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Sony Offers Move-Related Audience And Sales Stats

Sometimes, comprehensive statistical roundups are the best way to gauge product popularity and consumer interest.

Sony just released this digital flier of sorts, which outlines the current state of the PlayStation Move. On it, you'll find some interesting numbers- firstly, it says that 60% of those interested in buying Move already own a Wii, thereby illustrating the appeal to all gamers, even to those who already have motion sensing in the house. It also reconfirms the 1 million units sold in the Americas since its September 17 launch, and adds that 24 Move titles are currently available with 15 more expected by spring.

Furthermore, we get some interesting info concerning the intrigued demographic, as Sony claims that among those who intend to purchase Move, half are parents, 30% are female, and the average age is 28. Well, the PS3 ownership age is certainly higher than the Wii (and likely higher than the 360) so that shouldn't be too surprising, and considering the family-oriented nature of such technology, the parental interest isn't shocking, either.

If you're not yet on board with Move, maybe you'll change you mind in due time. Maybe it'll make for a perfect holiday gift…

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14 years ago

One statistic didn't make the flier.

… 50% of Move owners have licked the controller's blue ball to test if it tasted like blueberry.

14 years ago

All I want is Move support for games like Fallout New Vegas.

14 years ago

That's never going to happen. There's motion controls and there's hard core games. Thank goodness Bethesda isn't suckered into adding waggle controls.

14 years ago

Never say Never…I think a game like Fallout would be complemented nicely by the Move. That doesn't mean that I was them to not have DS3 support at all, but it is nice to have the option to play.

14 years ago

mulitplats wont do this anyway

14 years ago

by these statements I can see that WII sill suffer a hard time at the near future , i think they should think about coming with a new innovation ,at this moment Sony is the only company that is capable of bringing out high quality game along with motion sensing technology ,higher details , better graphics with more precised motion sensing hardware when it being compared to all other consoles

14 years ago

30% are female?? Come on girls, it's not so bad. Give it another try. Hell, let someone else use it on you if you're not sure how it goes.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago


14 years ago

It vibrates…

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Move is awesome. Is Time Crisis Raging Storm a good Move title?

14 years ago

arcade mode good…story mode…bad…

14 years ago

I'm just curious: are there reports yet of broken TV sets due to flying Move's?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

I don't think so. It's almost impossible, theres a soft ball at the top of the Move that will cushion impact & it has a safety strap. The Move gives you a perfect grip, it will not slip from your hand, even without the safety strap. Also, people are careful.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 11/8/2010 11:35:40 AM

14 years ago

gotcha on the Move's specs. But hey, lotsa folks are real careless. Even with the Wii strap some had smashed TV's still

14 years ago

I want MOVE but have not got enough room, I think WIi will be fine as the general users will buy the major games like MarioKart constantly 🙁

Move needs to be implemented in more games to be successful

14 years ago

I want Move and the Tiger Woods game bad. That looks like real fun. They should market it to make people think it will help your golf game. Make you as good as Tiger LOL!

14 years ago

Never say never. Some one broke their tv playing with Kinect. No controller involved whatsoever.LOL. Anything is possible.

14 years ago

That's just a regular xbox type of owner lol

14 years ago

Tiger woods is ok with Move but it's implemented badly a lot of the time you have to use the DS pad for menus and starting games and it just feels tacked on in a rush (which it is).
If TW 12 doesnt improve it drastically then I think I'll finish with TW. TW 10 was going to be my last golf game untill move came out.

And be prepared for playing a lot less with the move unless your uber fit it can be really knackering lol

14 years ago

comparing move to the wii is really stupid because they cater to 2 completely different audiences!
wii only offers kids games and sequels galore very few new IPs.
ps3 offers everything!
new IPs, sequels, kids games, adult games the lot!
buy a wii and you have the choice of a game thats been done to death a million times, AKA zelda, mario or pokemon, or a crappy port to wii like RE4 or MW or MoH heros, that sucked donkey balls!!!!!!

14 years ago

You left a word out of the last two words in your last sentence: Insert "Kong" between "donkey" and "balls."