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GT5 Dated At Japanese Online Retailer

Until Sony is ready to give us a finalized release date, all we can do is go by potential retailer leaks.

That begin said, Japanese online retailer has given us another hint : even though it's definitely later than many hoped for, the site says Gran Turismo 5 will launch on December 23. It also holds a price of 7,980 yen; GT5 will release in Japan with a 308-page booklet and a voucher code for 5 cars. Andriasang reminds us that Final Fantasy XIII released on December 17 last year, so a December 23 release wouldn't be out of the question. Lastly, as Sony has been striving for a worldwide simultaneous launch, any information we receive from other countries and regions might just be accurate from a North American standpoint as well. Since being forced to delay the game several weeks ago, Sony and Polyphony have said the wait shouldn't be too long, and that the hotly anticipated racer would still make it out this year. Yeah, well, it had better be on store shelves before Christmas, right?

We keep waiting for the official word but in the meantime, we'll keep trying to get ideas via unofficial sources.

Related Game(s): Gran Turismo 5

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14 years ago

Isn't this just a placeholder date, though? Many online retailers have placeholder dates for GT5, ranging from December 8th to December 31st. Why have you highlighted this Japanese retailer in particular? I say don't believe anything until it comes straight from the horse's mouth, unless there's any evidence to suggest that this site has inside information?

14 years ago

I think Sony's got to announce something soon. This delay is retarded.

14 years ago

Like I said before. Release just before Christmas. 12/02/2010 would be ideal. Announce that date a week before. Just enough time for Christmas! Fans will be rabid from the wait and satiated the week after as well as extremely happy that it was not pushed to 2011. Merry Christmas indeed! We are counting on this Sony.

…from above.

Ben, Is it possible to institute some sort of member voting system? You know, "You have been voted OFF the Island" type of thing. I ask this because everyday I see a comment or two that are simply there to derail the entire thread. This site is not alone of course but this is the only site I actually care to protect from just plain illogical behavior. I admit that the exchanges are quite entertaining but it seems that in general the membership prefers to remain on topic and if there is to be a debate it will be with true passion and honest opinion. As well as respect for those personal opinions. I know that it is a very sensitive topic looking at it from an administrative point of view but give it some consideration.

P.S. Please excuse the duplication of this statement.

Last edited by FatherSun on 11/1/2010 6:46:49 PM

14 years ago

Gamestop/EBgames call for Jan 1st, 2011 launch date. I think anything past the 10th of December is just plain bad news bears for all those wanting to purchase and gift this game. A lot of buyers pass up releases/purchases past the 20th because of how busy things get and the sheer chaos. Giving consumers a couple weeks to pick this up is really an essential goal I think Sony should abide by.

I generally spend ~$200 in gaming gifts every Xmas. If I could gift my nephew a copy of this, I would, but that won't happen if I'm pitted in the craze of late buyers. Not only is it rough to deal with, it's also very hard to keep copies in supply with demand. A slightly earlier release will buy suppliers a cushion to cope with along with an impressive burst of bang by the end of the whole deal (holidays).

14 years ago

This is just a placeholder. GameStop has January 1st and I saw one the other day for December 31st and the 16th(Dec). What makes this date any different. I think any date beyond the 2nd week of December is to late. The sooner the better(sells wise). It will be stupid of Sony and PD to release it passed mid December.
I still see a early December release(Dec 2).
If you have gave up on GT5 because of this delay then you either didn't know enough about the game(see the perfection) or you never really wanted the game in the first place. A delay is never a good enough reason for not getting the game.

@ Sony/PD where is the release date? You were suppose to give us one before today(end of Oct).

I'm all for the PSN GT5 club as well,


Last edited by StangMan80 on 11/1/2010 8:52:49 PM

14 years ago

doubt it will be that late in december, but looks like it definitely will be december.
EB just moved the face plate release back from the 4th to TBC december.
canceling my preorder tomorrow.

14 years ago

I know the manager in a certain "GAME" store and she recieved an email saying it has been pushed back to easter next year.