"The Biggest Game Of 2010" will soon hit store shelves like several tons of bricks. …hey, those aren't our words; just watch the official launch trailer below.
Treyarch is prepared to give us one hell of an experience and hopefully, both single-player and multiplayer aficionados will be quite satisfied with the production. Clearly, the developers dumped a large amount of resources into making this a memorable adventure, and there's little doubt the loyal Call of Duty followers will be picking this up ASAP. The launch trailer gives us a look at the game's silly high level of polish and intensity and whether you love it or hate it, such quality should probably be applauded.
I'm not feelin' the music selection for this video, but there's just no denying the potential. Also, for those of you concerned about the single-player campaign, bear in mind that Treyarch delivered a satisfying quest in World at War , which was a good 8-10 hours in length, if we remember correctly. We've also heard rumors that Black Ops will be "twice as long" as last year's Modern Warfare 2 .
So who's ready for CoD mania? If you've been living under a rock, Call of Duty: Black Ops launches on November 9.
Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops
lol @ lanyard
You could argue that it's fanboyish, or you could look at it from a customer service standpoint.
If I'm a PS3 owner going into a gamestop in search of PS3 games, and the guys in the store are wearing 360 shirts with 360 necklaces lanyards, with the 360 playing demos on the tv while the PS3 tv is turned off, with 360 posters in the forefront, while I gotta trek to the back to find the PS3 stuff, and I ask about a PS3 game, and they ask if I've tried it on 360… I'm gonna feel a little bit like they aren't there to serve my needs.
I'm not gonna get mad about it… but I'm also most certainly not willing to have an argument about why I don't want to try a 360… and if they aren't interested in promoting services I'm looking for, I'm gonna go elsewhere…
I mean, if I compare television providers, I'm going with the one that has a sweet sports package since that's primarily what I watch. Sure the other one has the same channels, but they don't package it together in a way that's appealing to me. And if they aren't making an effort to give me a nice presentation of the package I want while trying to sell me the movie network package I DON'T want, I'm gonna go with the company that WILL package what I want and cater to what I need best.
So it's hardly fanboyism. I've had numerous negative experiences with gamestop trying to force 360's on my head. Eventually, it gets frustrating. Hard to blame someone for going to a company that makes it easy to buy PS3 related goods.
As long as its not a huge disappointment like MW2 i'll be happy.
Even though I'm not a fan, I'm sure this one will be better than MW2.
see i think iw are a way better developer and t have just knicked all their ideas for me mw is way better than t's w@W attempt which makes me think bo wont be as good even tho trailers and stuff make it look brilliant but we will have to see
Lol at the thumbs down. Some MW2 fans in the crowd? MW2 was a step backward from MW in almost every way. I even enjoyed W@W more than MW2.
lol woh there lets not go saying things we will regret
"I even enjoyed W@W more than MW2. "
world at war was way better than MW2.
we have less than ten days 2 go.
heres hoping black ops will b the call of duty game we all have been waiting for.
Yep, will be out there during the midnight launch receiving my Prestige Edition with the little RC car I could just buy at toys 'r us while using my Pro PowerUp Rewards Gamestop card. Bring on 'da hate 🙂
No hate! Buying Prestige Edition too!
Biggest game of the year? LOL.
Strictly from a number's standpoint, it's probably true.
Actually, If were talking about numbers as in players, I think Farmville on Facebook takes the cake!
you can say what you want about the COD franchise, but one thing is true they do have the best advertising, doesn't mean it's the best though
Hot Tub Time Machine was the biggest movie of the summer…
Case in point, perhaps?
that trailer wasn't that great, nothing i didn't see before.
Better than any Hollywood trailers I've seen in the last year. Except maybe Unstoppable. I really wanna see that, as corny as the plot may be.
yeah i like denzel's acting, i wanna see it to, and skyline even though i never heard anything about it till 2 days ago
I'll pass. Just like the last two in the series.
Well, I want it for the Vietnam operations.
Plus now that I've sen this new trailer, I want it even more now that I caught a glimpse of President Kennedy being forever immortalized in the game.
And I still got chills upon hearing his legendary & historic ….
"Ask not what your country can do for you…Ask what you can do for your country".
For me, John Fitzgerald Kennedy is still the greatest President we ever had so far during my lifetime.
Sad how far his party his drifted from him and his ideals.
3 thumbs-down for President Kennedy, and/or for myself.
All 3 must be either, entitlement, or Obama supporters, huh?
Or they're too young to remember or didn't pay attention in history class.
why would obama supporters be mad about you saying kennedy is the greatest president? it could be some tea baggers.
Last edited by ace_boon_coon on 11/1/2010 3:18:44 PM
still cant believe they took out co-op, i mean come on that was the only good thing about W@W!
i thought you were suppose to remove the crap, and keep the good.
not remove the good and keep the crap.
oh well, as i have said many times developers could make a game of a dog taking a dump, and as long as it has the COD name it will sell like hotcakes!
sadly killing the chance of innovation.
gold like BLACK gets left in the dark, no sequel.
crap like this gets milked to a inch of its life, than milked down to davy jones locker!
that tears it, its confirmed, there is no god!
what in the hell r u talking about?
co-op is still in black ops
You know by now not to feed the trolls Booze. Haha
story co-op is gone, treyarch announced that ages ago.
o, BTW Jawknee if your not going to add anything to the conversation please fu** off!
otherwise from now on every post you make ill be bewildering you just like you do me.
your choice.
Jawknee, Yup, totally!
And I'll probably hear a few petty thumbs-downers from the "me. me, me, entitlement generation" for my second choice, but I don't give a f*ck what they think
Anyway, I have to pick Jimmy Carter for 2nd.
Who would've thunk it, that a modest Southern peanut would wind up as one of worlds greatest negotiators for world peace, world poverty, world hunger, & world environmental issues.
But I can't pick other President for 3rd, even though I was born way back during the President Truman era,
And, except for that ridiculously asinine position he wound up placing his cigar's into, I have to give major props to President Clinton. I liked that he brought the U.S. into fiscal responsibility, leaving us with a huge federal surplus while in orifice….
er…I mean….while in office.
I like Calvin Coolidge and Good Ol' Honest Abe. 🙂
Last edited by Jawknee on 11/1/2010 2:57:13 AM
@bikersaint, Jimmy Carter was a horrible president bro. He single handedly flushed the whole country down the toilet. There is a reason why he didn't get re-elected.
I can't argue with his negotiating, but a slick tongue does not a good President make.
To be fair JBooch, I think he's just saying he's one of his favorites. Not that he was a good president. Good presidents don't lose every state but one in their bid to get reelected that much is true.
Also biker, I do have to correct you on one thing, Congress balanced the budget under Clinton. Not clinton himself. A House and Senate controlled by republicans. The house of representatives controls the money. Not the president.
Can't wait for this even more now I just hope the servers don't crash like last year like MW2 did.
Will be getting this day one. Coz of hype? Nope. Coz I enjoy playing common games with my friends. I was always too good for them in TPS games (humbly speaking, and my stats vs theirs speaks the fact). I hope it delivers, and delivers well 🙂
no matter how slick it is, i am not buying it….probably rent but refuse to purchase
and the reason for that is..?
He's cheap
dont particularly like FPS's …with the exception of killzone 2 and the first CoD 4 MW…i'm more in tune with third person shooters
Last edited by X_shadowkilla_X on 11/1/2010 8:26:43 PM
something for somebody.
good enough. i was never one for platformers so Megaman, Castlevania and the rest of that. I was more into these kinds of games anwyays.
Just hoping on a great single player here, since they got me interested by getting the Flash Forward script writer.
I was just going to get this game through Gamefly, but I think I'm going to have to pre-order it and get it at mid-night. Game looks pretty sick.
man i cannot wait for this to hurry up, im gona be the biggest ghost to the outside world. until i have atleast finished it 3 times over.
I wish I had that luxury. I mean, I doubt I would do that anyways, but still.. wish I had that luxury.
@ Bikersaint… I am totally shocked at your presidential kudos. I have found a new respect for you. Anyway, Black Ops looks slick. It seems that Activision sets the bar now for 1st person military shooters. People buy those games like crack fiends for a reason. Anybody saying the COD franchise is garbage is a little slow in the brain. You've gotta give that franchise the props it deserves and move on.
Accidently hit the send button 3 times
Movie trailers pass for game trailers these days and no one seems to notice that. In fact, they applaud it.
One of the greatest things i've never seen before done in a SP call of duty that i see in this game, is that the MAIN character speaks! that's the single best thing i've ever seen in a Call of Duty game ever.
Why can't they release a trailer that shows actual in-game (SP) footage, instead of pre-rendered cut-scenes?
It's strange to me how theres a strong determination of "love it or hate it" with the COD series. Its another Military FPS yep. Which I will totally agree is OLD news hehe. We have seen a million of the damn things. However, I don't quite understand why those who dont like it, have to HATE it so hard.
Most times, if you dont like a game you just say "eh nah. not my thing" but with COD I honestly feel that there is a following of gamers that litterally want to destroy the franchise. They form a pack, and go tearing COD to shreds, and I just DON'T get why. If you don't like it, thats totally cool. But you dont have to sweat bullets and get so uptight over it that it causes a tension in the gaming community.
Playful debate and banter is great for the gaming community. But this COD stuff is starting to sound like a fanboy war on crack. I have never seen such a war from people who don't like the game. most times, if you don't like a game, you mention your opinion in passing, but then you drop it.
I dunno, I for one am excited for Black ops for one main reason: FPS MP like MW2 is mindless for me. I enjoy being able to play a game and not have it demand a huge amount of brain power after a long day at work. It is polished, looks interesting enough to keep me wanting to toss it in the PS3 for some quick fun, and I can play it with my friends that are (forgive me for saying) less educated about gaming. Just my .02. I just wish this war could stop, at least here. We have too good of a community for it. 🙂