This is a good news/bad news situation, and we leave it up to you. Would you rather be pessimistic or optimistic? Which source do you choose to believe?
On the one hand, we have today's report from Eurogamer , which finds plenty of mixed information concerning the eventual release of Gran Turismo 5 . While one source claims nobody knows when the game will arrive and there "is not much hope" it'll be on store shelves in 2010, European retailers Zavvi and ShopTo have posted December 3 dates for the hotly anticipated racer. Still, GAME says it won't arrive until 2011 and neither Amazon or Play have proposed dates. Also, lest we forget, Sony said we'd get a new launch date before the end of October but that obviously didn't happen, so there may be cause for concern.
Then you've got the other, more promising side of the coin: Jalopnik put the all-important question to Polyphony boss and series creator Kazunori Yamauchi at SEMA, and his reply was encouraging-
"The discs are being stamped as we speak."
They've even got a picture of Yamauchi making the disc-stamping motion with his hands. Now, this latter piece of information comes straight from the horse's mouth and isn't based on random retailer possibilities so perhaps we should pay it more attention. And if it's true, we should see an official release date announcement from Sony very soon…and that announcement, based on Yamauchi's answer, would have to feature a 2010 date, correct?
Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5
Im not gonna get my hopes up to high, it's been crushed alot with the releasing of this game.
Can't wait to drive the X1 though
i give up. Just release it when you release it, whatever. I won't pay no attention to any dates. I have it reserved, so one day it may pop up in my mail box.
Indeed, I'm anticipating NFS Hot Pursuit right now. I'll anticipate GT5 once there's a date.
Highlander, I played the Hot Pursuit demo, but to be honest, I am not overly impressed with it. Then again I am not much of an arcade racer… I think maybe for a quick spin, some fun I guess why not… but I would prefer deeper experiences like GT5… so I am keeping my money for this…
I completely understand. I like both styles, but they are definitely separate. But since GT5 is still without an arrival date, I decided to grab Hot pursuit to keep me busy. I got a $20 credit with it for my next purchase, so it's effectively only $40 for the game.
well maybe the end of the month then? Well either way they better hurry up i getting sick of waiting. if it comes out in 2011 like i said before. i will leave the PS family for good. i'll trade in my ps3 and games and my 360 elite and get the 360slim and never look back.
Last edited by n/a on 11/2/2010 4:04:21 PM
Wow, you'll completely abandon the PS3 and all of the other great games it has to offer just because of a delay. Well that's incredibly stupid, especially considering the great number of exclusives coming out next year including the sequel to the game pictured in your avatar.
@Mr_Nice_Guy: yep and I mean it to. and anyways i always like gamerscore over stupid trophies any day. even though i play mostly on my ps3.
Last edited by n/a on 11/2/2010 4:14:45 PM
bye good luck!
i hope you're happy with the kinect version of forza.
I hope you have fun with that 8xD
Even though im not getting GT5 because I like Need For Speed Hot Pursuit much better, I think it's absurd leaving the Playstation family over a delay. Im just sayin'. The sun will still rise tomorrow & set tomorrow. Five years from now you'll see GT6 advertised, you'll be in your 360, regretful…
Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 11/2/2010 4:16:48 PM
LOL well good luck trading infamous for crapdown, gt5 for its wnabe forza, losing your browser and bd player, now having to pay to play and getting tons of battery packs for your remotes. It`s not like there are no other games to entertain you while you wait.
But anyway if thats you're way of thinking the ps crowd is better off without you lol.
have funnn
Listen to the abuse (ahem) comments
No but seriously, im guessing you live in the US so your PSlife will get a lot better pretty quick. PSN is expanding and adding so much for JP and US. stupid Eu gets nothing
kids say the darnedest things sometimes
Hasta La Vista…Baby!
Last edited by FatherSun on 11/2/2010 4:22:58 PM
Well if you leave, I say who needs a lame ass such as yourself on this great site.(Ohhh,Iam soooo sick of them saying its coming out and then it doesn't,wahhhhh)Damn,someone throw this overboard a life preserver…better yet make it the anchor and let this limp wristed panty waste drown.You make me sick!!
Hand over your badge! You are NOT the next Playstation game tester.
No flaming.
Man. I have never had a problem with you, but you are way out of line.
I hate to say it, but you might need a vacation from this site.
RELAX! No one actually insulted you.
@ Ben. My attempt to edit failed thus creating the second post. My apologies!
Leaving the Playstation family so soon?
Shame you won't know be feeling the love we'll all be having on your now-canceled inFamous 2 pre-order.
Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/2/2010 6:10:24 PM
Well, I guess all that we can say is don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya, on your way out.
I mean really, what an asinine thing to say. There's so much more to PS3 than one game, but you're letting a delay (not a cancellation) of one game make your console use decision? Oh boy, over-react much?
LOL! it was inevitable.
what a spaz. i wonder if he was that kid from that youtube video that tried to shove the remote up his butt when his mom cancelled his WoW account… he like freaked out on this article
if they really are being "stamped right now" then the game will be out mid november – early december… game distributors work fast, so if this is really true a 2010 release is FOR SURE
Well, i personnally trust Kazonuri after watching a few of his race laps on Youtube
I just wish he'd sit with his team in the offices and work till they're positive rather than guessing a date
No doubt it will be a masterpiece – even NFS:Hot Pursuit needs a good polishing, maybe DLC will sort that or a patch but I think they want the game to have no faults at all
silly Japanese – for if any mistake was made I would be with no honour
My Collector's preorder says Dec. 31st but I won't complain if it ends up being Dec. 3rd
yeah mine too:)
December 31 is just a place holder like all places they range from Dec.16-Jan.1 of what I have seen.
I'm sure it will be here for or before early Dec release.
Yea… anyone who switches to 360 is an idiot, especially now that they just raised the prices for Xbox Live
What they raised the price? by how much? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The Xbox sucks, Haha Xbots
"PlayStation, Get you some."
they raised it by $10 bucks, whats more retarded is their excuse.
They said the price hike was because exclusive games are getting more expensive to make AND for getting "Timed Exclusive" DLC like call of duty to the 360 users first. so basically the DLC would sway people to buy it on 360 but they will have to pay microsoft to get it early plus the idiotically expensive pricetag activision is going to set on it.
I'm slightly confused, what is the difference between stamping the discs and the game going gold? Is it not the same thing?
When a game goes gold, means that EVERYONE will buy it. Something like that.
Stamping Discs, means it's getting ready to ship.
I am under the impression that "STAMPED"=GOLD. GOLD meaning that the game is complete. Maybe that was lost in translation. Selling GOLD is record industry terminolog.
Last edited by FatherSun on 11/2/2010 4:39:24 PM
gold = game development is over and ready to produce .
stamping the discs = manufacturing the disk and preparing to ship.
@Solid_Snake: i don't even use live now.
and one last thing i don't have to go online to have fun. just like the old days of n64 and nintendo and even before the internet was even invented.
Last edited by n/a on 11/2/2010 4:33:54 PM
If you don't have to get online to have fun then there's no reason to switch to a 360 since all the good single player experiences are all exclusive to Sony
Kaz wouldnt put a blemish on his artistic integrity by creating false hope would he? WOULD HE!?
Stamp here ,stamp there, stamp everywhere, it seems that stamping a game is a real fun to take that long for being released , hopefully they wlil finish stamping before the end of this year
just depends on how long it takes to get the discs "stamped" packaged and shipped does any know?
Last edited by X_shadowkilla_X on 11/2/2010 5:17:19 PM
I wonder if we will get reviews before the game releases, since they still have to stamp out a bunch of discs.
Well then. Reason #782 why those under the age of 18 (or might be older but hasn't advanced mentally beyond 18) shouldn't be allowed online.
Child gone. Back to your business. Nothing more to see here.
is there an age restriction on this site for posting? i wouldnt really think so was just wondering
No, impossible to enforce. Wouldn't really want to, anyway.
Ben, the newest Red Dead Cattle Varmint Rustler!
He just thinned out the Mad Cow diseased runt from the rest of the herd, and then put the B.D. brand on that heifer's silly little rump roast.
"Yipee-ki-ayyyye…..Mother Bucker"
Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/2/2010 6:42:55 PM
I do work at GAME for extra funding, they're still in the unknown about it and have guessed.
I believe it'll definitely be out for Xmas.
Being stamped right now, that's great news. This means it just might make a late November release.
I'm so excited, if this is true then there is no reason GT5 will be delayed until even a late December release.
Does anyone no how long it will take for them to "stamp" all the disks and be ready to ship? It shouldn't take long I don't think… Here's to the Dec. 3rd release date… or sooner(fingers crossed)
all im gonna say is all of us hardcore GT fans are gonna be let down big time with this F&%king game, because with all the delays, we are expecting the greatest game ever made witch i dont think we are gonna get, F%*k Polyphony and the rest of the B#%ches that had anything to do with this game
Maybe take a deep breath.
Flame bait or an over reliance on games.
I love Gran Turismo. However, as disappointed as I am with it not being released, my life moves on.
I suggest you do exactly what Ben said to do.