Although it's a spin-off, many are anxiously awaiting news of Metal Gear Solid: Rising , the action-oriented title featuring franchise mainstay, Raiden.
When it was first unveiled, we expected that it would be released in 2011, which means we'd have to be patient. Well, it now seems we'll have to be even more patient because according to Kotaku , Rising won't hit until 2012. Switching "Tactical Espionage Action" for "Lightning Bolt Action" and set between the events of MGS2 and MGS4, Rising looks to be ultra-promising. Series guru Hideo Kojima is involved but he's only acting as the game's producer; he won't be writing or directing and he once said he was turning things over to a younger group. Some of the more ardent MGS fans don't like the new direction but there's always a chance Kojima will make a true MGS5 (with the inclusion of the patented stealth element). Still, the mastermind has stated in the past that he wants to work on something different and as far as we know, he might be doing just that right now…
Well, anyway, if Rising isn't due out until 2012, we'll just have to put it on the back burner for a while. Plenty of other amazing games due out in 2011, yes?
Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid: Rising
bah that sucks! 🙁 I am super excited for Rising, but theres enough happening in 11 that I can hold out i guess 😛
What's in store for us in 2011? Things on the top of my head: LBP2, Crysis 2, Killzone 3. What else?
SOCOM 4 & apparently Gran Turismo 5.
Dead Space 2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Twisted Metal, Dragon Age II…Uncharted 3…? 😉
Final Fantasy VII remake.
Hey Ben, you forgot GT5…
jk 😉
Killzone 3 and Versus are my main two, I hope Last Guardian will have a release date
Resistance 3. Mass Effect 2. Portal 2.
Possibly The Last Guardian.
edit: there's a great list below.
Last edited by Fane1024 on 11/8/2010 4:13:07 PM
Delays don't bother as long as they aren't on the magnitude of Duke Nuke'em's (i.e. halting or dropping development altogether).
Silent Hill 7, was it?
Infamous 2
Project Dark (spiritual sequel to Demon's Souls)
ThatGameCompany's new title
Twisted Metal-ps3
Packed with ps3 awesomeness
I'll be surprised if UC3 makes it for 2011, that seems soon to me and I picked up and played that title at when it was brand new. Twisted metal is soemthing I'm pretty interested in though:)
Yeah. Will give Twisted Metal a go. Uncharted 3 will blow everyone's minds if it does release next year. SOCOM I don't think its for me; I played Confrontation and was not impressed. Versus… F13 ruined FF games' reputation for me…. 🙁
Well yeah. You think it's easy to gimp a game? It takes time to mush it into a DVD.
Love the thumbs down on you for speaking the truth.
You deserve a thumbs up.
Last edited by maxpontiac on 11/8/2010 12:18:24 PM
The question is on how many DVDs? I say 3 to 4 disks.
That's ok tbh I havnt thought bout this game for awhile. I don't mind, I'll prolly pick it up when it releases but don't care to much otherwise. If it was a true mgs installment I may be upset.
Mark my words…La Noire never gonna happen.
Right.. missed Infamous 2, Resistance 3, Ico/ Last Guardian, Shadow of Colossus and Batman. From what i mentioned, these should comprise of my to-buy list 🙂
I'll be hopeful and say to add in FF Versus XIII
Of course it gonna take time making a new engine for it , why they didn't use the one for MGS4 =/.
Just finished playing black ops..
Yea, okay.
Some people got it this morning from preordering. ~but i dont believe the amazing bit.. not yet
don't tell me its THAT short again….
Black Ops could lack the sp and people would still call it amazing.
HMMMM, that was a little quick
So is the game really that short?
Or you played one of those 100 Stolen Gamestop copies?
Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/8/2010 2:43:15 PM
I'm Australian I got a day before you guys.
You all bi*** about cod like your all non conformists but at the end of the day your just missing out on an extremely fun game.
Oh and when I said finished, I meant I stopped because I needed sleep, believe what you want it's a great game.
Metal Gear has been always about being a "Tactical Espionage Action" but being a "Tactical Espionage Action" this something i cant be sure about
Rising is Lightning Bolt Action.
This sucks but 2011 is going to be a great year.
spineshank, how long is the single player?
I was half expecting it to be honest, lets just say im disappointed but not surprised! Looks like we will all just have to wait.
It should turn out to be a good game if it's set to be out for 2012.
curses!!! I really wanted this game ASAP. Who knows maybe 2012 will be a dull year and we'll all be glad MGSR held off till then.
I guarantee by the time Metal Gear Rising is released, it will be touting Move and Kinect support for the slicing action.
At least that'll make it marginally more interesting than an otherwise lame MGS spin-off.
I think you should clean that up a bit.
do you mean with move it will pass as a decent MGS spin off or do you mean that it will be better than past spin offs?
I cant see this on Kinect , unless the gameplay ends being very simple , or MS release a control for Kinect.
I mean to say that, regardless of Move or Kinect, that Rising is still an undesirable spin-off. (from what I've seen, compared to the main MGS series)
But, by having integration with Move/Kinect, it will make it slightly funner to play.
Note: I didn't think the PSP Metal Gear Acid and Portable Ops spin-offs were good, either. I've yet to try Peace Walker.
I don't think it's undesirable, many fans are wondering what happened to Raiden between MGS2 and MGS4.
This is Konami's answer to their question.
noe theres no excuse for not having move support
I can see this being played with move, but Kinect on other hand…..I don't know bout that one.
Just look at No More Heroes Ps3/360 version, is only compatible with the move , there's no way you can play that without pad and buttons.
And Rising seems like a much more complex game.
Last edited by Oxvial on 11/8/2010 6:00:33 PM
This game to me is like an amped up version of the Afro Samurai game if you've ever played it. They used the same kind of fighting style with the whole slow-motion slice & dice deal it's just allot more advanced in this game. This game is what Afro Samurai should have been.
Last edited by GuyverLT on 11/8/2010 8:17:26 PM
Hmmm as much as I dislike Raiden if this is implemented with Move I might get it. Could be interesting that way.
Oh my god!!!! So the world might end before I get to play the next metal gear.
two reasons I'm not interested in this game, first it doesn't have Solid Snake and second Kojima is not really working on it, just producing. I LO-VE MGS but this game is not MGS.
Why is MGS even in the name?
I don't know, maybe I will end up loving it, raiden is very cool, but it's just not a true MGS.
2011 is full of amazing games, and some I most likely won't get through. plus GT5 will take a lot of my gaming time next year. LBP2, TM, Ghost recon, Kill zone 3, LA noire and MS Apocalypse will fill in the rest of the time.
Yes it is true that snake wont be in it and kojima wont be writing or directing but even so i really DOUBT kojima will let the younger crew ruin the series. Im quite certain its gonna be a hella of game. 😉
Aww, I was looking forward to this being one of the hit titles of next year. Guess now it has to go toe-to-toe with Bioshock: Infinite. You know, I hope when this is done, someone has the bright idea to make more spin-offs focussing on different characters and play styles. Imagine a tactical shooter with Meryl and Johnny, in the MGS universe. Or a more Western styled game with Ocelot as the gunslinger. The series has so many characters that they could make it last forever based on spin-offs.
why is it all the games i want GT5, socom 4, KZ3, LBP2, crysis 2, RAGE get delayed to next year and the games i dont give a sh*t about black ops, GoS, saw 2, harry pothead, TRON, splatterhouse dont get delayed?
isnt RAGE due out in 2011???? that will be awesome. and spineshank im soooo jealous mate,i cant wait to play black ops