Still have an old "fatty" PlayStation 3? Want to replace it with one of the nifty new Slims? Want a ton of storage space? Don't have an interest in Move?
Well, we've got good news. According to the PlayStation Blog , Sony has announced the the massive 320GB PS3 model, once only available as part of the Move bundle package, is now available by itself. Right now, the 320GB PS3 comes with a single Move controller, the PlayStation Eye, and a copy of Sports Champions for $399.99. That remains a great deal, though, as the 320GB PS3 system all by its lonesome will retail for the expected $349.99 (the standard 160GB machine holds the $299.99 price tag). Ironically enough, after noticing that digital distribution is coming up on us fast , Sony says one of the reasons for more storage capacity is because the "digital distribution is undeniably gaining momentum." …see, we're somehow on the same page with Sony most of the time.
On the side of the 320GB PS3 box, it lists what that huge hard drive can net you: 100 movies, 2,500 games, 73,000 songs, and 51,200 photos. Well, of course, it sorta depends on the size of each item but you get their meaning.
I just upgraded my PS3 to 500GB
Now theres enough space for new games and stuff.
I still own the very first 60Gb model.
Last edited by IronFace2 on 10/30/2010 10:47:17 AM
exact same scenario as me. lol
but if you do wanna keep you fatty PS3 you can always snag a 500gb HDD off of Newegg for ultra cheap and do the upgrade yourself.
Digital distribution or 5gb Fallout installs? I'm still not sure.
Yeah Tem, I think I am just going to do the update myself. I dont mind my big PS3. It demands attention that way 😉
Guys, check out my question on the closing gap sales between xbox and PS3 when you get a chance. I dont want to derail this thread too 🙁 🙁 and Ben, sorry for posting that question on there.. didnt know where else to put it.
I may be investing in a new slim soon. My 60gb has long been gone, and now have a fatty 80gb, with a 320 gb upgrade. But lately it dont like to watch movies, blu-ray in particular. I'm ok with that because I use the crap out of this thing. I'm surpised it's held through what it has. Not to mention I've moved about 5 times and although im careful with it, moving sucks for anything.
Anyways sometimes the blu-ray i put in wont even pop up on the xmb, other times it gives me an error and cannot read disc. Oddly enough I dont seem to have too many problems with games, although UC2 was having problems making it to the main menu from start up last week, seems fine now though.
Anyways thats my story, glad I could share, 😉
Still on my day 1 60gig with a 320hdd upgrade, only way they can get me to get a new one is if it dies on me or they come out with a 1TB PS3. That i would pick up!
1 TERABYTE (1TB) = 1000 gigabytes
Yes I still have my fat 80 gig ps3, but it's going no where; I like backwards compatibility
BC is nice but hopefully sony will be releasing HD remakes and put games on PSN. Soon enough you won't need BC. But I guess they won't make all the PS2 games available but most of them, most likely all of Sony's exclusives.
I knew this was going to happen I jsut knew it.
know why don't I see more 160GB for sell, still the 120gigs. I say stop producing the 120gigs drop the price $20 or so putt the $299 tag on the 160s and a $349 on the 320gigs. Oh yeah that sounds good. Moving a bunch od systems and GT5 will have a hole lot of help this holiday season. Plus there are a bunch of really good exclusives games coming next year. Sony is chugging along that gap will be gone real soon.
I haven't seen a 120GB model in months. Only 160GB and 320GB bundles over here.
still happy with my 80GB backwards compatible ps3 … running low on storage…might have to upgrade the HD
I might finally need to upgrade my 60 gig's HDD, seeing as I had my first, there is less than 500 mb free data available message a couple of days ago, when trying to download the Star Wars:TFU2 demo, which wasn't very impressing, so I cleared up a couple of random free space robbing demos and now all is well again, but for how long?
so I might have to invest in a 500 gig seagate soon.
I hope the Slim can stay alive even in it's on for LONG periods of time.
I have the original 60GB model bought in the first month and got the yellow light of death yesterday. Super bummed.
Stay classy PSX.
I'm curious when is the 120gb slim PS3 going to go down? It's still $299 at gamestop and I saw a 250gb model for $349 but why get that if the 320gb is the same price(without the move).
Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/30/2010 3:11:25 PM
They're going to take the PS2 legends, upgrade them and put them on PSN for the PS3 and the PSP2… that's why I think it's fast approaching…
honestly i think the xbox is the worst thing created by man id rather by a zune and yes id rather b the only person alive to buy a zune then by a shitbox…..ive been a PS fan since the first beautiful grey playstation i even remember my first games spyro the dragon and soukiden olaystation is all about quality…….and out of all the consoles ive own (and ive owned alot) playstation has always been the one that never messed up on me i have only bought one ps1 cause mines never messed up i had to buy 2 ps2s well cause ma bro shot my first one out the window lol and i still own the 40 gb ps3 since it released
I read a few articles some months back, that Sony would also be putting out a 500GB PS3 , along with this new 320GB unit(although they had never stated exactly when).
And as the new 320 & 500 sku's are coming out, Sony would reduce the price of the current 160 & 250 sku's to sell them off & retire those models, just as they did for the fattie 20, 40, 80, & 120 sku models.
I bought the 160gig about month and a half ago 🙂 but just popped my old 350gig into the new system from my dead 20gig fatty (which I'm getting fixed) I have plenty of room right now but the more and more games that come out and I see whats coming out next year the more I know I'll need a new HD one day 🙂
ok i got a question for you ps3 freazes every once a while but mostly on one game {madden 11} is it the game our my ps3
sort of a combination of both, my guess.
Normally when that happens, it means your game data is corrupted. The sad thing is it could be from any game whose game data has corrupted your HDD.
Fortunately, it sounds like it mostly happens on one game only! The problem -SHOULD- clear up if you delete the game data for the game. (I don't think you need to delete save files, just the game data for trophy info etc that saves to your HDD)
If that doesn't remedy your issues, you may need to reformat your HDD. 🙁
ok thank you but if i delete the game data would that delete my trophis and saved games. And what does it mean when you have carrupted data