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How Much Longer Before PS3/360 Sales Gap Closes?

The PlayStation 3 launched nearly one year after the Xbox 360, and Sony suffered from constant criticism concerning the console's price ($600 to start), the lagging Network, and a lack of must-have software.

Four years later, the worldwide sales gap between the PS3 and 360 has almost closed. According to the most recent sales data for the second fiscal quarter, and updated figures found at NeoGAF and summarized at , the PS3 has enjoyed a great 2010, outstripping the 360 by a current tally of 8.1 million compared to 5.8 million. The 360 certainly still has the lead in North America but in terms of worldwide numbers, the difference is almost negligible:

Worldwide Sales:

Xbox 360: 44.5 million

Sony PS3: 41.6 million

This generation, the PSN has taken gigantic strides, Blu-Ray has become the high-definition standard, the reliability of the PS3 has proven to be vastly superior to the 360 (although we have to admit, nothing holds a candle to the indestructible Wii), the price has fallen to the $300 "sweet spot," and oh yes, the games…with must-play, measuring-stick exclusives such as Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , God of War III , Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots , Heavy Rain , Killzone 2 , LittleBigPlanet , Demon's Souls , and Gran Turismo 5 (whenever it may arrive), it's tough to argue against the PS3's value.

The PlayStation Move might also prove to be a hardware mover, although the impact of Sony's motion sensing technology has yet to be fully felt (despite the approximately 2 million Move units sold worldwide thus far). The last note: we just keep wondering how many of the 360 sales are second, third, and fourth purchases from the same consumer who had another system go kaput. Just a thought.

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14 years ago

Also guys, uhm… since I am new and all.. how can I get ahold of some of your guy's PSN names? :/ I checked profiles but couldnt find anything? sorry I know this is far off topic…

14 years ago

Mine is the same as my PSXe name =)

14 years ago

Hello Steel and welcome mine is jlch777 🙂

Off topic: Where is my GT5 release day announcement by the end of October???

14 years ago

Hey Steel and welcome to PSXE and it's awesome community.

PSN= FullmetalX10

14 years ago

Welcome and as for PSN mine is Sixspeedking.

Last edited by SixSpeedKing on 10/30/2010 1:42:46 PM

14 years ago

Hi, welcome to the site 🙂

14 years ago

My is pandacastro and welcome

14 years ago

PSN is the same as my username =P

also you'd get more notice in the forums itself

14 years ago

so jealous but congrats nonetheless

14 years ago

the 3 million ahead is the all the broken 360s that microsoft has counted as a sale due to the warranty. LMAO I GUESS THERE ARE MORE WORKING PS3's out there then!

14 years ago

It doesn't matter to the 360 fanboys…they'll focus on US-only numbers anyway (or ANY number that they can brag about), and even if that's not possible for them, they'll scream "HALO!" and rub their old-fashioned DVDs all over their privates. 😉

14 years ago

honestly i think the xbox is the worst thing created by man id rather by a zune and yes id rather b the only person alive to buy a zune then by a shitbox…..ive been a PS fan since the first beautiful grey playstation i even remember my first games spyro the dragon and soukiden olaystation is all about quality…….and out of all the consoles ive own (and ive owned alot) playstation has always been the one that never messed up on me i have only bought one ps1 cause mines never messed up i had to buy 2 ps2s well cause ma bro shot my first one out the window lol and i still own the 40 gb ps3 since it released

The X Factor 9
The X Factor 9
14 years ago

Provided Microsoft doesn't brainwash America with Kinect this Winter, Sony has an avalanche of HUGE exclusives coming next year.

Seriously…Sony is dropping the hammer. Their momentum is up. Hopefully AAA Move software will arrive next year.

Look at the exclusives!
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Little Big Planet 2
3. Killzone 3
4. inFamous 2
5. Resistance 3
6. The Last Guardian
7. Twisted Metal

Mass Effect 2 and all other third party games.

Give it a year. Maybe 2.

14 years ago

The gap would be higher for PS3 if M$ wouldnt' count the rebuys as sales.

And I would like to disagree about Kinect it's not going to fly off the shelves for many reasons I talked to my friend who works @ retail store who tested it @ his house and here are the list of things he noticed with it.

1) the lack of space (u need alot of space)
2) apparently if you're living room is weird colors or not solid colors or have pictures on it behind you the kinect will have issues reading u
3) it lags
4) response time is slow

and a few others that i can't remember.

Honestly it's going to come down to lack of space the demographic of the 360 are young single males (some females) which for the most part live in bachlor pads or apartments which don't have alot of room to do anything.

14 years ago

Unfortunately, we all know M$'s shady habits of hiding real facts, so they won't be advertizing any of the Kinect's numerous shortcomings.

So M$ will just continue to bamboozle the wool right over their fansheep's minds.

So, like just Lemmings are led to the cliffs, I see a mass hysteria of Kinect's jumping off the store shelves when MS releases them into the wild.

But I also foresee that in 2-3 months time, most of those poor little Kinect's will blindly follow their owners into Gamestop's (not-so)OK corral, where they'll all eventually die(off).

And their quick croak will never be considered as "a merciful death"

Last edited by BikerSaint on 11/1/2010 12:15:16 AM

14 years ago

According to Microsoft it has sold 42 million consoles:

14 years ago

I would like to see the total number of games sold between the Xbox360 and PS3… Around here for 1 genuine game for the Xbox, I see over 100 pirated ones. And that's not an overstatement.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
14 years ago

Was only a matter of time until this happened. Now that a PS3 and the 360 are nearly level price-wise, the benefits of the PS3 (free online gaming, the ability to play BluRay movies, etc.) no longer come at a couple hundred dollar increase in cost. Throw in the number of PS3 quality exclusives (and the 360's dwindling number of new exclusives) and it's easy to see why the PS3 is closing in.

14 years ago

My PSN is CWS_BattleFox721 I'm on here everyday I just dont always sign-in and leave a comment all the time. Every1 usually hits on my p.o.v. so…@ Ben Dutka PSXE would be nice to be able to post our PSN Gamer Tags here. after all it is more like family around here. also, thanks for the great site and love ur reviews.

14 years ago

I mean have it along side our comment or in our profile…to clear that up a lil.