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HMV Online Drops “Required” PS3/PSP Bundle

European gamers stood up and took notice of the recent news regarding the forced PS3/PSP bundle being prepared by HMV Online , and it was hardly a positive response. Therefore, the UK online retailer has responded by knocking off the "required" part, leaving the bundle as nothing more than an option. Originally, they would only guarantee a PS3 to those who pre-ordered the proposed bundle, which includes the PSP, two games, and a 4GB memory stick.

Of course, the reason why nobody liked the idea was because the bundle wasn't saving you any money. It would cost exactly the same if you bought every piece separately, so it's certainly not a "deal." Thankfully, though, other UK retailers aren't planning to do something equally offensive and create forced bundles for PS3 pre-orders.

"We won't be following HMV's lead on the PSP pre-order bundle, because we won't hold our customers ransom," said Martin Baxter, head of games at Choices UK. Way to go there, Martin! Stickin' up for the consumer. Stephen Lynn of Virgin Megastores was a bit more diplomatic, but equally firm. He said they're just gonna "keep things simple" and don't wish to "confuse" their customers over any given product. Not surprisingly, HMV has receded quietly into the night, offering no statement and simply making the PS3/PSP bundle optional.

See? We gamers don't have to stand for unfair packages designed by greedy retailers who want to take advantage of the customer. Speak up, and you can make a difference!