort of repairs.
some of our ps3's are so awesome, they don't need warranty.
some of us just have magic fingers so we can fix them ourselves.
in this case, its me and my ps3
So they announced that they are bringing back this discounted price that they offered three months ago? Ho ho ho.
Was it really 3 months back?
feels longer
this never went away its been here the whole time and that is why i am confused its news today. seriously i know this has been like this because i have looked at it for weeks now. talk to sony about it weeks ago and even got the offer for this same thing with the new ps3 that i bought few weeks ago. the offer has pretty much always been that plus members get this deal. this really is not new news.
what is some plus news that has not seemed to be mentioned here is that plus members are getting the Sackboys's Prehistoric Moves for free on tuesday. 10 levels of sackboy fun with a second person using the move. not that anyone will believe me about my post
Actually, it did go away for the U.S. The deal then switched over to Canadian members and now it's back for those that live in the U.S.
Darn it, I purchased/got the fat 80 gb model 3 or 4 months before the slim PS3 came out. Sony I wish u put the shiny gloss and chrome or gray trim on the PS3 slim. Don't worry I still like the look of the slim PS3 people.
Not a bad deal considering they're some guys out there that I know close to me that had they're PS3's breakdown after 2 years of use so I'll definitely let my homies know bout this deal.
Your right Ben I would rather have this then to have to dish another $150 for a basic fix(my old 60gb broke down on me I got a slim know though).
It is a great deal. Unfortunately too late for me.
…or they could just sell us a better quality unit with higher temp solder on the motherboard….
its not the solder on the boards that causes most of the problems, its the crappy heat sink paste sony uses.
a friend of mine fixes PCs and consoles for a living, and he tells me a good 96% of ps3s that have broken have burn marks on or around the heat sink or CPU.
another 3% for faulty lasers, looks like sony really do have thick heads!
you would of thought they would of learned their lesson from the ps1 and 2.
guess not.
Never had that problem with PS1 and 2. Mine still works like brand new.
My PS1…no problems.
My FAT PS2…died (could'nt read,stopped).
Bought SLIM PS2, had no problems of course.
My "dead" FAT PS2? I then re-aligned the white-plastic wheel inside, it was then fixed and stayed fixed.
My FAT PS3…died (YLOD).
Bought SLIM PS3, had no problems of course.
My "dead" FAT PS3? I re-flowed the solder around the CPUs and replaced the thermal-paste, it worked again for two weeks, after which I re-did this but with a higher temp and it's been running flawlessly for over two months now.
Yet I see I get a thumbs down for finding-out my 500 dollar FAT PS3 system was poorly designed and I'm upset about it?
I worked hard for that money. A stores extended-warranty pitch I understand, that's cool. But if it's extended-warranty coverage ads continually being pushed by the actual manufacturer, they're virtually acknowledging there's still a problem.
I love Sony, too, I'm just thinking how I might have to repair a PS4 one day and because of that will avoid buying one!
thats been available for ages!
dont need it though, complete rip off!
when i bought my launch ps3 i got 3 years extra warranty thrown in, and when i bought my slim i got a extra 2 years warranty for 50 bucks!
Why you reporting this old news man?
thats what i am saying. i looked at this all the time on the store it did not go away. this is not new news.
This is just Sony's way of conning more money out of you.