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Killzone 3 Helghast Edition Boasts Helmet, Figurine, More

Special editions for big releases always seem to be hot ticket items, especially if there's a particularly insane inclusion…

Maybe it started with Call of Duty or Halo when it comes to realistic masks/goggles being featured in special editions. But however it started, Sony and Guerrilla obviously want to create a stir with the Killzone 3 Helghast Edition , which will be quite the package: set to release on the game's launch day, February 22, 2011, the limited edition will feature a $130 price tag and a replica mask and helmet from the franchise's main enemy, the Helghast soldier. But that isn't all; besides the headgear, fans will receive a 6.5-inch articulated Cloaking Helghast Marksmen action figure, an art book, and a download voucher to nab the game's full soundtrack and a dynamic theme from the Store. Wait…wait…not done: access to a pair of KZ2 multiplayer maps and perks for the first 24 hours of the game's multiplayer action. Okay, is that enough to warrant the price tag? For those who loved the 2009 sequel, it just might be…for those who wish to save their money, probably not.

Either way, the expectations for Killzone 3 are still through the roof, special helmet or no.

Related Game(s): Killzone 3

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14 years ago

I'm am definitely getting this.

14 years ago

Took the words right out of my mouth, pretty stoked for this one. I will also appreciate the Super Voucher when I hop online after the Campaign. But I wonder is the 24 hour thing is on a timer or if it times you during every minute/hour you play.

14 years ago

Already preordered mine, gonna b awesome!!

14 years ago

I wanna kill some Helghast online with my helmet on!!

14 years ago

Not as cool as the GT5 set with the Blue PS3 but still cool, my little cousin can become a Helghast soldier LOL

Last edited by city96 on 10/29/2010 10:47:45 AM

14 years ago

I just need the game. They can keep the rest of the bulls_it.

14 years ago

What do people do with the extra stuff? It just seems sort of nuts to me to spend $120 for a bunch of stuff that is related to the game, but mostly not the game.

I guess I can't complain too much. A friend of mine bought me a NG Ryu figure-toy for my birthday a year ago, or so. I usually have him stashed around somewhere in funny looking poses. Now all he needs is a big Helghast helmet head to be posing around……

Anyway, I look forward to this game.

14 years ago

Yea… $120, I rather get 2 games… Killzone 3 and the other $60 i rather put a reserve on resistance 3

14 years ago

Game is looking sweet, that's for sure, but I don't think I'll be spending $120.00 on collectors set. If anything, I'll spend that money on an extra copy for my sons.

14 years ago

$130 too much, with so many good games coming…y pay $130 on 1 game when you can get 2 for $120?

14 years ago

and if your buying discounted games, you can get a lot more than two. With $120 I could get around six games, give or take a few.

14 years ago

exactly Temjin001.

14 years ago

So…after all that…you don't even get the game with it!?

14 years ago


14 years ago

Well I don't need all that, but these things are kinda neat for the super hardcore fans. It might be BS, but I've also heard whispers about an HD remake of Killzone 1 en route. Though I don't think the game scored high so who knows.

14 years ago

Okay, it may be obscenely expensive but it is way beyond epic. Must… Get…

14 years ago

After being disappointed in KZ2, I'd be hard pressed to ever buy part 3…..never mind getting this package full of shenanigans.

14 years ago

What didn't you like about KZ2? Just curious.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/29/2010 3:13:08 PM

14 years ago

Oooof, where to start….

I hated the slow, "heavy" controls and the nonsensical fast blurry effect that went with it. The combination actually made me nauseous. I don't buy the "realistic gun play" argument, because it all moved at the same sluggish speed even while wielding the knife (or the "realistic" handgun with unlimited ammo!)

The dull storyline and piss poor dialogue probably bothered me the most. All the enemies looked the same, differentiated only by their hats. Boring level designs, dull coloring, crate bashing, idiotic trophies…..

I'll let you know if I think of anything else.

Last edited by Hezzron on 10/29/2010 3:33:04 PM

14 years ago

Don't bother Hezzron, I've played the game too.

14 years ago

So I'm not Trying to argue here let me just point that out…

But in regards to the weighted feeling, and about it being the same while weilding the knife or the pistol. I just wanna point something out… Ask yourself where the rifle went as u switched weapons! It's gotta go somewhere you wouldn't set it down, to have it magically appear when u weapon swap. So therefor it is still realistic Cus in theory if your wielding or carrying a rifle on your back its still the same weight regardless. The pointer speed should still be the same I mean we can't nit pick here… But I do get the argument some like a faster speed, I go for either or, although I do like the weighted feeling a bit more. It's not just in kz2 either MoH, and mag both feel heavy although obviously not like kz2

But I gotta agree with some stuff you say, don't get me wrong though it is a great game. Probably the best all around fps this generation sp, and mp included. Story is lacking but gameplay nailed it!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 10/29/2010 4:52:25 PM

14 years ago

Gotcha, you didn't like the slow stuff. All the rest is the same in every FPS though.

14 years ago

Um….that's not true.

Last edited by Hezzron on 10/30/2010 12:26:40 PM

14 years ago

That helmet/mask looks f*****' awesome.

14 years ago


That's a really shallow way to look at it. What about the fantastic A.I? The lighting? The animations (gun reloading, helghast movement)? The awesome feeling of satisfaction of shooting a helghast? The cover system? IMO that's what makes a FPS above all else, and you can come to overlook all of the things you said when you combine all of the above.

14 years ago

@ LiamDaniels – I think you're on to something. The lighting has to be right or my wife's just not interested.

14 years ago

I'm not sure what was shallow about my comment. They're legitimate gripes. Simply pointing out some "purdy graphix" seems more shallow.

Last edited by Hezzron on 10/29/2010 5:06:02 PM

14 years ago


Well yeah maybe it would be, if a. That was all I pointed out or b. If I pointed it out at all…:P Lighting, animations etc doesn't neciserally mean "purdy graphics".


Yeah…didn't get that one. 😉

Mmm yeah I can't spell that word I know, nessa, necsser ARGH I DONT KNOW!! Using a dictionary is too much work.

14 years ago

I dunno what you're doing wrong, but with my wife, the lighting doesn't matter. There are plenty of ways to find her interests.

14 years ago

Where's the Collector's Edition that had the goggle?

14 years ago

making up for nothing with kz2 i guess.

I dunno, probably won't bother though. After the signature edition for gran turismo its going to be hard for me to get excited for another one for awhile.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

I'll take the artbook. You can keep everything else, but that helmet is seven shades of awesome. I enjoyed the second one, didn't love it though. I'm waiting until I can pick up the original next week hopefully, and then the third shortly after release resulting in a rather epic trilogy play through. I love doing that. Tell me though, is this the only special edition available, or will there be something with less for cheaper? Or is it only this and the standard edition?

14 years ago

FPS focused on a quality story.


Won't get this special edition, but it looks awesome. Will probably get the game though

14 years ago

its ok, nothing impressive but looks half decent.
wonder how much it will be here, knowing sony 300 would probably be spot on!
only way i would even consider buying this is if it came with KZ2 remastered to support 3D and move, now that would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

Last edited by ___________ on 10/30/2010 2:01:22 AM

14 years ago

There is way to many special editions coming out and I want them all! I need to start saving up!!!!!