People like movies. People love free. …nothing wrong here.
Starting this Saturday, it seems the PlayStation Store will be updated with one free movie rental as part of a new "Midnight Movies" promotion. Provided you log in between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. EST, you can download the featured film for free and watch it that night; perhaps it could act as a nice complement to all your game playing. However, according to the official word from Sony, this promotion probably only applies to US PSN subscribers, so European PS3 owners might be left out in the cold on this one. The Sony update can be found at Joystiq :
"Halloween is here! This week you can find your favorite monsters, zombies and blood-thirsty creatures all in one place. Get incredible discounts on monster movies like Let the Right One In, Dawn of the Dead, The Fog and many more! Plus, you can rent Bram Stoker's Dracula for FREE when you visit the Halloween Horror Flicks collection on PlayStation®Store, Saturday, 10/16, from 5 PM PDT through 3 AM PDT 10/17!"
Yep, Bram Stoker's Dracula is first on the list; it'll be interesting to see the other movies that arrive for free. We're also willing to bet that PlayStation Plus members will receive some sort of movie-related bonus, if they haven't already. This, combined with today's Netflix announcement , helps to solidify Sony's machine as a diverse entertainment hub.
Ohhhhhh I love scary movies!
I've never bought/rented a movie off the PSN so I'll check out Dracula since it's free.
I tried recently, but because I had my first system YLOD last year, (I now have a refurbished system from Sony) the new system won't allow me to play movies from the store. Unfortunately Sony had no fix for me, because my original system was activated for movie play, sadly I didn't find this out until I paid for my first rental. I said all that to vent a little bit because now I can't take part in these weekend rentals. Oh by the way you should check it out its a good movie.
Last edited by Streets_74 on 10/14/2010 4:35:41 PM
Sorry to hear about your troubles.
I've seen Dracula many times, saw it in theaters when it first came out. My favorite Vampire movie of the 90s is either Interview with the Vampire(1994) or Vampires (1998)
@Streetz_74. Sony does have a fix for you. It takes a little persistence but it can be done.
@ streets74
just make another account!!!
@Streets_74, I see other comments about this already, but let me reiterate. I had the same issue, and all I had to do is call Sony tech support and explain the situation about how my old 60GB died and that I could not unregister it from home. The person I spoke with knew exactly what I was talking about and they unregistered the old system on their end.
It's too bad Sony is so restrictive with their PSN movie service, only being able to register one PS3. If I rent or buy the physical disk, I can play it on any system in my home. That's why I don't use Sony's service more often. But hey, for the free movies this month, I guess you can't beat the price! 😉
I you want to check what PS3 systems you have active for video or game content go to the QRIOCITY website.
I have to say that that is awesome. Sadly I have a monthly download cap of 5 GB so watching these movies out of the question and I love horror films. On the topic of horror, does anyone know when the Walking Dead premieres?
Last edited by sirbob6 on 10/14/2010 4:01:05 PM
Halloween night.
Last edited by MadKatBebop on 10/14/2010 4:03:49 PM
Romero's Dawn of the Dead or 2004 Dawn of the dead??
Thanks, I can't wait.
yeah it's halloween night. i've been readin the comics for years. i love them.
Why do you have a download cap?
Good thing I don't, I just finished downloading Hell's Kitchen Seasons1-5.
5gb is a terribly small cap. I don't envy you friend.
@ LV
hell's kitchen? i'd kick that Randy guy's a**
haha, i'd kill for a 5g cap. I have Hughes Net, I get 250mb per day.
The Walking Dead looks like it is going to be awesome. I love Darabont's work, although I never saw The Majestic.
I have a cap because Verizon Wireless is the only people that provide internet in my area. The Road Runner lines stops 100 yds from my house.
this is why i love sony.
I think Sony is about give us even more "LOVE". Thats all us loyal customers need, a little TLC.
Hmm, guess my US account will come in handy this saturday then.
Will those movies have Blu-Ray compatibility? (i think its a stupid question)
Watching Bram Stocker's Dracula in such high quality would be a pleasure! The movie is classic! I really recommend to everybody here!!! 😀
<3 Sony
Movies + Dracula + Free is definitely an all around win situation. A brilliant move by Sony if ever there was one.
If Sony continues these power moves as I expect they will.. "The times they are a changin.."
@Streets_74, I don't get it why would it matter. It's the same account right? Maybe I'm missing something. I would hate for this to happen.
It can and will happen. If you have multiple systems that is. Sonys limitations in the way they activate and deactivate game and video content is notorious.
and that is just one of a million reasons why I will never pay for digital downloads.
SONY is moving in!
This is good stuff. I have yet to watch a movie on my PS3, looking forward to checking this out. No sign of Playstation Plus incentives yet.
Wish they would announce free Fallout 3 DLC for the U.S. soon; like they currently have in PAL regions.
@Streets_74,I had the same problem all i hadda do was give them some information of my account login an it took 1-3 days but they got my new system reactivated.
Nice! I love horror movies and Bram Stoker's Dracula is a good one 🙂
Hey Ben, do you happen to know if the free movies with be in HD or will they just be the SD version? I would think HD but you never know…
Cool move, but I've seen that 10,000 times.
For the truly sick and twisted, go rent "The Human Centipede"
Not half as bad as people make it. Lol, that plus Hostile makes me wanna avoid Europe.
That movie sucks World. It's all shown off camera and the entire premise is so laughably absurd it's hard to take anything in the movie serious.
If you want to watch a sick/twisted movie I suggest the classic Cannibal Holocaust (which at the time of its release was considered real and thus the director was thrown in jail until he was able to have several of the actors show up to prove they were still alive). OR the French movie Inside which is one of the most disturbing movies I've ever seen.
Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 10/14/2010 8:26:40 PM
It was just so… wrong.
LV, I'll bet you liked Grimm Love though.
World you beat me to my edit, damn you!
Grimm Love doesn't do much justice to the real life events it's supposed to be depicting which explains it's very low critic score but it's a hell of a lot better than that IFC bullshit.
Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 10/14/2010 8:29:13 PM
for something sick and twisted checkout Murder, Set, Pieces. and Maniac, the best headshot you will ever see.
The one that was released was said to be just a "demo" to test the market. The real one is said to have a 27 person "centipede".
Actually in an interview Tom Six (Writer/Director) said it's going to be 12 people.
Regardless of the amount of people involved I doubt it will be any better than the mediocre first one.
27? good lord.
Guess you didn't bother to read my reply which corrected the amount given by Main.
Thanks a lot!
dont forget the canadians Sony
sigh, sony giving everyone else the middle finger.
yet AGAIN!
can someone please remind me why i bought a ps3?
Lets see: Blu-Ray, exclusives, free online, and various other perks.
Credibility Zero aka "______________"
At the rate you go on & on negatively on just about everything Playstation wise, along with almost all it's games, then I don't think we can even attempt to remind you why, as we haven't 1 single solitary freakin' clue as to why you bought a PS3.
I own Dracula on DVD, but I may "rent" it just to experience how PSN rentals work.
I'll give it a try. They should have made a poll (I'm not a fan of that movie, but I like horror movies). BTW, a poll area on the PSN could be a nice feature…like the one we have here on this site.
It's only the SD version. I'm not even going to waste my time downloading it. I've seen it too many times to watch it in SD again…
Yep, the PS3 is 1080P yet they give away SD. That's just wrong.