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Call Of Duty: Black Ops Launch Trailer Oozes Slickness

"The Biggest Game Of 2010" will soon hit store shelves like several tons of bricks. …hey, those aren't our words; just watch the official launch trailer below.

Treyarch is prepared to give us one hell of an experience and hopefully, both single-player and multiplayer aficionados will be quite satisfied with the production. Clearly, the developers dumped a large amount of resources into making this a memorable adventure, and there's little doubt the loyal Call of Duty followers will be picking this up ASAP. The launch trailer gives us a look at the game's silly high level of polish and intensity and whether you love it or hate it, such quality should probably be applauded.

I'm not feelin' the music selection for this video, but there's just no denying the potential. Also, for those of you concerned about the single-player campaign, bear in mind that Treyarch delivered a satisfying quest in World at War , which was a good 8-10 hours in length, if we remember correctly. We've also heard rumors that Black Ops will be "twice as long" as last year's Modern Warfare 2 .

So who's ready for CoD mania?  If you've been living under a rock, Call of Duty: Black Ops launches on November 9.

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Black Ops

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14 years ago

Can't wait. I dont have it preorder and I hope my gamestop will still have a few copies

14 years ago

I don't know. Looks pretty mediocre to me. Tired of military shooters.

Kudos to TreyArch for nailing the Kennedy model though.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Looks better than Mediocre. Best CoD to date. Anyway hope you buy it. 🙂

14 years ago

Yea, i won't be.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

You should, everyone on your list will have it. You'll be lonely on PSN while everyone is in Nazi Zombies.

14 years ago

Jawknee is enjoying his netflix, as am I, and BFBC2 is enjoying its final few days until black ops comes in the mail.

14 years ago

Actually no, everyone on my list will not have it. Some will but most won't. You like pretending to know things you possible could not know? or it is just a tick you have?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Both options…

Anyway… Atleast rent it.

14 years ago

sorry jawk, i'll probably end up getting it but not until a good deal. treyarch is pretty good with single player. theres people that i'd probably play with. although i'll try not to spend as much actual money on it. either use my best buy certificates or as a used game.

14 years ago

Yea but i already knew you were getting it JohnLD. 😉

14 years ago

I agree with you Johnld, I'm more interested in the SP game, and will wait until there's a discounted price. If it's anything like MW2 I'll just have to wait until about a week or two before Christmas and some store will have it for at least $10 off. If not I'll probably just rent it. Too much good stuff coming out between now and Killzone 3 in February.

14 years ago

As I remember correctly, Gamespot's rating on a game, if it's 6.9 or below to whatever # are all mediocre games. So def… this is not a mediocre game.

14 years ago

I'm…. sorta… getting it?

Not impressed a game about Vietnam will have zombies. That is uber lame.

14 years ago

Damn that atually makes the game look like it will be good. Though I have a feeling in my stomach that this will be played exclusively for the zombie mode

14 years ago

"The Biggest Game of 2010"
That's a fact, not just any written words.
There'll be no other game that can match Black Ops' sale this year.
But then again, just because it's the biggest doesn't mean it's the best.

And a sweet trailer this is.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 10/31/2010 10:52:19 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Don't you think if it has the most sells it's the best? I mean it's most sells for a reason…

14 years ago


I'm not trying to pick on you Killa, so don't take this personally but sales DO NOT equal quality. Millions of people eat at McDonalds every week while 5 Star restaurants see less business. Britney Spears topped the charts during her peak but we all know her music is garbage. Mediocrity sells while greatness, more often than not gets brushed to the way side.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

You might be right about McDonald's but this is gaming, not food. So different rules apply to that I guess…

14 years ago

Killa, I have been playing games, listening to music and watching movies for longer than you have probably been alive and I can tell you IT DOES apply. To just about everything in life. Something you might learn if your able to humble yourself and listen to people how might know more than you.

14 years ago

If that's the case, then Mario is the best and biggest franchise video game ever.
All the Mario games sold a lot and does that mean it's the game ever?
Well, SMG2 was universally acclaimed.

@Jawknee, while I agree with you………I don't agree what you said about Britney Spears. She was the bomb during her peak, and her music was never garbage.
If her music was garbage then Hannah Montana is………uhhhhh……ummmm……..EVEN WORSE THAN GARBAGE.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 10/31/2010 11:18:20 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Well you might be right, but CoD sells faster than anacondas multiply!

14 years ago

LOL! I don't know if your joking or not Snaaaake but because i like you, I'm going to assume you are. hahaha!

14 years ago

Well if you don't like Britney Spears that's your opinion, I for one, loved her music very much.
Can't say I'm the same big fan like I was before though.
Oh, and I'm dead serious about Hannah Montana.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Jawknee have you been hearing " your opinion " more than usual? Cuz' I have, it's getting annoying.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

No CoD arguments, please.

14 years ago

killa, he doesn't like call of duty, so stop trying 2 convince him.
just respect his opinion and get on with your day. thats what ive learned over the past 2 years on this site.

14 years ago

@Snake, That's fine if you like it, i still like you. 🙂 But take away the pitch corrector and the machine used to create the "music", there isn't anything left but a troubled girl with a mediocre to bad voice. It's not just my opinion either. If I told you a sh!t sandwhich tasted good you would laugh in my face. There are such things as universal truths. 🙂

@Killa, you engaged me first. if you don't like my response than ignore my posts.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/31/2010 11:35:19 PM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Ben Dutka where do you see an argument? Me? Im not arguing

BTW there was Black Ops Zombies footage I got to see before Treyarch removed it on Youtube… Looks fun!

14 years ago

Your instigating, now drop it.

14 years ago

Jawknee, you hate Britney Spears, but I love ya 😉

14 years ago


14 years ago

Longer than he's been alive, that is a pretty bold generalized statement. I sense you have some extreme hatred for this series due to the fact of it's hype. As a personal musician for far longer than I will admit, I will say your that closed minded views on music will not excel your talent. I don't particularly like Brit or many others, but I will respect they are musicians. Just think this whole thing was a little immature and uncalled for.

I for one am actually looking forward to this next CoD despite previously saying it wasn't all that exciting. Maybe I just feel like playing another shooter after all the cool action games I've just played.

14 years ago

He's said he didn't know people played video games in the 80's. Hes given us an idea of how old he is in previous threads so no its not a "bold generalization."

And no i don't have an "extreme hatred" for the series. We have been over this. I know you will play it and i really hope you enjoy yourself. 🙂

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I get what you're saying DIsmael but to say Britney Spears is a "musician" means she falls into the same category as Mozart.

…and I can't have that.

14 years ago

Exactly. Ben said it the way i probably should have. She doesn't compose any of her own music and her voice doesn't sound the way it does on her records. A pitch corrector can make anyone sound like Frank Sinatra quality.

14 years ago

Britany is a musician is funny 🙂

14 years ago

Never said she was Mozart. Not sure where that type of idea spawned from. Would certainly like to know what your definition of "musician" is. Just curious on the sake of an artists point.

14 years ago

tbh i dont like that arguement of music and fast food as i love fast food and listen to all types of music from heavy metal to whats in the charts i think its very closed minded……and iam a musician myself being able to play a few instruments and write my own songs
fact of the matter is after cod4 the cod series established itself as a great series (maybe not w@w tho for me apart from zombies) and the fast paced fun to play with friends mp is y everyone buys it

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

I'm saying you'd call both Britney Spears and Mozart musicians.

Spears was never a musician. Sorry.

14 years ago

@ Snaaaake

LoL, don't bring up Mario into this, Mario is a game of it's own.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 11/1/2010 2:19:24 PM

14 years ago

@Ben: However you want to see it I suppose. People are entitled to their own opinions. 🙂

14 years ago

I believe there is a big difference between the terms entertainer and musician. While musician's entertain audiences, I believe there is a difference. I know some great musicians that make crappy entertainers. They aren't entertainers, they're musicians.

Brit is not a musician. But she is a fantastic entertainer. Perhaps if she wrote her own music, could legitimately play an instrument, or … well… sing…. I would be more likely to call her a musician. As it is, she is an entertainer.

That is my opinion… it's not an original opinion. My mom and sister (both professional sopranos with degree's in music) share that opinion, and due to my respect of their knowledge, I share their beliefs. Mind you, not blindly. I've been playing piano since I was 5 (although stopped lessons at the 8th level of Royal Conservatory of Music), played trumpet with a B-500 symphonic band, and I have a few awards for voice, but I'm not a professional, by any means. Still though… enough experience to have a plausible opinion, I think.

14 years ago

Mozart = top 3 composer of all time so if you want to use the argument of him being a musician there isn't really any who can hold a candle to him..

14 years ago

I think you're all taking it way to seriously. I must admit Mozart was a great composer, although I don't generally listen to his music. Britney's music is obviously inferior to Mozart's, but you can't deny her songs were at least decent, especially if you compare it with some of the crap that's on the radio today.

About the most sells equals the best, even Jawknee can't deny this game is gonna be very good, no matter how you put it. I'm not gonna say it'll be the best. Right now, for instance, I only have money to buy one more game by myself this year, and I've got GT5 preordered at a local gamestore. If I would have more money, I would certainly buy Black Ops as well.
IMO GT5 will be better than COD BO, although

I'm sure BO will sell better. Better sales rarely equal better quality, though it is a good overall indicator of quality, I mean, casual Wii games aside, how many times do you see a crappy game sell extremely well?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Cannot wait! Just ⑨ more days!

Nov ⑨, ②◎①◎.

14 years ago

WOW THIS IS AWESOME!!!!! On a related note, I was going to pre-order this at gamestop, but I decided not to because one of the reps was wearing an xbox 360 shirt that was advertising kinect, and another was wearing a lanyard that advertised kinect too! Needless to say, it pissed me off for sure.

If you want to preorder follow this link

FYI Amazon brought back their $20 preorder rebate!!! JUMP on it!!!!

14 years ago

You know Microsoft pays for advertising, right? lol

14 years ago

Amazon FTW! I always preorder from them. You always get free stuff or money back. Though since they started using FedEx Smartpost their delivery time as suffered.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
14 years ago

Your right I hate it how you see a trailer of a game both for 360/Ps3 & at the end of the trailer " Xbox 360 – Jump In " comes out…

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 10/31/2010 11:38:16 PM

14 years ago

u didnt preorder coz they were wearing xbox shirts oh that is so fanboyish