Established, blockbuster, revered franchises get all sorts of respect. And deservedly so.
When we asked whether gamers would rather have the sequel to Red Dead Redemption or Grand Theft Auto V , the majority went for the latter. We're relatively certain Rockstar will deliver both eventually and we're huge fans of RDR, but when it comes right down to it, GTA is GTA. It's gonna rule because…well, we just told you why. It's GTA . However, Rockstar should be happy with the following gained through RDR; there were a significant number of readers who would either prefer an RDR sequel, or desire RDR2 and GTAV about equally.
That's pretty impressive, especially considering that one would hardly call Red Dead Revolver any sort of smash hit; i.e., you probably didn't predict the start of a second awesome franchise with that title. But Redemption redeemed Rockstar in more ways than one and now, we sit anxiously anticipating what should end up being two of the best open-world sandbox games ever created.
This week, we'd like to get your Gran Turismo 5 release prediction. How soured are you? Are you now convinced it just won't make it this year? Are you buying the security reason, which would translate to only a brief delay? Let us know.
I got confused with all the GT's. I thought u were talking about GTA5 on the new poll lol. i was like "Wait… did i miss any news on gta5?" then youtubes gta5 trailer. lol
I don't know if I could put my faith in another GTA entry, they continuously got better IMO until the last one ($60 down the drain). Anyhow played RDR, not really my cup of tea, maybe if it was a few years earlier when I was still hungry for more western-esq games after playing GUN but o'well.
Honestly the only sandbox games I've enjoyed this generation so far (off the top of my head) are inFamous, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 … tis' a shame because done the right way they can be extremely fun.
Maybe I'm just being weird in the way I judge games and perhaps I'm just the only one who feels this way… who knows?
Last edited by laxpro2001 on 10/17/2010 9:52:10 PM
Seeing that I'm hoping Santa brings me GT5, I don't care when it releases just as long as it's before Dec 25th =)
And I'm not into either GTA or RDR. I played through GTA3 and some of Vice City, but since then I haven't really had the desire to go back. They're not really for me.
and btw, something I find kind of humerous. When I first came home from the rental store with Halo: Reach my wife asked "So is this a game you might want for Christmas?" … and I was like … "ooooh, no, that game has got to be Gran Turismo 5"
I said that when I was only like on the first level of Reach, but it still holds true.
You'll want to own Reach if you like FPSs. It's freakin' great.
Oh yeah, if you remember Ben, I was one of the big supporters of the game during it's release. During that rental time I nearly completed it twice. Once on normal, and just a couple levels shy of heroic. I also had some good online fun with it. The invasion mode is great.
But when it comes to GT5 vs. Halo Reach in terms of what one I will own first. It's gotta be GT5. I've waited a long, long time for this and I know it'll be great.
Well, GT5 has about a hundred times more longevity for me, too, just because I don't really play online.
Sadly, I voted for neither. While I'd be likely to end with GTAV and RDR2 in my collection at some point, I'm about done with meandering sandbox games until they somehow get more epic story lines. I can't much more of "Go here and kill so-and-so, do a race, go there and find this thing, talk to so-and-so to learn this and that. Over there though, not here, go over there. Sure you can be evil, but it'll be about impossible to walk around in daily life"
I still have to finish RDR, and while it's a fantastic game that wowed me from the word go, I just kind of lost interest. GTA, meh same thing. That franchise has done about all it can do.
As far as GT5 is concerned, I'm not concerned. It will probably get another few delays into next year but what can ya do?
Totally Agree. Open-world games need something special to keep my interest these days. I still enjoy adventure questing games for the most part though.
You know, World, it's interesting: GTAIV and RDR have extremely compelling and well-done storylines. If you put them down on paper before you, it's easily noticeable.
The problem is that we always find ourselves doing other things in sandbox games, even if we follow the story closely. The open-world aspect sort of hinders the flow and pacing of the story no matter what you do…and of course, flow and pacing are essential.
At their core, those stories are great. But they have to fit inside a format that doesn't allow the plots to shine. I imagine it's a difficult design conundrum for game makers. If you don't see the end of RDR, btw, you won't appreciate the greatness of it…maybe the most fitting ending ever.
I'm with you World 😀
Ben you do bring about a good point… its not they lack compelling storied but rather they are watered down by breaks in the main story line, however one game did a good job of delivering and that was inFamous… granted there wasn't a shipload of quests outside the main game like in Oblivion (though the story wasn't really compelling but the game is fun as) and Fallout but maybe thats the way to go…
I'm not sacrifice content for more focus on story-driven quests but something does need to be done IMO
Also your fondness for RDR's ending sort of reminds me of my initial reaction to the ending in Uncharted… granted it wasn't emotional or anything crazy but I feel I appreciated the game even more (didn't realize that was possible) after finishing it…
Last edited by laxpro2001 on 10/17/2010 10:25:39 PM
Sadly I read a spoiler about it on here by accident, maybe that's why it's hard to continue.
I know what you mean Ben, I think the stories are pretty decent too. And we definitely get lost in all the little jobs. But when I say "epic" I mean "epic" in the old sense of the word. Like Heavy Rain had a great story, but it wasn't an epic. Imagine a story set in the Liberty City of GTA, but instead of taking a man on a mission of vengeance or a guy who just wants to make it big in the mafia, the guy winds up mixed up in something that is much bigger than himself. Country and world-saving kind of stuff. Ya know, a bit more exciting.
if ur like me, i just enjoy the adventure aspect. the story 4 red dead redemption definitely peaked my interest but it was just getting to the end of it that i loved. the shooting to me was a means to get back to my peaceful sightseeing and horse riding.
hence peacemaker.
even though i enjoyed every second of shooting out kneecaps and executing surrendering strippers with a shotgun to the chin…
good times
World: Yeah, well, they always seem to want to center on the character of the story. I still that's a good idea just because we spend so much time with him, but they could branch out a bit.
So, basically, World, you want a FF-esque JRPG story. Those are always end up about your character saving the world.
Now if they can make a gta with the epic scope and freedom we had in san andreas. Give it red deads graphics and controls and i believe it could restore my faith in gta after the letdown that was gta4
Agree 100% 😉
I was expecting my horse to come with a radio in RDR (where is my metal radio station?).
My money is on early December for GT5, I'm not saying Sony might release it around then, I'm saying THEY HAVE TO.
GTA has had what? 4 games?
give red dead time to establish a proper fan base even though i believe little time is needed because red dead is on very equal terms with GTA.
Counting every game, GTA has had over ten… Just sayin'
as 4 GT5… december for yooooouuu!
I wouldn't say I'm soured, I was saddened as I've been looking forward to this _intensely_ for a very long time (I shouldn't have to say this, everyone should know by now I'll be buried with my copy of GT5 and my PS3…along with my original PS1 memory card lol). As I said in a previous thread, this does make it much easier for me to read the new Wheel of Time book when it hits shelves on 11/2, rather than having to decide between two franchises I've followed for over a decade lol.
I certainly buy what they're saying…at this time. If you look carefully at what's been said, anything but a simple FW update or something similar, could take a drastically longer amount of time to fix, and I don't think PD or Sony, want to risk gamers patience even further (I'm not about to turn the other cheek, but I can imagine some people who took time off in advance et al are pretty pissed right about now.) So announcing it as a tiny delay and pushing it into 2011 simply seems like something they will avoid at any and all costs. This is their holiday system/software seller, by far, they don't want to lose that.
I definitely think it'll be out before Christmas, without a doubt. If Sony has to delay a few other games in order to get enough resources onto printing out the estimated 7m copies they want at launch, they'll do it. With the dev time hype (constant reminders from multiple sources), franchise history and word of mouth hype, this game is going to sell like wildfire.
Last edited by Mornelithe on 10/17/2010 11:15:12 PM
I'm lagging behind on A Crown of Swords.
Pick it up buddy, the most recent book 'The Gathering Storm' was AWESOME! Easily one of the top 5 in the series. The next book 'Towers of Midnight' well, let's just say an old friend is coming back into the storyline 😉 I am so freekin excited I can't even begin to tell ya! =)
I think action-sandbox games like inFamous will be the future. As long as that future forgets Prototype.
Heh, I used that same RDR redeemed R* pun…
Anyway, I voted GTA, but they really do need to change something up in those titles to make them feel new and memorable, without feeling as if they've copied from other games.
GT5: Who knows? I'm hoping for sometime this year, but I'm being a realist and guessing perhaps early next year. As a result of this indecision, I refuse to vote.
GTA was and always will be the king, it will take 50 GTAIV flops to change that!
simply because 1,2,3, vice city, liberty city stories, san andreas, and vice city stories are the best, funnest games i have ever played!
if i could get any game remade for the ps3, any at all it would be GTA vice city, by far one of the best ps2 games ever created!
that said, screw GTAV and screw RDR2, RELEASE AGENT, LA NOIRE OR MAX PAYNE 3 GOD DAM IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone needs to remind R* your suppose to announce a game, than release it before you announce a new one.
not announce 5 than maybe release one if we have time before we announce another 5.
i like playing my games, not waiting half a decade for them!
despite being told christmas 2010 for GT5s date be 3 different people at the motor show yesterday, ill bet november 25th.
here games always release on a thursday, theres some exceptions but not many most release on a thursday.
any earlier than that thursday would be too soon, doubt the production could be done that fast.
any later than that, and well sony have seriously shot themselves not in the foot, not in the leg, but in the balls, both balls!
games sell like hotcakes sony knows that, most people do there christmass shopping towards the end of november, so sony are going to loose out on a sh*t load of money if its out too late.
Last edited by ___________ on 10/18/2010 2:40:52 AM
sandbox games aren't for me. They make me feel listless.
People keep saying Infamous is better than RDR and GTAIV. Infaomus has a great story and some niffy gameplay, but I don't know if it is better than Rockstars game. But Infamous is funner than GTAIV and RDR. Just like World, I got a little bored of RDR. GTA and RDR go here and do this crap is getting kind of stale. Fallout 3 was a better open world game than RDR im my opinion. I want GTAIV and RDR2, but I can easily wait because I know what to expect, but if Rockstar can reinvent the openworld gaming experience…I'm all go.
You said it. InFamous was more fun, and better-paced. GTA4/RDR had a different charm: hording your favorite stuff like weapons vehicles/horses, customizing your character's look, and a bit higher production values (radio, tv shows, more random street events). But so far, i think inFamous 2's production values look like they'll be matching Uncharted 2's. So inFamous 2 may end up being more than just the funner game.
I foget what i picked on last week poll but i enjoy all sandbox type game RDR2 or GTA5 will be great no matter what.
i picked mid-November just got a funny feeling that we will see it sooner rather then later.
Gran Turismo 5 is by far #1 all time on my games I gotta have list. I was extremely disappointed in the Nov. 2nd delay. The one thing I take comfort in is the fact that PD will be giving us something special.
I honestly can say my vote (End of November-Beginning of December) is jaded. That is what I hope happens, although I wouldn't be surprised if the game arrives in early 2011.
With GTA and Red Dead, I got bored with both of them, so nothing more to say on that topic.
I'm hoping GT5 will be out before Christmas, but I sure wouldn't put any money on it. I don't even know what to say at this point. It seems that no matter how pessimistic and cynical I get, it's never enough.
Anything new on Agent? I just remember thats supposed to be an exclusive and I heard that a while ago. Is Rockstar still workin on that?
GT5 will be out this year, I'm thinking a very early December release. Nov. 30 will give PD four weeks, and Dec. 7 will be 5 weeks, that is the time frame I see GT5 releasing.
rock* been working on GTAv for a while, before June. since RDR came out in May(June is after may) I say rock* is working on a RD sequel.
They been working on GTAv for a long time, we all know that… right?
I've been pretty socially acceptable about the highly acclaimed GTA series… but I'm just gonna admit to something and just say it.
I don't get GTA. I understand how to play… I understand that people like it… but I just don't know why. It has no appeal for me… To me… I'm sorry to say… they are just really dumb games that, quite frankly, have characters I don't buy.
I'm sorry… but they are really stupid.
There. I feel much better now. A little out of character… but I feel better.
Because its a mess about game, ultimate fun!
I played a mess about game with your mom last night…
just kidding. ^.^
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