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Dead Space 2 Might Creep You Out Before Christmas

We know we're getting a LittleBigPlanet 2 demo before Christmas (December 22), but might we get another demo before December 25…? One that's basically on the other end of the gaming spectrum?

Sure, why not? We should all have some variety in our gaming diet. According to GamerZines , when Dead Space 2 executive producer Steve Papoutsis was asked if a demo could be released "as a Christmas gift" during his "Questions With Steve" Facebook session, he cryptically replied:

Great question, a lot of people are asking that question. Gonna have to do some thinking about that but I would say stay on your toes, stick on the Facebook page, and (wink) you never know."

We've known for most of the year that we'd be getting a demo for the highly anticipated sequel, but we have yet to receive an official date. We're pretty excited for a couple of reasons: firstly, the original Dead Space was freakin' awesome. Secondly, Papoutsis told G4TV a while back that the demo will be intense enough to make people say, "holy sh**, I'm going out right now, I've got to get this!"

If you have a Facebook account, feel free to watch the Questions with Steve episode . If you had already forgotten, Dead Space 2 releases on January 28, 2011.

Related Game(s): Dead Space 2

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13 years ago

Eh…beta was a bit too meh for my liking, (then again I didn't think AC:B beta was as great as you made it out to be so don't listen to me lol) kinda felt like AvP. Here's hoping it isnt a representive of the SP.

Edit: Can't you just track down the advert accounts IP and ban it (like wikipedia does)?

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 12/4/2010 11:47:53 AM

13 years ago

The beta was for online and if you pass on this game because of the beta….well….that will be your loss. The single player is where it is at and where it will always be at.

I couldn't care less if they leave out mp altogether. IMO, MP makes games worse, not better.

13 years ago

Looking forward to the single player demo, gotta agree with LiamDaniels that multiplayer beta was meh

13 years ago


Just hit that little yellow triangle button with the explanation point inside it to report those posts as spam, just like I do.

One of the mods will see your smam report & then they'll go frag that offending post.

Oh BTW, if the little "OK" pop-up window has a bunch of higher case symbols(the ones on your number keys), instead of it's regular "OK", then that means one of the mods has already seen, and deleted, that spam post(& probably while you were trying to report it),LOL.

13 years ago

Maybe if PSXe charged like a $1 to be a member we'd see much less of these annoying advertising-bots

13 years ago

This is the first time i've seen these ads in the posts. I just flagged it as spam. I'm sure they'll take care of it.

13 years ago

im short on $$, i want killzone, but i love dead space.
ps: any word if rico and natko die in kz3. or better yet if you fight them?? if so, its a clear choice. i would buy that game just to see them die.

13 years ago

That might be the only way to get me to buy KZ3. I'd be sold if they killed all the characters from KZ2, along with digital representations of the entire writing staff of that game.

13 years ago

I really can't wait for this game!! Only game with a decent chill factor ive played in a long time.

13 years ago

@ shaydey,im sorry, a decent chill factor? u must be confuse with another horrible game you played with a decent chill factor. Dead space is nightmarish, play impossible mode and you'll see.

13 years ago

dead space def made me jump a few times i loved it! the 2nd one will be even worse hahaha cant wait to sh** my self in the dark again.

they must of taken care of the bots coz i diddnt see any of them when i posted this.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Already got this one pre-ordered, but a demo before Christmas would be awesome!

13 years ago

Can't afford it right now…maybe when it drops…

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