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Level-5 Recording English Voices For White Knight 2

RPG fans have been anxiously awaiting a North American release date for White Knight Chronicles 2 , and we're hoping the wait is almost over.

Firstly, developer Level-5 opened a new studio in this country, which undoubtedly helps with localization procedures. Secondly, the game has been available in Japan since this past Summer, and Level-5 has stated in the past that US fans shouldn't have to wait a full year to see the sequel (it took over a year for the first WKC to arrive in the States). Thirdly and finally, according to The Silent Chief citing some blog entries by English voice actor Wally Wingert . Here are some of those comments:

"I started the day by heading over to Atlantis Recording to record a few voices for the new White Knight Chronicles game."

Then, on September 13:

"…I went to Atlantis studios in Santa Monica. When I was doing the latest 'White Knight Chronicles' game, we had forgotten to grab a couple of lines. So I went in, did 3 takes of 3 lines and was out in under 5 minutes. WILD!"

That was over a month ago so it's obvious that English voice recording for White Knight Chronicles 2 is in full swing. We're not entirely sure where that step falls in the overall localization process, but we'll consider it good news for now. Hopefully, we'll get a US date before the year is out…

Related Game(s): White Knight Chronicles 2

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14 years ago

I have yet to finish WKC1. I'm about a third into it. It's a pretty fun game. I really enjoy the multiplayer co-op quests and the forum on there. People use that forum to talk about anything! lol

Anyways, back to WKC… my only gripe with this game, and others like it (mostly JRPGs), is that you are playing a kid. Sure, back in the day, when we were playing our NES and SNES, we were all kids, so all the JRPGs back then all had you playing as a kid.

But now, I think that age demographic has changed. I'd rather not play as a little boy anymore.

I just had to get that off my chest. Sorry. <end rant>

14 years ago

Dude, you're playing a game, you could be playing a 100 year old dude, or an 18 year old babe or a 12 year old boy or a 30-something battle hardened veteran. The protagonist in a game could be anything, why does it bother you to play a younger character in a JRPG?

Last edited by TheHighlander on 10/21/2010 12:48:41 PM

14 years ago

Not sure what you mean big6. My character was a 60sh midget with pink lipstick and purple hair. Definitely not a kid.

14 years ago

It's probably just your taste, I don't mind my avatar's age, but I do prefer playing as a teenager.

14 years ago

I'm not talking about the character you create in WKC. I'm talking about the main character, Leonard.
I wouldn't be complaining if the main character was the person I created.

14 years ago

Ah, I see.
But yea, it's all the same, I don't mind his age.

It's just you, I prefer my main character as a teenager.
Of course, it's because I'm a huge anime fan.

Last edited by Snaaaake on 10/21/2010 6:03:29 PM

14 years ago

finally i was beginning to worry that we wouldn't see wkc2 stateside

14 years ago

Unless it has the word "Tales" in its title and is developed by Namco Bandai, I don't think you need to worry too much on whether we will see it or not 🙂

Last edited by sonic1899 on 10/21/2010 1:50:48 PM

14 years ago

🙁 why you gotta throw salt on old wounds?

14 years ago

Well he says that they had forgotten to get a few lines so he went in and did them in quick time, so to speak. So it kind of sounds like the voice work was more or less complete when that blog entry was made. If that's the case, perhaps we are looking at an early 2011 release?

14 years ago

Ya, I guess the one nice thing about WKC1 taking forever to come state-side is now we're going to see the sequel only a year after WKC.

14 years ago

YES!!! Finally some news about wkc2, effin sweet. I'm super stoked for this. I loved the first game. Can't wait for the day that they say " its here " god I feel like a little kid waiting for christmas again. Swee-eet!.

On a completely different topic though, and I apologize in adcance, ben have you been following the law suit thing involving the state of calif. Vs. Video games under the 12t amendment? If not you should check it out, I've alos got a website for gamers such as ourselves to sign a petition saying that video games should be protected by the 1st amendment. If anyone wants to link to read into this get at me and let me know, and ill post it up. I've been folling the story on g4. For any who want more info.

Again, can't wait for wkc 2 !!!

14 years ago

Hope this comes out in early next year.
And speaking of next year, is there any other promising PS3 exclusives coming out in second half of 2011?
They already got the first half covered but what about the other half?

14 years ago

E3. But there's still stuff like Resistance 3, Uncharted 3, The Last Guardian, etc.

14 years ago

We can still hope right?
But I'm very happy that we're getting flooded with all these games, makes me a happy gamer.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

The Last Guardian, we still have no date for inFamous 2, possibly FFVersusXIII. Likely Twisted Metal. I think we'll be good.

14 years ago

Versus won't make it in 2011 though, SE said it themselves.
But you're right, should be nothing to worry about.

14 years ago

Let's hope they address the few but major flaws found in the first one.

14 years ago

Like? It was pretty solid. In my opinion it even puts FFXIII and FFXIV to shame. The psxe staff agrees.

Last edited by Scarecrow on 10/21/2010 1:41:52 PM

14 years ago

-Terrible characters
-Far too easy (I honestly can go through the game spamming a few spells)
-Far too much grinding involved with the MP portion in order to increase your guild rank.
-Too many locked levels for MP which require way too much play to get to
-The item sharing was broken
-SP pretty short for an RPG

Look, I've put well over 60hrs into the game and did enjoy it but there are some issues that kept it from the WOW factor. And speaking of FFXIII,, while its RPG elements were not up to snuff it's characters and story kept me wanting to play far more than WKC.

*Not sure why you're throwing in there that the psxe staff agrees. Having played the game multiple times I'll take my own experience over anyone elses.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 10/21/2010 1:52:25 PM

14 years ago

I agree with LV; the MP requires a lot of time just to go through the ranks. Not only that, some quests take up to 30 – 45 min for a good amount of experience while something like Big Red will give you more experience for a 5-10 min. run and thus you are more or less inclined to do Big Red over other quests if you want to go up the ranks. Item hunting is another story.

The other thing that I hope they fix in the 2nd title is distance. Often I'd be running through a level not wanting to fight every monster and even when I'd be at the end of a room or pathway, I'd still get hit with damage from an enemy that clearly would never reach me unless they hit me with a projectile.

14 years ago

WKC2 has improved on everything.

The difficulty is now how it should be with battles taking up to 10 mins to finish and attacks that now break the thousands in HP.
MP is ironed out and fair with it's system now.
Game length is massivly bolstered and L5 say SP can now take up to 60hrs without the new side quests.
Your avatar now has a knight.
Lastly, the new characters are apparently the best and the old get their twists to make em much more interesting.

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 10/21/2010 2:18:36 PM

14 years ago

LV, you forgot to mention the idiotic story. It's like a 14 year old wrote it. Absolutely the worst part of the game.

WKC was THE game I was waiting for when I bought my PS3. It wasn't quite what I hoped, but it was still very very good.


Last edited by Arvis on 10/21/2010 3:57:48 PM

14 years ago

The online guild level grinding was such a chore, I simply gave up. I don't have, or want to have, hundreds of hours to invest in the multi-player just to go up a guild level.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Uh…who at PSXE said WKC puts FFXIII to shame?

14 years ago

Interesting. So psxe gave it 8.5 and FFXIII 8.7
I thought WKC scored an 8.8 and FFXIII 8.4 here

Well then, imo WKC puts FFXIII to shame. From far more likable characters, to towns, to a better battle system, etc.

14 years ago

just wanted to elaborate on my comment above since it looks like a 6 year old posted it.
so its the state of calif. vs the esa/ema wich pretty much in a nut shell is the case that will determine whether a calif. law prohibiting the sale of "violent" video games to minors is unconstitutional. and whether or not video games should be protected under the 1ST ( not the 12t, that was a typo ) amendment.

heres the link to check out the sotry for yourselves :—-in-summation-looking-towards-november-2.html

and heres the link for the petition to protect video games under the 1st amendment :

just checked both links to make sure i gave the correct ones, and they will both take you where you need to go. again, sorry for being so off topic.

14 years ago

I still need to finish this game.

Level 5 is great. DQVIII and IX are awesome. Can't wait for Ni No Kuni on the PS3 and DSi.

14 years ago

Play it. I know you liked FFXII. Put some time into WKC and it'll bring you a lot of good memories, trust me.

14 years ago

Yea i will. I started playing and got distracted by other games. Ill go back to here soon. Before the second one is out for sure.

14 years ago

WKC1 will easily be this year's rpg of the year. So looking forward to WKC2.

The game is just plain fun. You can do anything in that game. So much customization, skill branches, georama (making your town, this damn fun), etc.

Even the online portion is awesome casual fun.

C'mon Level-5, bring this game home!

14 years ago

You drank way too much of the koolaid. WKC is a fun game but it's not the game you're making it out to be.

14 years ago

Well it's not like I like any VALVE's crap either.

Objectively WKC is a solid rpg just like objectively VALVE's games like Team Fortress and Portal are solid FPSs

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Well, I was wanting to get WKC, but when I heard the sequel had the original bundled with it I thought it better to wait. So now I'm waiting, and I want it. The ridiculous thing is, I say it in store last week (it was released in February, right), and it was still selling for $99! I was like, Get Shafted! I have honestly never heard of a game staying at launch price for nine months. Mind you, it was in the bargain bin, which threw me for six.

Anyway, that was random. So yeah, this will be an early purchase for me, as I really do want to try these titles. Also, can't wait for more info on Dogma Age.

14 years ago

Damn your games are expensive down Under. You can find it on Amazon for $35 new and on ebay for even cheaper used.

I bought it Day1 and enjoyed it for what it is. I'm looking forward to the 2nd one, I miss the days of PS1/PS2 when there was an endless cycle of new RPGs on the horizon to look forward to.

14 years ago

$99!? Where on earth do you live? That's like… gamer rape right there. Holysnap.

14 years ago


Other countries use the word Dollar to describe their own currency, so a poster may say something costs $99 in their market, but in fact based on exchange rates it could be much closer to the more normal (in the US) $59. Although as someone would point out if I fail to, most of the time if you do a straight currency conversion, people in other countries are still paying more for the same game. So that $99 might be Australian Dollars, which at the moment have parity with the US Dollar, so $99 in Australian dollars is $99 in USD. making a game priced at $99 in Australia a complete rip-off.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
14 years ago

Like Highlander said. I keep forgetting to write AUD after prices, but I do do it occasionally. But even so, it is a bit off a rip-off. Then again, as time goes by, I get paid more and the price has actually gone down from the $120 they were charging for most at the start of the generation, so I'm alright with it. Not much we can do about it but deal.

14 years ago

I think this will be out early '11 as they have The Another World to bring out too and it's out very soon in Japan.

One game to open the year, WKC2, and one to close it, The Another World.

This will solidify the fact that L5 are the new JRPG king.

I mean, look at those titles! Do you really care about some Versus thingy?

14 years ago

I knew it, there you go again with The Another World. I knew you were a spy.

14 years ago

Kinda figures with it being a L5 thread, eh?

14 years ago

No, not at all.

14 years ago

Maybe it will figure if i had strapped a bomb to a dog and sent it 1000 feet into the air and called myself a terriorist.

You will have to excuse myself and all this L5 talk, it's just that my arm feels like it's spent a couple of fortnights in a bad balloon.

14 years ago

Did you just call my mother a whore?

14 years ago

Several of them.

14 years ago

That doesn't make sense.

14 years ago

Loved the first. Can not wait to play the second. Now I need to go grind to increase my guild rank. 🙂

14 years ago

I like WKC and i think its a pretty good game. I look forward to WKC2 and you can transfer your save data too.

14 years ago

Demon's Souls and WKC have been two of the best JRPGs on PS3 this gen, really look forward to WKC2 and do stuff in GeoNet…..

14 years ago

will be the first game included in the second like they made in japan?? because i am waiting the launch the 2nd one to play the two games in a roll.