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1 Million Move Units In North America, More Titles Coming

Sony has provided an official update on the status of their new motion-sensing technology, PlayStation Move.

You may visit the PlayStation Blog for the news: the gist of it is that Sony has shipped 1 million Move units in North America, and the library of Move-compatible titles continues to grow. Coming up are games like The Fight: Lights Out , SingStar Dance , and the Sly Collection . Next year, even bigger titles will feature Move capability; you'll be able to play super huge games like Killzone 3 , LittleBigPlanet 2 and SOCOM 4 with Move. If you haven't yet sprung for the new peripheral, here's a list of the current titles:

Even if you're not convinced just yet, Move still has a long ways to go. We'll be interested to see how things progress, and whether or not it proves to be a better motion option that Microsoft's Kinect, which launches this week.

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14 years ago

why, o why sony, why did you have to delay all the games i was looking forward too until next year?
SOCOM 4 was the only reason i got move, big, BIG mistake!
oh well, at least theres still TRON and the sly cooper collection, whenever thats releasing.

14 years ago

yeah, and the world revolves around you. as with consoles, if you only bought move for 1 game then you my friend are an idiot. you shouldve just bought move when socom 4 comes out. i dont mind waiting till a game is perfect or close to it before releasing it. if i wanted a rushed product i'd be on my 5th 360 by now. just replay some of your older games for now, maybe that way you wont have much complaints and actually be a better gamer. knowing that you're the only one i know and read about that had a problem with uncharted 2's cover button kinda prevents me from taking you seriously.

14 years ago

i did not buy move for one game, i had it paid off well before LBP2, socom 4 and others got delayed.
if your releasing a new product your suppose to release it with plenty of accessories.
its like ford releasing a new car, having thousands of orders than when they come in they tell the customer o sorry we actually have not had time to get some proper tires for it so you wont be able to drive it for another 8 months.
WTF is the point of releasing something if you cant use it with anything worthwhile?
heavy rain is the only decent game that supports move at the moment, and why would you go back and play it if you already have the plat like i and many already do?

14 years ago

Um, I didn't like how the cover button is the same as the roll button in UC2 either, but it absolutely wasn't a deal breaker. In reference to multiplayer there are many times, that when I want to roll or dive out of the way, instead it attaches me to cover and then subsequently I get killed because I am now either standing or crouching like a sitting duck, when someone is chasing me.

14 years ago

If the supply of Moves was getting low, I guess it must be selling better than Sony anticipated, so that's good news. I still haven't bought one myself, it's rather expensive and I think I'll wait until a "must buy" game comes along.

14 years ago

Yeah, it actually went into short supply about a week after launch, it's safe to say that demand far exceeded expectations.

What I think is interesting (and the story about Richard Marks the other day backs this up) is that Sony has experience selling motion control accessories with the EyeToy and PSEye. So they know what the normal take-up rate of such things is, and yet they underestimated the demand a bit. Even so, it's clear that Sony anticipated that demand would not be in the 3-5 million range in the US market , unlike another console company. I have a feeling that either there will be a lot of Kinect boxes on shelves, or there will be a lot of Kinect units in closets post-Christmas.

I'm actually beginning to really hate the constant US centric numbers game that some in the gaming media and Microsoft wish to continue to play. They will talk of the US market in isolation without making it clear that they are talking about the US market and not the Global picture. So you see headlines like "IDC : Kinect to Outsell Move!", which might (stress *might*) be true in the US, but is most certainly not true in the Global market. It's the same smoke and mirrors game that allowed Microsoft to talk up the US sales position of the 360 vs PS3 as if it was the Global picture. It's the same smoke and mirrors game that has led to a legion of fanboys who are not aware that outside the US, the PS3 has been outselling the 360 for at least two years.

I know that the console fan wars have existed for longer than this generation, but this generation seems to have been dominated by false and misleading propaganda much more than the previous generation, and has been much more vitriolic than before too. It's odd considering that the Internet is supposed to be this great and neutral source of information. the internet has instead become one of the greatest tools of mis-information ever devised, and people just continue to lap it up.

The Eye of Moron – how I hate thee.

14 years ago

Or a bunch of used ones traded in at GameStop.

14 years ago

Nice news about move I am yet to buy one.but
sure I will in the future.

About kinect: thank god I am not remotely interest in the crap box anyway.

14 years ago

Damn gametrailers, rating all the kinect launch games higher than PSmove launch games, come on, kinectimals an 8.5 while eyepet gets a 7.0…

14 years ago

SayWhatNow!? That's ludicrous. Truly. Kinectimals is little more than a tech demonstrator to show that the camera can track hand movement.

14 years ago

I couldn't stop laughing at this. Kinect is racist! LOL.

14 years ago


Hmmm, I vaguely remember some sort of a uproar a while back where MS had photoshopped a pic made for Poland's population, for replacing a black man with a white guy in the pic.

So nothing that ever comes out of M$'s Skynet Headquarters surprises me.

14 years ago

Just a thought…i wonder if sony could design a glove with LEDS all over it that followed every movement of your fingers and hands..after all its not far off wot the move is doing now

you would have total immersion for your hands!

Last edited by daizycutter on 11/4/2010 10:45:27 AM

14 years ago

Nintendo Power Glove. 😉

14 years ago

yeah sort of.. but more like motion capture suit if the ps3 can identify a few move controllers i cant see why it cant track multiple light sources!!!

14 years ago

add a second eyecam tracking from two angles ..cell cpu should be up the job!

14 years ago

i actually read that Microsoft has surpassed 3 million preorders for kinect yesterday. They are predicting somewhere around 5 million now. That is just insane. People love themselves some xbox. $750 million on launch is ridiculous!!! Move still wins in my book though.

14 years ago

That's plain nuts. 3 million pre-orders for something that is only marginally more than an expensive USB web-camera? Oh boy, there are some DUMB people out there.

14 years ago

Yes there are, especially those people acting like Sony didn't already do this with the EyeToy, granted Kinect is better tech. But still, Sony has been there and done that.

14 years ago

I smell a hot steaming pile of pure unadulterated M$ spin-doctored Bullsh*t.

Quick everyone, get out your repellent!

14 years ago

played kinectimals for 3 hours, got it yesterday, and tbh, this is prolly the best looking 360 game to date, it looks amazing, but da gameplay is like sitting in a kindergarten n learning A,B,C,1,2,3………quite disappointed tbh, cart racings were fun tho…………havnt got the move yet, cant wait to bring out my resident evil 5 disk agn 🙂

14 years ago

Haha… Kinect will be an usb hog that fathers will grow to hate! My household has calmed down from the Move rave during the weekdays, but try getting in a session of gt 5p on the weekend.. Ugh…. Gt5 needs to come out already!

Move gaming is going good. I must say the learning curve isn't steep as much as it is different. Toss in two moves and I feel like a patient trying to overcome symptoms of turrets.. not sure that's how your spell it! Hah! Absolutely blows my mind away with it's accuracy, though. The gladiator game on sports champions has some minor quirks when doing moves in succession, but it feels like glitches that are software related..

14 years ago

tiger woods pga tour 11 isnt a good game for the move….from i can understand from it, you need a dual shock 3 to navigate through the in-game menus 🙁 but you can use it for an actual match…and if your dualshock 3 turns off it says to turn on the controller even though i have the move on :O Another thing is i tried to set the move to be the standard controller for the game but it wont take it or remember it…glad i just rented it 🙂

Last edited by X_shadowkilla_X on 11/4/2010 6:04:37 PM

14 years ago

I still haven't got Move, but I will soon.
Keep Move on store shelfs sony.
M$ you make a fool of your shelfs, Kenict is a joke. Your 360 is one as well. lol
I wonder if m$ didn't have the money they do, say the same as Sony where they will be in the video game market, would they still be producing the 360.

14 years ago

Very likely that Gates wouldn't have ditched out on his apple foe. I personally don't think the xbox is a horrible idea for those of us who want pc games without the money you fork out for a pc… But.. Being that MacroShaft sucks at life, their blind consumers got a product that is a plague to the gaming world. Instead of being a product for their consumers, it seems nothing more than sales bragging rights to them (MS.)

14 years ago

guys dont be soo rude, both the consoles are great, if you u have da money get both if u dun than just get a ps3, simple as that, beacause of microsoft we got games like alan wake, gears of war and forza ( hate halo)

14 years ago

Though the pickings have been rather slim so far for meaningful titles I'm convinced of the potential through how the controller feels alone playing MAG, Tumble and Flight Control.