With various retail dates and insider info, it now seems apparent that Gran Turismo 5 will make it before mid-December.
There have also been a few leaked videos over the past few days, proving that GT5 is "out there." We have no idea what's legitimate and what's not, and we're not willing to guess; the official date is all that matters to us. Still, one particular video should be of interest to racing fanatics: it shows off the Trophy list for GT5, which sorta proves two things- 1. it looks real so GT5 should exist somewhere, and 2. Platinum-ing this bad boy is gonna be tough.
That Gold Standard trophy, where you have to land a Gold Trophy in every race event, license test and special event ought to be a challenge. Then there are the A-Spec and B-Spec levels (you need to reach Level 40 for each to nab the corresponding trophies), and of course, the different tiers- Extreme, Expert, Professional, Amateur, and Beginner. And if that S license is as impossible to master as it has been in past GTs…
Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5
I am in love.
The 1000 car bronze is by far one of my favorite trophies ever.
Last edited by maxpontiac on 11/8/2010 12:10:53 PM
they're saying this game is releasing between the 30th and the 8th.i hope it's true.
Last edited by ace_boon_coon on 11/8/2010 1:37:55 PM
I have a feeling it's going to be.
let us bask in top quality GT goodness.
Awesome, I look forward to unlocking some of those.
Can't wait to find out the release date too, depending on when it is determines whether i get Need for Speed or not.
Rushing to a retail outlet to buy it, rushing back home, unpacking the game, flipping quickly through the manual and finally inserting the disc in my PS3 and firing up the game….
THAT is the real trophy for me
…And still no date. I'm getting a little pissed now. Delays are understandable, but for the love of god just tell me when i can buy the damn game already.
Theres a gameplay video on Kotaku. Its ok if you like watching an off-screen shot of an idiot who doesnt know how to drive a miata.
Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 11/8/2010 12:21:36 PM
Patience is a virtue, young padawan.
What is with microwave mentality when it comes to this game?
People tend to get a little irritable when a 5-year game gets repeatedly delayed.
Last edited by NoSmokingBandit on 11/8/2010 9:33:34 PM
Repeatedly delayed my ass…
It's as simple as that.
"People tend to get a little irritable when a 5-year game gets repeatedly delayed."
Last edited by Underdog15 on 11/9/2010 9:04:38 AM
And this is one of those games that I will just let the trophies come as I play. I have no desire to get frustrated over getting that S Class license. Still that would be something to brag about…
LOL! it's something to brag about for the 100 people in the world with enough talent to get it and the other 10,000 who are obsessive enough to retry an unlimited number of times until they get it.
I'll be one of those who takes the game and trophies as they come and won't be worrying about the Platinum as I suspect it will be out of reach for all but a small fraction of one percent of players.
The Platinum in GT5 is going to be one of skill.
I can't wait to attempt it.
the last gold trophy is insane?
what?everything gold?how could that be realistic
,it will get me years to get all driving licence exams on gold
"Gold Standart â Get a gold trophy in every race event, license test and special event â gold"
Last edited by ABUrabad on 11/8/2010 2:02:29 PM
Haha I guess they wanted us to spend as long a time trying to get platinum as they spent trying to build the amazing experience I anticipate to be GT5
did any one notice that not only is this a list of the trophies, but whoever this is has a trophy already. win number one. some one out there is playing this game.
The most exciting video ever lol Seriously though, I'm not a racing fan hardly but how can I resist picking up a game as massive as this? Just for the reason of showing it off to non PS3 owners at least.
I'm not really excited about trying to earn a Platinum trophy in games. All I really want is just the excitement when playing games.
oh man, seeing trophies for the different licenses and then for playing custom music among others just made my day and brings back the memories of past GT experiences. I can't wait to play it.
custom music alone makes my day.
I think by this point they could have had a date but are just milking the suspense for all it's worth. Whatever, it's the home stretch.
Damn, I want this Platinum. This will be my 1st GT though. I think I can do it. First I'll get them as I go, then I'll work for them. There is no Plat out there worth more than this one. Well atleast for 2010.
Sony is releasing a new official Bluetooth. It's 30% smaller & it's shinny. Set to release later this month. I'll be picking that up for some online GT5 fun!
Trophy hunters be warned, GT5 Platinum is impossible. I'd say about 300Hours of gameplay at least to get the Plat, i'm guessing. WOW
AC2 and Burnout Paradise took about a week to Plat. LOL
In my book, it's the way it should be.
@Maxpontiac – some of us don't have 300 hrs PER GAME to Platinum a game. If it was THAT impossible to plat games, then I wouldn't even try for trophies like I do now….but since there are games that you can plat in 2 playthroughs I will spend a little extra time on a game to do it.
Resistance 2 is a fine example of a ridiculous platinum. Online trophies are SH!T!
Not so much trophy hunters beware, but to those who are new to racing simulators or GT. Granted I haven't played the game yet, but for every GT I've played, I've come to adapt it and so far perfecting every events and licenses doesn't seem impossible at all, and I know for sure there are a lot of others out there.
The trophies on this game is spot on so far. It relies on elite skills and not so much on luck or any of those lame online trophies. If you have the skills, it certainly wouldn't take 300 hours or even close to it. It's do or never.
Basically, I'm saying it's either you have the skills or you don't. If you don't have the skills, you can play 10,000 hours and still won't get it. To get it, it'll take as long as how fast you can master the game's physics.
A Platinum to be proud of. Enthusiasts only need apply. I shall enjoy the game and any trophies I may acquire as I go along. This game is a definite showcase of awesome graphics when family and friends are over. Only on Playstation!
"Enthusiasts need only apply."
Second that maxpontiac.
I third that MaxPontiac
*Use voice of Duncan from Dragon Age*
"One of true skill and courage shall attain the platinum trophy,I have forseen it and its glorious!." >.>
Wait, what, there's a S-Lisence? LOL Y'all know who ain't plat'ing this (^^,)
Sure! It's been in the series since GT2, right? I'd be surprised if it didn't have it. I get you though. Without the S license, that platinum would be that much easier.
Seriously, are there that many people into driving games? I never played a grand tourismo game. Are they that good? I'm sure they have multiplayer right?
You are going to have a lot of thumbs down my dear friend
Research is your friend.
To answer all 4 statements in the order in which they appear:
u r silly
this is the complete list
1 — Hidden Trophy
2 â Hidden Trophy
3 — Hidden Trophy
4 — Penniless — Spend every last Credit your have — bronze
5 — Colorful — Collect 256 paint colors — bronze
6 — The Air of Experience — Raise a B-Spec driver to the peak of this career — bronze
7 — A Star is Born — Train a B-Spec driver up to Class 30 or above — bronze
8 — Human Stopwatch — Complete three consecutive laps with tomes within 0.2 seconds of the Best Lap Time — bronze
9 — GT-R Official Record — Achieve a time of 7´29.03 on Nurburgring Nordshleife in a Nissan GT-R 07 — bronze
10 — Dream Race — Win the ultimate three-way showdown between a FordMark IV Race Car, a Ferrari 330 P4 R⦠— bronze
11 â Arch Rivals â Achieve a one-two finish in a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X and a Subaru IMPREZA WRX STI — bronze
12 â Within One Hundredth â Win a race by a margin of 0.01 seconds or less — bronze
13 â 111 Meters a Second â Achieve a speed of 400km/h — bronze
14 â Speed Demon â Achieve a speed of 300km/h — bronze
15 â Sky-High Roller â Buy an insanely expensive car — bronze
16 â High Roller â Bought a serriously expensive car — bronze
17 â Maximum Mileage â Buy a used car with 300 000km or more travel distance — bronze
18 â Half a Century of Cars â Own at least one car each from the ´60s, ´70s, ´80s, ´90s and ´00s, — bronze
19 â Old-Timer â Acquire a car manufactured in 1959 or earlier — bronze
20 â Multi-Millionaire â Possess an Ivane amount of money — bronze
21 â Car Collector â Fill your Garage with 1000 cars — bronze
22 â Beyond the Autobahn â Drive 12,718km in total â the length of all Germany´s Autobahns combined — bronze
23 â Driving Music â Use the Personal BGM function, and go for a drive while listening to your favorite songs — bronze
24 â Data Analyst â Analyze yout performance using the Data Logger â bronze
25 â Dream Drifter â Get 10 000 points or more in a Sector Mode Drift Trial â bronze
26 â Race Ready â Perform Racing Modifications on one of your cars â bronze
27 â Loony Tune â Spend an Ivane amount of money on tuning a car â bronze
28 â Course Designer â Create and share a track â bronze
29 â Proud Owner â Take and Share a photo â bronze
30 â The Right Direction â Win yout first B -Spec event race â bronze
31 â Win Number One â Win yout first A-Spec event race â bronze
32 â Gran Turismo Karting Experience â Complete the Gran Turismo Karting Experience Special Eventâ bronze
33 â Jeff Gordon NASCAR School â Complete the Jeff Gordon NASCAR School Special Eventâ bronze
34 â Top Gear Test Track â Complete the Top Gear Test Track Special Eventâ bronze
35 â AMG Driving Academy â Complete the AMG Driving Academy Special Eventâ bronze
36 â Gran Turismo Rally â Complete the Gran Turismo Rally Special Eventâ bronze
37 â Grand Tour â Complete the Grand Tour Special Eventâ bronze
38 â Sebastien Loeb Rally Challenge â Complete the Sebastien Loeb Rally Challenge Special Event â bronze
39 — Hidden Trophy
40 — National C License â Complete the C License â bronze
41 — National B License â Complete the B License â bronze
42 â National A License â Complete the A License â bronze
43 — International C Licencse â Complete the International C Licencse â bronze
44 — International B Licencse â Complete the International B Licencse â bronze
45 â International A Licencse â Complete the International A Licencse â bronze
46 â Super License â Complete the S License â bronze
47 — Begginer Series Complete â Complete the Begginer series of Race Events â bronze
48 — Profesional Series Complete â Complete the Professional series of Race Events â bronze
49 — Amateur Series Complete â Complete the Amateur series of Race Events â bronze
50 â Profesional Series Complete â Complete the Professional series of Race Events â bronze
51 â Expert Series Complete â Complete the Expert series of Race Events â bronze
52 â Extreme Series Complete â Complete the Extreme series of Eace Events â bronze
53 — Hidden Trophy
54 â Hidden Trophy
55 â Finale â Reach the sfing movie â gold
56 â Epert Manager â Reach B-Spec Level 40 â silver
57 â Excellent Driver â Reach A-Spec Level 40 â silver
58 â Gold Standart â Get a gold trophy in every race event, license test and special event â gold
59 â Gran Turismo Platinum Trophy â Earn every single Gran Turismo 5 Trophy â platinum
60 — Hidden Trophy
On a side note
Is anyone who has a fat model having trouble since the latest update?? I'm getting the whole overheating notice but my system is cold. A firmware error is the only thing I can think of, that or karma for backing out of my deal with World.
Side side note
The McRib Is Back!!!
Last edited by main_event05 on 11/8/2010 3:26:16 PM
Hmm…. if your heatsink/fan (HSF) wasn't running properly your system could overheat and still feel cool since the HSF wasn't removing any heat. But if you had that big of a problem, I don't think it would take more than a second or two to overheat and shut down.
any suggestions? I'm trying to do everything I can before I send it in for service. I'm even tempted to give Worlds $25 to make amends for what happened?
If your system stays on long enough to actually perform a firmware update you could try downloading the latest update to a USB stick and then booting the system into the service menu. Once there, select the option to upgrade the firmware and then put the USB stick into the USB port. It'll install, and if there was some weird glitch in the firmware load it will correct it.
That said, because the firmware is encrypted I don't actually think it would complete the update if there was any kind of corruption because if there was, the encryption wouldn't work right, and the process would abort.
It really sounds like you might have to send it in for service.
Does the fan come on at all? If so, but it's not kicking into high gear to remove the heat, you might have a heat sink problem. The other possible problem is a fault in the sensor that reads the system temperature. But both of those are things that need a service facility. Since your system is a phat, if it is one of the original 20 or 60 GB systems or 80GB systems with BC built in, I would personally recommend a Sony service instead of a third party simply because those systems are rare and special. I have one of them, as does my wife, and if one of them fails, Sony is getting a call that day.
that's what my next step was gonna be. And the fans are all working fine. The intakes are working and so is the exhaust Does it make any difference that it doesn't overheat in safe mode??
For you who are close enough to New York City…..
When the brand new "PlayStation Lounge" opens up tomorrow afternoon at 550 Madison, in New York Cityâs Manhattan, you will finally be able to get your hands on game demos never before available to the public……. including Killzone 3 and Motorstorm: Apocalypse…..
….and also play portions of Gran Turismo 5
Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/8/2010 3:29:10 PM
New York
The only thing I loathe as much a Xbox.
Sry, damn Rage.
I meant the only thing i hate more than an Xbox.
Thank you Bikersaint!
I'll be there then 😀